Superstorm Sandy – The Aftermath

New York FloodingAs Superstorm Sandy makes its way inland, it’s left a wave of destruction that stretches hundreds of miles and over 15 different states. The East Coast woke this morning to find widespread unthinkable devastation, mass transit systems that could take weeks to bring back online and a power grid that has been decimated in some areas.

7.5 million people are without power, many of those will be without power for at least a week. Con Edison is telling customers that it will take at least 7 – 10 days to restore power, as much of the East Coast still remains underwater.

A spokesman for Con Edison said “We have to assess the damage,”… “Now we have to get in there, get the salt water out, basically the dried salt, dry the equipment, test it and then make sure it’s safe to restore the power.”

New York was among the hardest hit after seawater overtook large parts of the city, causing a complete shutdown of the city’s Mass transit system. A spokesman for MTA said the superstorm caused the worst damage in the 108-year history of New York’s subway system. All ten of the underground tunnel systems have been flooded with seawater and there’s no timeline for when the transit system will be back up and running.

New York Subway Flooding

New York City experienced over 2o major fires during the storm, with the most severe one in Breezy Point, Queens, that burned more than 80 homes.

The death toll from Sandy has reached 26 people and is expected to climb as rescuers move into the affected areas. Millions are without power, and rescuers expect to find a large number of people trapped in homes and sky rises throughout the East Coast.

The superstorm itself is expected to wreak havoc for at least a few more days as it makes its way across land, bringing blizzard conditions to areas of West Virginia. Over 250,000 people in West Virginia are without power and forecasters warn the storm could drop 2 to 3 feet of snow across the state.

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  1. The question is with the subways down, Roads flooded, and stores empty of staple items, will emergency crews get to people before that three day window. So many folks closely packed together, can be a monumently task on a good day to get supplies in daily. Such a largely effected area, means you may have to start moving towards help now. Otherwise if you haven’t planned ahead, you may run out of supplies before you close the distance to fresh supplies. Prepping will look more appealing to folks when this over. Because you know there are preppers somewhere quietly watching people go past there house. knowing they’ll be okay. They have enough food and power to get along. As long as the government doesn’t come take their weapons like Katrina they’ll be just fine. For everyone not prepare what happens now ?

  2. Well I have a short term future cast about this disaster. I think folks should look at this.
    1 it is three and a half weeks approximately from the black Friday.
    2 we are days away from ye elections.
    3 we are about a month away from chrisrltmas.

    4 we are nearing Dec 22 2012 for the end of the. Mayan calendar.
    Fun times ahead? What do you guys think?

  3. I’m hoping that people will take prepping a little more seriously now since this trend is far from over. Part of my survival plan was to “move out of the way,” and I moved from New York City this past August.

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