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Economic News: Financial Preparedness Alerts

Living Debt Free… Is it part of your survival plan?

August 17, 2011 Off The Grid 12

Did you know that the average American family has over $15,000 of credit card debt, and a staggering total debt of over $75,000? Living a debt free lifestyle will give you peace of mind while everyone else is living in chaos. Check out our 5 Ideas to living Debt Free….. […]

Economic News: Financial Preparedness Alerts

Can the Average American Family Financially Survive?

As the country falls deeper into economic turmoil the Average American Family is struggling to stay afloat. According to the most recent figures, the average American family has over $15,000 of credit card debt and a staggering total debt of over $75,000. Check out our inforgraphic to see how big the problem really is…… […]