Dead Fish wash up in Redondo Beach

Remember back in January when we reported on all the bizarre animal deaths? Well it looks like it’s happening again.

Millions of dead fish washed up in King Harbor Marina in Redondo Beach California this morning. Authorities are not commenting on what may have caused the large kill off but say they will be investigating the matter.

Kind of crazy that no one is taking these mass animal deaths seriously!

Shirts of Liberty

OFFGRID Survival book



  1. We had very high winds and surf in the area last night. King Harbor opens up into the Redondo Canyon and we have large schools of anchovy, sardines and mackerel around all the time. The weather pushed the fish into the harbor into the back basins (1 and 2) where they depleted the oxygen supply and died off. No crazy explanations needed. Lived here since birth, not the first time we’ve had a mass die off in the harbor. Two years ago a red tide killed everything in basin 3. Literally had 2 and three pound lobsters crawling out of the water to escape.

  2. I agree. This could something that is normal but we should still monitor these situations closely. Thanks for posting it on here.

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