When things go bad, having a dedicated bug out location or survival shelter can really help put your mind at ease. Not only will you have a place to go, far from the chaos and dangers associated with urban survival, but you will also have a place where you can safely store backup supplies and equipment.
Bug Out Location Checklist
Here are some of the top considerations that you need to keep in mind when looking for the ultimate bug out property.
Distance should be a big Factor in Choosing a Bug Out Location

When it comes to buying a survival retreat or bug out location, location really is the key.
How far is the land from your current location, and are you able to safely make it there during a crisis?
If you’re purchasing a piece of property to serve as a bug out location, then you really need to consider how far that property is from your current home. Unless you have a good refueling plan, you need to really think about any piece of property that you can’t make it to on a single tank of gas.
While having a bug out location far from the danger zone is important, making sure you can safely get there during a time of crisis is essential.
How far is the land from high-density population areas?
If you’re looking for a full-time survival retreat, distance isn’t really a problem. In fact, I would think the farther you can get away from the major cities, the better off you’ll be during a major collapse or SHTF situation.
Population Density – During a crisis situation, areas with the highest population densities will experience the most crime, the most social unrest, the highest likelihood for epidemics, and the highest death tolls due to lack of resources and sanitation. When choosing a bug out location or survival retreat, we suggest staying as far away from high-density population areas as possible.
Water Availability & Water Sources

A good reliable water source is one of the most important considerations when choosing a bug out retreat. From fresh water springs and rivers to underground well water, the need for a clean and renewable water source is the number one factor to consider when looking for survival properties.
- Is water available independent of any municipal supply or source?
- What water sources are on the land, and what water rights will you own?
- Are they renewable, and will they be there year round?
- Is the property graded in a way that allows for a pond or cistern to catch rain water?
Hiding in Plain Sight: Keeping your Shelter Concealed

The ability to conceal your site may become necessary during a SHTF Bug Out situation. Having a place that provides adequate resources to conceal your living quarters might be another factor in choosing your location.
- How easy would it be for someone to wander on to your land during a bug out situation?
- Do the natural features of the land help conceal and shelter you, or are they an obstacle to using the land? This will be a difficult balancing act!
- Can you easily secure and defend the land?
Self-sufficiency: The Ability to Live off your Land

Picking a location where you can sustain your lifestyle is another important consideration. From having enough sunlight to support a solar system, to picking a location that provides a good amount of firewood to heat your home, the ability to sustain your lifestyle needs to be one of the top concerns on your BOL checklist.
Natural Resource – Another important factor in choosing your property is the area’s natural resources.
- How easy is it to grow food on your land?
- Does the area support a decent size population of wild animals for hunting?
- Can you easily raise livestock on the land?
Consider the Cost of Living and Threats from Government Bureaucrats

Cost of Living Issues – Unfortunately, the country is set up in a way that guarantees you never really own your property. From the government seizing homes over zoning issues to having to pay taxes on a property that you already own free and clear, it seems our government always has its hands in our business. When considering your location, the cost of living needs to be factored into your plan. Property taxes, cost of local goods and your ability to keep up with your payments are all things that must be considered.
Zoning Issues – As we mentioned above, the government at every level has a way of really screwing with your plans. Make sure you thoroughly investigate local zoning ordinances and find out exactly what you can and can’t build, what permits are needed and how much trouble local zoning officials have been to local residents.
Consider Location Based Threats & Natural Disaster Patterns

From tornadoes and hurricanes to earthquakes and droughts, natural weather patterns and environmental threats need to be thoroughly researched before deciding on a property. Make sure you know exactly what threats you will be facing, and how the local climate will affect your ability to grow food, hunt and obtain resources throughout the year.
- Look at the areas historical data to better get an idea what the location might look like in the future.
- Take into account things like droughts, flash floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes.
- Look at crime statistics near your potential property and within a 50-mile radius of the property.
Sounds like a perfect description for the mountains of western NC, where I live.
BTW I also am a Realtor…………..:)
Jon, I too have a nice property in the area. going to list it soon…drop me an email so we can talk…
17ac, full time creek, secluded, good sun, soil, game. Oak cabin @200k $$ 90 miles from Charlotte
Robert…did you ever list your home? the wife and I may be interested.
have 5.5 acres in Pamlico county nc across from river very secluded and round house elevated with full shop underneath 1500 sq ft well and septic 800 foot gated drive cant be seen from rd
Jeff please send details & pictures if interested send details on how to get in touch with you
Call me please I am interested. 843-307-0344 Tracy in sc
update forgot about this post now 11 acres very secluded surrounded by hundreds of thousands of acres of woods had forgotten I posted this we are moving to mtns, wv
jeff are you still selling your property. husband and I might be interested
Would like more details on land & home also pictures If likes need way to contract you
Did you sell property? I know this was from 4 years ago. I am interested in looking at this property. If sold, do you have any other properties for survival purposes? First off, my name is Chris Rogers and I am from Maryland. I am looking for a place away from wash dc for obvious reasons. I would realistically like to get into a property that has some like-minded people. I have some very unique skill sets as well as lots of good equipment, security gear, etc. I am 43 and have been self-employed (General Contractor of Residential/commercial structures) for over 20 years, hence the equipment.. I have a lot off Bobcat / Skid steers / Backhoes/full-size hoes/trailers both open and closed. Which I am more than capable of setting up and using to build cabins, underground concrete bunkers, trailers and shipping containers for storage. I have the skills and tools for framing structures as well as the lumber from my uncles sawmills (which are located in Olean NY), not to mention ATV’s and trucks. These are just things that I am looking to set up on whatever property that I get involved with so that I can start to work on setting up a well-fortified and hidden prepper’s camp. I am a very well educated individual with very high knowledgeable IT Systems and communications equipment. I actually do some serious Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking for DOD, so setting up automated systems that secure structures and implementing data card, facial recognition, eye retina scan, or biometrics for security is nothing for me set up. I also have a huge, (very huge) arsenal of everything that one can think of along with ammo and I reload, as well as gunsmith my own technical weapon systems. Sorry for writing you this book I am really serious about getting something together in the next few months so that I can spend this winter setting up things. Please reach out to me. Thanks Chris Rogers 301-523-0567 call/text
I don’t know about the mentioned property but I have a great forty acre property super for homesteading or prepped lifestyle. Some open for farming, some wooded. In the middle of the Isothermal Belt of western NC. Portion very secluded. Neighbors private and prepper minded. Between Charlotte and Asheville. No zoning in the county. Good well area and all will perk. 8 miles from town. $5,000 per acre with owner financing. No trailers except wood sided. Can be split into ten acre’ve parcels, buyer pays for survey. I am a r e broker but this is mypersonal land.
I’d be interested in more info
On the land for sale
my name is Bryan Gullette. very interested in buying land in that area.
If I may be included in any real estate information I’d appreciate it. I saw your message and am in a slightly similar situation. I’m looking for something out from Atlanta. I, too, work for the govt. have been really wanting to figure out where I might get a property set up that I can get to away from Atlanta. I don’t have your skillsets and am 61 so I need something reasonable as far as labor and upkeep.
I have a rustic log home on 0.98 acres hiden into mountain in Franklin NC asking 215,000.00
Hi Chris, I saw your reply and wanted to know if you want to talk about me joining the group you set up. I have skills too and am working on getting an EMT class so I can be of even more help. God bless!
Hi Chris. I too am looking for a group to join. I am a professional mechanic and a machinist. Jack of all trades too. can build anything. Im in az now but want to get away from the desert. drop me an email if interseted.
wheres this at? Is it listed yet? Interested…
Hi Jon,
Please email me your realty website. I will be in western NC in May looking for property.
Sorry, but I have a cabin in that area as we’ll and it’s probably one of the worst places for a bug out location, as it’s basically in to the “Smoky Mountains” region! Why is that region called the “blue ridge or the Smokey mountains”????? Because it’s the perfect environment for trapping harmful gasses, biological, or nuclear fallout, etc. if any city south or west of here is attacked, the fallout will drift to and settle right over your secluded bug out shelter as you breath in that fresh mountain air!
Rick, I am currently living outside of Spartanburg, SC but have been looking for a piece of property either in northern SC or western NC. I am trying to make sure I understand what you are saying. I understand that nuclear fallout blows to the east and have looked at all the nuclear plants in the area and 50 mile ranges which leaves very little area to consider. I would appreciate any guidance so that I do not make a bad decision. Thanks in advance.
Bull #&*#!
Rick; Gee it sounds like no one is interested in listening to what you have to say and that’s a bad decision on their part. We’ve just learned in the above article how important it is to find a safe refuge. Can you tell us more? I know coal shafts litter the landscape. Is the mist that rises coming from underground coal deposits heated and venting? I’ve read of people living there getting Black Lung Disease who never worked the mines.
No coal in western NC/Appalacians, that’s in the Cumberland plateau: TN, VA, KY, etc. Also the air here is fine and you are protected from radiation and fallout by the terrain. Base your search on research not emotional response and off the cuff commentary and you’ll be fine.
What about the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas. Would that be a good place to bug out? Thanks
I knew it
Yeah, you are so right. Keep looking for a suitable tract.
jon can you reply to me before 8-13-14 I only have this at work and will be in your area by sept. to look for properties. reply to e-mail
thanks david
Hi Jon,
I’m looking for a small piece of land in that part of the state. Good running stream would be nice as far away from people as I can get. looking to go completely off the grid.
Marvin, I have 3 acres near Spruce Pine that’s ready to go with buried storage tanks and a 40 foot shipping container that is not visible from the air or road. It also comes stocked with lots of food stores. It has two streams running through it with crystal clear water year round. Many extras are included. Will accept best reasonable offer. Well over $60,000 invested.
NC Mtn man~where is your property located exactly?
Marvin, do you still have property?
NC Mtn Man, I know its been almost a year, but any chance your place is still available? I will be in North GA and NC weekend of 10-24 looking for an off grid/survival property to buy. If yours is still available let me know. If anyone else has something available, please respond to me here. Thanks everyone,
and God Bless!
Tennessee off grid property for sale.
Interested if you still have. Please send me info.
Is this still available?
I am sure you have already sold your place but I just thought I would ask. Everything you mentioned with the container and water is what we are looking for so if it is still available please let us know. No matter what we will still be looking for our family’s sake. Thank you for your time.
Did you ever sale your property. I’m looking for bug out property now.
I have 64 acres in Graham county western NC, at the end of a dirt road 4000ft elevation boardering 10,000 acres of remote national forest. This is probably one of the most remote spots east of the mississippi.
The population density is very low.
I have been at this for 30 years.
Are the 64 Acres in Graham County still for sale. I live in St. Louis, MO and I am looking to relocate in your area immediately. I am
interested in seeing your property or similar in North Carolina or
possibly Tennessee if you, or anyone else out there would like to
get back to me. Looking to spend under $600,000,
Tennessee off grid river property for sale.
can you send some details?
Can you share TN site info?
I have a house with around 32 acres in remote Graham County NC. There is running water, forest, standing timber and arable land for crops and pasture along with fruit trees. Easily accessible yet away from the paved road it is a perfect retreat location. I can be reached at: therobinhode at gmail.com
Can you please email me your email address.
I may need your services for a property I own.
I am wondering if there is anyone with land or know anyone who has land near clinton Oklahoma, or weatherford Oklahoma? I can help turn it into a bug out property. Thanks,
Have 40 acres for sale on the western slope elevation 6000 ft and is great for preppers since you can see the valley below south side borders blm and national forest has springs and trees it is a great preppers site if interested give me a jingle
where and how much?
Same question, where is it located, and price?
Where and how much
I am concerned about the National Parks being given to China last year by the Obummer Admin. due to us not having any ‘money’ to pay China back.
What happens when they just decide to build apt. buildings on these national parks areas?
I went to see Yellowstone this summer moving back to East Coast and a Vietnam Vet told me about the giving of the parks to China.
I knew my Dad always used to say China wanted to run and own the world but since we are deeply in debt to them and they rely on Americans buying cheap crap from them forever, Trump is getting them angry saying he’s taking their candy away from them.
Get ready for land grabbing now……
I think it is impossible to live completely off the grid for too long because there are certain things we need to survive that forces us to go into town. Medications, life-saving medications without which the person will die without. Certain food items, utility needs etc. For me the challenge is in finding the most remote, concealable, productive land will it perk but still be close enough to a small town that can supply me with those life essentials but not too close as to give away my position. Also, think about transportation in and out of your BOL. Where can you park so it won’t be accidently discovered by some roaming
Just about to list 30 acres, secluded, surrounded by forests. Well on property, already perked, good hunting, firewood galore, shed. Within 15 miles of two small towns. Low property taxes, no restrictions, home site cleared. Good land for garden, livestock, solar, mild winters. Tennessee.
Is this still available? Can you please email me more details? Price?
Looking for land like that
I am soon offering my beautiful 2acs of sacred Indian land [InscriptionCanyon Prescott AZ] goodwell/septic 2miles in at 4500′ elev 2 room T111 building available w/Porch/kitchen/BR/tile shower. OK but small. Also 2006 travel trlr ground set. AC both/propane lease. 2 more sheds for storage use. Can still build cabin/site bilt home or mobile home. Fully fenced with top quality no climb fence/automatic gate. Limited livestock like horses,chickens,beef Dogs must be kept on property. Native trees & big boulders w/shaded slate patio. Very pretty setting. Recently Appraised
I have three Acres in TN/NC border in the mountains . In national forest and in a Bear preserve and great game hunting. 1400SF Two bedroom on 3/4 basement with flowing spring in basement. Completely remolded inside and the outside could use siding …It’s vinyl at present or leave as is for lower Taxes…. Also have a NEW 45K Generac if the deal is right.
My number here in TN 423 791 1785
Hello Ken,
I would like to get more info from you, I will be in TN and NC in a couple of weeks looking for property to buy. Let me have your email or number.
I am not an real estate broker. I have nine acres that rises from the bank of watauga river to about 900ft. in elev. Its near a small town, semi secluded. Its an easy to defend bug out place, and has been in the family for >40 years. Sadly I lost my leg and so my plans have changed considerably, hence the sale. The land is great for development too. Anyway, I am asking 8k an acre which is a bargain.
asking price please cc.
Whats your asking price.
I have a get away that would make a great bug out for someone looking to get away from the city. It’s located in Folkston GA. (5 miles out of town) I am on the backside of a 40 acre lake, house is on the lake with an acre of land for outbuildings, garden etc. This property is surrounded by 800 acre tree farm and woods. Call or text me for pictures, you can look at google earth, address 0 Stokes Lake Rd. Folkston Ga. Price $55000
Forgot to add my phone number! 321-501-8051
Please send me pictures of your property if it is still available.
Jon I am looking for a similar land parcel to go off the grid in these areas. Please reply with what you have available ASAP!
Thanks Harry
Jon – Please send contact info so we can communicate about locations and opportunities / properties in NC. Thanks, John
Lol. No…but there are pleanty of empty million dollar homes here in the winter or atleast half-time to squat in! NC has taxed anyone NOT from Miami out of the system. Nonetheless, the forests will be filled with clueless morons from Florida.
Tennessee and the Carolinas have had bad weather; animals, especially the Black Bears, have been dying of starvation this past 2015. Trees and fruit bearing plants didn’t produce well for a few years now and wildlife is endangered.
I don’t know where in NC you are referencing but our area of NC is perfect for a survival lifestyle. Geothermal belt location great for growing food, no hurricanes or tornados, secluded, no zoning, mostly food animals for wildlife. Climate is super important for easy survival.
hi there. is there any more land available in that area?
i’m temporarily in blueridge while looking for land.
WESTER NORTH CAROLINA IS PRECISELY WHERE I WANT TO MOVE!!!!!!! please email me so i can give you my #
I don’t know about the mentioned property but I have a great forty acre property super for homesteading or prepped lifestyle. Some open for farming, some wooded. In the middle of the Isothermal Belt of western NC. Portion very secluded. Neighbors private and prepper minded. Between Charlotte and Asheville. No zoning in the county. Good well area and all will perk. 8 miles from town. $5,000 per acre with owner financing. No trailers except wood sided. Can be split into ten acre’ve parcels, buyer pays for survey. I am a r e broker but this is mypersonal land.
I have a house with around 32 acres in remote Graham County NC. There is running water, forest, standing timber and arable land for crops and pasture along with fruit trees. Easily accessible yet away from the paved road it is a perfect retreat location. I can be reached at: therobinhode at gmail.com
Having visited from Hawaii I agree you have the most beautiful State of any I have visited with the best tasting spring water there I have ever had in my life. I am going to hide out on a private island in french Polynesia with a lagoon in the middle of it. No water but enough catchment and coconuts looking into deal. Lots of sunshine for solar.
any good land for sale?
Sounds like just what I’m looking for in the NC mountains.
I have 58 acres for sell, great survial place…Ozark mountains, Arkansas~
I am interested in hearing about the property you have for sale in the Ozarks.
thank you
I have 30 acres for sale in Hot Sprngs Arkansas National Park area. One road up the side of the mountain and maintain by the county. This property has an old building 40 by 240 feet long where they cut whetstones for sharping knives. It has the old pit mine that would make a great shelter for you and alot of your friends (include me). PS. The radiation is coming !
How much do you want for it?
What’s the MLS? Or is it in Craigslist?
If you are looking into the Ozarks as a refuge then you may want to consider that it is located very close to the New Madrid Seismic Zone. google it. Admittedly it was my first thought for BOL since I have family ’round ’bout there. However if Yellowstone were to go then New Madrid would most likely follow suit. It all depends on what event will take place.
what are you asking for it?
Interested in the 58 acres!
where is your land located
I have a spot offered to me in Clarksville, Arkansas.
I have a few water ways. Is there a way to look at flood maps for that area?
Also, how would someone dig a underground shelter with all the dam satellites around and google images.
I love the Ozark Mountains, they are beautiful and would make a great place to setup a comfortable Bug-Out location.
I’d build my cabin somewhere deep in the middle of that land but still leave myself a way to get to a town or place I can go to purchase the things I need if at all possible. Being these towns are far removed from the epi-center of a disaster or nuclear attack, it would take a while to get to my location high up in the Ozarks. Easy place to build a comfortable log cabin style home. Need to learn to be as self-sufficient as possible. Grow my own vegetables, have small chicken coup raise a few chicken and rabbits for meat and eggs. There must be plenty of reliable 365 day water sources.
gps mappingdevice become a nomad constantly on the move become aquianted with great areas know your land the government cant seize or scruw with u do huntin dont use highways if possible by horseback crosscountry far from people
With respect, people, you should be looking for a bolthole outside your own country. I have written two short posts on my blog with the title “Looking for boltholes”, about my own options, and they don’t include anywhere in the US. It’s really not too, too radical a solution, I think
When the SHTF, how can anyone be SURE of getting out ? Plane flight, train’s, buses, will all be shut down. Think about driving across the border, I’m sure we’ll be welcomed with open arms, well maybe ar’s, ak’s, or the like !
Hi there. I’m looking for a survival place with some source of water year round it will be used to live in,looming for something with owner finance as I will. Not deal with the banks. Thank in advace
we have 9 solor poweredhomes on our 20 yearorganic farm two miles of clean river,31 springs 3 mile driveway,all houses have gravity flow water county pop. 7000. selling two 10 ac. tracts along river but don’t flood.615 545 7241.
where is your land?? does it have a house on property by river?? what are you asking??
I’m interested, where is your land, and price?
are you still selling lots?
where is the property located?
Gordon, I like the idea of fleeing of fleeing to another country if the situation occurs that ours is simply unfit for survival. My only hang-up is that if the crisis is worldwide, all cultures and countries are historically (and even presently) inclined to blame “foreigners” for many of their problems: Roman Palestine, Nazi Germany and the universal immigration issue. So I would conclude that IF you are able to safely escape to a foreign country, it’s imperative that you are able to COMPLETELY blend in
going to another country blind don’t seem like a plan. how about a remote summer getaway,under 100mi. away you can develope
Thinking in print here…. It seems that no matter where you are, the more remote you are the better off you’ll be in a crisis. Government is not likely to commit big numbers of men, equipment or dollars to go out in the country where they are easy targets, and where their targets are widely dispersed – especially when the ‘control bang for the bucks’ are in the cities, as well as the biggest need for control.
Also, think about the notorious guys who successfully hid in mountains – Eric Rudolph is one, hiding in NC for about 8 years. And that Serbian guy – Mladic was it? – he hid in the mountains basically in open sight while merely keeping a low profile.
Gordon – I think your idea about boltholes is worth considering, and I read your posts. But I think there is a limitation on that idea, as would be true of most ideas. It seems to me that an out of country hideout will only be of real value if you face a crisis in your country that isn’t everywhere – or if you’re in a place like you are where you don’t have options to lay low because you stick out or because of the small size and difficulty of getting away unnoticed.
In the event of a world wide crisis however (banking crash, oil supply crash, NWO takeover attempt, pandemic) if you are able to have an ‘in country’ remote location prepped, you may be better off. First, because if it’s a world wide problem, it will exist wherever you go. Second, you’re still a ‘local’ even if from far away, as opposed to someone who can’t speak the language or is of an obviously different race or culture – so it should be easier to ‘fit in’ and not be noticed by any authorities.
Those are my current thoughts. What do you folks think?
I would concur. Fleeing to another country, while it may sound like a good idea to become an ex-patriot, there is no assurance conditions will be any better wherever you migrate to, and unless you have lived there for years you would still be considered an ‘outsider.’
Additionally, if you were to fly to your foreign location and your timing was off, if the event had resulted in an EMP, you and everyone on your plane would become a statistic.
I certainly would not want to be deep inside a metropolitan area; the outskirts would at least be better than midtown, giving you a head start before the masses congest the exit routes.
Hide in plain sight, keeping a low profile, have an appearance of a non-combatant or otherwise not an individual to be considered will most likely be the condition to get by on. Be ready to respond if conditions warrant, but a complacent outward ‘appearance’ may be your saving grace.
Mike and Dave: Being an outsider in a Police State might have some advantages, in a worldwide crisis. Outsiders would not be perceived as a threat to the establishment (they virtually never are, in Police States), and a bit of judiciously placed cash might buy favours that it wouldn’t do in one’s own country. I don’t want to come across as a heartless cynic, but we are speaking of a world in which civil conduct is turned upside down.
Prior exposure to foreign countries and cultures is important, of course. I really do recommend that US residents check some places out before the likely SHTF event.
Gordon – more info please. I’ll buy that some cash might buy favors, and coin or jewelry might buy more. I might (maybe) even consider that you’d be less a target of the police state.
But what makes you think that your outsider status wouldn’t at the same time make you a ready target for the locals to rob, kidnap, or whatever? As you say, civil conduct is turned upside down. It seems to me like breaking even on protection vs. crime is your best bet this way, and you’re out the cash. Staying ‘home’ with a low profile in a remote area is to my thinking equally safe.
Dave. The main target of robbers will be preppers with food. In a seriously chaotic world, actual cash money might lose most or all of its value.
Also,I used to “travel poor” – though more in my youth than later (read the travel-tales on my blog), and even now I exude an aura of ineffectuality rather than of wealth.
Our son has never lost all his hippy ways, and ten years ago lived for a time in a tree-house with his girlfriend and her baby. Later, he lived on the streets of a major town. Nobody ever thought to kidnap him for his parents’ money. Maybe he and we have just been lucky. We’ll find out soon enough, I guess…!
Finally, you have to consider my age. At over 70, I don’t have as many years to survive the chaos as you probably do.
Thanks Gordon. I don’t have those experiences myself, so I wouldn’t have that view of things. Which means I’ll accept your explanation and try to integrate it into my thinking for the Hegelian synthesis it’ll produce.
It sounds as though your experience is that a ‘low profile’ helps more than I expected, though I am in agreement about low profile. I suppose one could do prepping quietly, in small increments, and keep it hidden somehow to avoid being a target. And not looking too well fed, clothed or armed is apparently one way to keep it hidden, based on your comments. That doesn’t mean ‘un-‘ any of it, but merely that one be discretely so. Is that a correct understanding, or is your point more that one only needs minimal anything to get by? (I would agree with that too.)
As for age, I’m 63. But I’m trying to set things up to offer safe haven to the kids and theirs, and also just to be sure I’m not a ‘casualty’ of the event simply because I did nothing to avoid that status. You know, choosing to NOT BE an easy victim of events or people.
There are two ways to travel in the first few days of a SHTF scenario. First is to travel with very little so that you look like a waste of time to mess with. Second, is to get any and all of your prepper friends together and move as a single unit armed to the teeth. If you have a group of 30-50 depending on who makes it like I do that target is too big for most roving bands in the beginning. I would like to move to my BOL with 30 of my closest friends armed well. just a thought
I am part of the NWO and we don’t want to take over so much as just lol at these comments. Worry about a Mexican invasion, oh wait, it is going on…
Right now as I write this a wall is being built on our southern border with Mexico. Do you think it is to keep out the Mexicans? Or maybe to keep us in? Get out of the USA my fellow Americans. The USA has been targeted for termination because we are the only country still standing in the way of the NWO. The southern hemisphere looks good to me.
Guys, I see some of you guys own good property, but I don’t have the money to be able to rent out or buy the land. What would you guys suggest?
Find someone who needs help and time invested in their property and make an agreement.
I second that. People who need the man hours will probably repay the favour in kind. Labour is so expensive and any hours and trade you can offer will be an asset.
Most people with land will need others to make it work. If you can help with the buildup in the beginning and offer skills they dont have that will work for you. You can also offer to help with security during the SHTF. Nobody can make it alone
If someone lives in a rural area on 90+ acres, ponds, woods and fields, 5 to 10 miles from a town of about 300 population. Place is paid for, pretty good start on prep however house frontage on main county road, 30 miles from larger town/city, large family nearby, plenty of hunting, fishing, local gardens, would you guys recommend leaving for an isolated bugout place or just hunkering down?
Grannylou, there are a lot of variables to consider, and many are based in your own preferences and confidence. You sound pretty well set for long-term living already, so it’s mostly the crisis situation you’d need to worry about.
My first thought is whether your 300 pop town is between you and the bigger one, or on the other side of you from the big one – any trouble coming from the bigger one might be mitigated by the smaller town if it’s between you and the big one.
You can do ‘landscaping’ to make your home more secure. Cattle guards in the driveway for warnings, thorny hedges along the road – set back enough to let them grow big and ‘wild’ and look like there’s nothing behind them. Roses climbing flimsy arbors on your porch, or under your windows – flimsy so no person can climb them. Hawthorn trees, cat briar, thorny locust, etc. are good hedge materials. Look at the european style of building hedgerows too. Check local / state laws – you may be able to unroll some barbed wire in the hedges too. If you have weapons, you can landscape your place to direct any unwanted visitors into areas with no protection for them but good visibility for you to defend yourself.
Can you afford or do you have some animals? Guinea hens and geese are pretty noisy and territorial. Several small dogs are good alarms too – and harder for intruders to hit, kick or shoot (my mini-dachs rescue dogs are VERY defensive of their homes, eat little, and can bite like a dog 3 times their size – I know because they are rescues and I have the scars to show).
With 90 acres, you could create a ‘bunker’ home of sorts back where it’s entirely hidden from view, and in the event of a crisis just move there. Make sure your stores are there, not in the main house.
So there are lots of options, and you’ll have to think of what works for you, in which kinds of situations they will work (not all crises are going to require shooting, not all are going to require heading to the hills, and is some you might be ideally situated to help local folks and make a big profit too), and how much you’re willing to invest now in planning for an uncertain event.
Check out the FEMA nuclear target map posted on the “resources” page of yearzerosurvival.com. It will make you think harder about where you may want to live…
From what I know from military friends, it seems much more likely there is going to be a double or triple attack. I’d guess a man-made tsunami similar to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsumani and the more recent 2011 Fukushima event. Both have irrefutable evidence of sabotage. Joe Vialls wrote about the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami before he met an untimely death and could upload Part 2, but recently ex NSA contractor Jim Stone has done a fantastic job with the Fukushima evidence. Seems it was a matter of nuclear sabotage because of a pending uranium deal with Iran for energy purposes. His blog is still up at JimStoneFreelance.com if youre interested.
In any case, aside from 1 or more unnatural disasters, it seems there is much training going on for a bio attack. THere’s been a blatant censorship of the many anthrax, swine flu, synthia, & even the plague epidemics that are currently going on throughout the US & Western Europe. I’d keep this in mind as much, if not more so, than a nuclear threat. If there is a nuclear event, I’d imagine it would be an EMP attack from altitude, and/or an “accident” at another reactor.
There’s a reactor in Taft, Louisiana that would effectively close down the mouth of the Mississippi River. There are numerous oil field refineries there also. It would make it impossible to move barges or ships into the Gulf of Mexico. It’s not too far from New Orleans where we flood over a little rain. Not a good place to be.
Great map, thanks for the info.
I live in Central Florida, it’s rural and only takes 5 minutes to find yourself deep in the woods or surrounded by acres upon acres of cow pastures. While I hate the Florida climate, it provides for a never-ending growing season and we have never had the need to heat the house in the winter. Plenty of wildlife, if you don’t mind the occasional gator steak. Some of our surrounding counties are very laid back with their code enforcement. Seems that you can pretty much do whatever you want on your land. Solar panels are the best way to go – it’s called the Sunshine State for a reason. Drilling a well is a piece of pie, you’ll hit water after only a few feet.
John, A house boat won’t work because of the Great Earth Changes that are coming. Perhaps a submarine would. Every year we see The Global Super Storms increasing getting larger and larger. Mother Earth is tired of these fleas that keep biting her in the back…soon she will shake these fleas off by rolling over on her axis. Are you prepared for mile high tidal waves?
I wonder about the diversity of areas & populations in this country. What will the masses do? What will the government do? Specifically as it pertains to city / urban, suburban, rural and ‘wild’ areas. I worry that every city and suburban dweller is goingto rush to the mountains and I wonder to ehat extent the govenment will try to contain populations in rural and suburban areas. What do you all think?
my kids and i have been speaking of this lately. i have told the kids that even tho we are at the edge of the smoky mountains here in tn i would feel better about it if we were all in the mid to western states because of population density. the ozarks sound mighty good as an area to move towards. less population, water sources and hunting opportunities.
Awesome info thank you. Single mom here, so trying like hell 2 get everything in order. Glad you mentioned about gov’t taking land. It’s literally right there in UN document…after they disarm us of course.
Schwenky. I think “the masses” will sit tight and rely on handouts from the authorities; think “the proles” in Orwell’s “1984”. Relatively few will head for the hills, where their main enemy will be shot preppers with guns. Those who somehow survive in the countryside and become self-supporting in spite of everything – well, think of how the European settlers in America dealt with the natives with smallpox-infected blankets. Think diseases, deliberately spread.
The sociopaths in charge of the US (and other countries) have studied history; they know what happened in Cambodia and Soviet Ukraine. They also know what is happening now in Haiti and Palestine. Both urban proles and rural refugees will be sitting ducks for the authorities’ gangs.
Two recent blog-posts of mine tackle the topic of bolt-holes. The posts offer only the most general and superficial of comments – far, far, inferior to stuff in this Offgrid site – but they might not be a bad place to start.
I live in northern az and we have no way of digging in so to speak as we are on a mountain. If you can dig 3 ft it would be a miracle. I am very concerned as to where to take refuge. Just thinking here that even if you have a small dwelling out in the woods they can scan and find a dime on a side walk from space. I think we should try and find a underground dugout, but again we are out of luck there. I was also hoping for a cave but believe it or not there are no caves… ahhhhh very frustrated does anyone have any ideas how to be safe here?
Evone, I live in Flag. Perhaps we should meet and discuss things.
evone, follow the lead of the Hopi Indians, they are going underground. But the problem is you can’t stay down there forever. When you pop back up the air will probably kill you, just look at the Chem Trails over your own head now days.
I have a plan that i am comfortable with for when SHTF. Granted i don’t own any property, but i do plan on going very far away and starting over. My question to all is. During the inital phase of total chaos, do you think the military will play a major role in trying to keep people locked doen to the local areas?
If at all, not at first. I am in the military, and i know it takes a few days to mobilize the regulars. as to the national guard, i do not know.
There is no where to run to really. Satan knows he has lost the war with God, but he is so stubborn he says “if I can’t have it, nobody will want it”. He plans to destroy everything. Armegedon is just around the corner…so there is no where to run to, no where to hide. This is it, this time of the end that the Mayan Indians wrote about thousands of years ago. We have been living on borrowed time since December 21, 2012
J.J. You are right that there is no place we can truly hide.However,if G-d protects us and reveals to us safety measures he wants us to take, we will find no greater safety.
But, before we rely on HIM we,
Christians must right themselves with G-d and follow HIM. No matter what horrors are going on around us HE will take care of HIS children.
I live in East Nebraska and am having problems finding an affordable piece of ground – finding the perfect spot as described is not in the budget so I am trying to find some ground that is 1) secluded 2) wooded 3) relativley close to water all the rest I will just have to deal with. I have been looking but can’t find anything……..any ideas or help?
Is it still available.
Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places by Joel Skousen takes every U.S. state rated on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 the safest. Answers all the questins here and more. Also l hr. video on youtube.
Good plans when you have the money. But what about budget BOL I have a 60×20 concrete garage on my property that my kids and grand kids will bug out to if needed. I would like to know how people are setting up their bunkers to survive SHTF senarios or post some bunker layouts to help others with their BOL bunkers for new or seasoned preppers
I know of a perfect spot for a medium group for a retreat, if you are interested let me know … It is located in Bridhewater, Ma. and it has acres of land A hugh house perfect for group, and I could even send the wevsite for you to see
Hope to hear from you! Loretta
Hey Loretta,
I am interested. Please let me know how I can get more details from you.
E Z.
We have a 100’x100′ property in the town of Butte, NE pop.326 with a 1978 20×66′ 3B/R, 2 BA MH on it. Utilities in, 2 car garage, shed min.20×20′. MH sits on 20×66′ concrete basement with approx. 8′ headroom. Tons of potential. Can send pics.
Asking $24,500. 2012 taxes $217.
Is your property still available?k
I currently live near Kansas City.
Is your property still available?k
I currently live near Kansas City.
If property is still available would you please e-mail me.
I’m looking for remote property within 200 miles of Kansas city.
I’ve purchased a wonderful mountain property with solar electricity, good well, cool summers, ,not too bad winters in Mexico. Super stealth underground bunker (750 sf) and 1200 sf cabin 1200 feet away.
good hardwoods, pines, deer, fish, spring fed 2 hectometer 12′ deep pond on property. Next door neighbor, retired American 60 year old Doctor and wife only half a mile down mountain road.
One advantage of Mexico is the new Trump wall will keep out the hordes of desperate unprepared Americans fleeing south for greener pastures after SHTF occurs.
Anyone have any thoughts on buying a small log cabin kit? Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places by Joel Skousen suggests a location east of Lubbock, TX. Anyone know of land 30+ miles east of Lubbock? We have a local vendor that makes some of the best cabins in the US.