Survival Kit Item – Duct Tape
Duct tape is a great item to have in your survival kit. It has a number of uses and can help you make emergency repairs to just about everything. […]
Duct tape is a great item to have in your survival kit. It has a number of uses and can help you make emergency repairs to just about everything. […]
Space Blankets can be a life saver and are a great add-on to any survival kit. They’re Cheap, take up little room and they way just about nothing. […]
Having any type of container in a survival situation can improve your conditions. Plastic Freezer Bags make a great addition to any survival kit or Bug Out Bag.
Freezer Bags are strong, cheap, require very little space in your kit, and have a million uses in the wild. It’s # 1 Use is the ability to get and store water. […]
Plastic Tubing be extremely useful in desert survival. It’s a good idea to carry a few feet of plastic tubing with you in your survival kit. It can come in handy when trying to find water in the desert. […]
Looking for a good gift for that survivalist in your family?
Check out these 15 Survival Gadgets that are just under $40. They’re perfect for any survivalists Christmas wish list. […]
The Henry Survival Rifle is a perfect addition to any backpack. It’s small, reliable, and can fit into any bag with room to spare. […]
The M-110 Sniper Rifle is the newest sniper rifle made for the U.S Army snippers. […]
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