Outdoor Tips – Safe Hiking

One of the biggest killers in the wilderness is a lack of preparation. Before setting out on any hike, you must prepare yourself by researching what hazards you might face. Then you need to make sure you know how to safely handle those situations.

People Hiking

Make sure someone knows your plans.

It’s sad, but most people who get lost and die in the wilderness probably would have lived had they told someone where they were going. Even the most experienced of hikers have made the mistake of thinking that it can’t happen to them.

When hiking or doing any kind of backcountry activity, you need to let someone know where you’ll be and when you plan to return.

  • Write down the names of the trails and locations that you plan on hiking.
  • Write down when you plan to start hiking and when you plan to finish.
  • Agree on a time that people should start to call for help if you have not contacted someone.

Leave a note on your Dashboard

Before you leave your vehicle, put a note on the dashboard for emergency responders. If search and rescue needs to find you this will make their job a lot easier.

Make sure you include:

  • Which routes and trails you plan on hiking.
  • When you plan to return to your vehicle.
  • Your emergency contact information, and your main point of contact who knows your plans.

If you get lost, Stay Put

Despite what you see on those reality T.V. shows where the host spends most his time running through the wilderness like an idiot, if you want to make it out alive you need to stay put. 95% of all survival rescues happen during the first 72 hours of any survival situation; most of those rescues happen because the person stayed in one spot.

  • If you’re Lost, staying put and staying calm will maximize your chances of survival.
  • The best thing you can do is realize that rescue teams are probably on the way, and then find a way to make yourself as visible as possible to the search and rescue teams.
  • Build a shelter, find some water, and stay warm and dry.
  • If there are no other options, leave only when you are absolutely sure there is no chance of a rescue teams finding you.
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