What will it look like when the SHTF?

Ever wonder what a real SHTF moment would look like?
riots and fire in vancouver 2011

Ever wonder what a real crisis would do to our country?

Well take a look at the video of these moronic fans who can’t even handle the fact that their team lost; now imagine these same people in front of your home when the food runs out. That is why we Prep!

people rioting after hockey game in vancouver

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  1. Hope people don’t think this is what canada/vancouver is like… this was a group of people bent on destruction (win or loss). But you’re right, when the food runs out this will be minor in comparason. Lets just hope they are hungry and weak instead of hugry and crazy…

  2. Calvin – I’ve been to Vancouver on several occasions and I know that’s not what it’s like. And, as I mentioned i a post over on my blog yesterday, this kind of nonsense isn’t limited to Canada or hockey. The Lakers fans have rioted when they lost and when they’ve won. It’s happened in Boston, Barcelona, and London.

    When people recognize that the authorities are overwhelmed and that they is little chance of getting caught, they tend to follow mob mentality.

    As the author of this blog mentioned, if they do this after a game, what will it be like when there’s a food shortage or a financial collapse?


  3. What scares the heck out of me is, if this is what it looks like after a GAME, what will it look like when people are hungry, thirsty, and scared?!?!

  4. Joe makes a grat point, “When people recognize that the authorities are overwhelmed and that they is little chance of getting caught, they tend to follow mob mentality.” What will happen when it’s not as simple as your team winning or losing and the authorities are overwhelmed?

  5. Now is a good time to become proficient in wilderness survival. The sheeple masses will not make it into the national forest and wilderness areas. However they may make it to the campgrounds and road systems, but not in the remote areas.

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