Will the price of gas plunge the world into Chaos?

Saudi Oil RigThe chaos in the Middle East could drive the price of gas to well over $5 a gallon very soon. Early this morning, Gadhafi started to bomb the oil fields in Libya causing many to worry about the overall security of the world’s oil reserves. To make matters worse, the uproar could spread to Saudi Arabia as a “Day of Rage” is planned for this Friday.

If the problems reach Saudi Arabia, a number of analysts are predicting that oil prices could easily hit $200 a barrel. If things got bad enough, and production was halted, say good bye to any hopes of an economic recovery. In fact, you may want to say good bye to the economy!

If gas goes over $5 a gallon just imagine what our country will look like.

$5 a gallon could be wishful thinking….

If Saudi starts to look anything like Libya, the effect on the world’s economy could be catastrophic. Currently, Saudi Arabia produces about 11 million barrels of oil a day. To put that into perspective the United States uses about 20 million barrels a day. See a problem?

And it’s not just a Saudi Arabian production that could be in danger. Almost two-thirds of the world’s oil supplies are found in the region. If the turmoil in the Middle East causes the Straits of Hormuz to be cut off or closed, 25% of the world’s oil supply would stop. A collapse in Saudi would have a ripple effect throughout the world. The price of everything will go through the roof and panic will quickly spread like wild fire.

How long do you think people will stay calm when they can’t afford to feed their families? How long will it be before people start taking to the streets in America?


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1 Comment

  1. I intend to stock up now, maybe a little late granted but better late than never. Like another post on this site says, rice would be the best bet. I dont know, buy 7-8 bags of the stuff and just bury it in your garden, no one will know its there but you (cheap enough too). Rice might not sound appealing but its better than living on nothing.

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