PREPPING MISTAKES: 6 Mistakes Preppers Make That Can Get You Killed

These are six very common mistakes I see people make, that in my opinion, could be detrimental to your ability to survive. Just a warning, relying on Gear, Guns, and Ammo are all on the list…..

Not Having Enough Water

55 Gallon Water Barrels Stocking up on water is not glamorous, it’s certainly not sexy, but your life sure as hell depends on it. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see; it’s also the deadliest one we can talk about.

I really can’t overemphasize how important it is to have a clean drinkable emergency supply of water. While stocking up on water may not be as exciting as buying guns, ammo, and gear; it’s one of the most important things you can do, and should be number one on your list of priorities.

They put too Much Importance on Their Gear

What kind of gear should I Buy? This is one of the top questions that I receive from new readers; it’s also something that takes away from what you should be focusing on: knowledge.

Gear BagsNewbies, and even some old timers, often obsess over their gear. They sometimes put so much emphasis on stockpiling gear that it can actually start to hinder their ability to survive without it.

I love survival gear as much as the next guy, but the problem highlights something I see in all aspects of society: our culture has become addicted to the quick and easy fix. In survival, that doesn’t exist. There’s no silver bullet, there’s no magic piece of gear, and nothing except good old fashion knowledge and training will improve your odds of surviving a disaster.

They lack the Knowledge it takes to Really Survive

EinsteinKNOWLEDGE in the key to survival. What, didn’t you just say that?

Yes, I did and I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face if that’s what it takes for people to get up off their butts and learn what it really takes to survive.

You can own every piece of survival gear ever made, but if you lack the skills to survive that gear is useless. To be truly prepared you need to learn how to survive without your gear.  Once you have a good grasp of what’s needed to survive without it, then you can start to focus on what gear you should buy.

The Rice & Beans Mentality

Bulk Burlap Bags of Rice and BeansI’m not trying to pick on Rice & Beans. They’re actually one of my favorite foods, and in my case, they might be the perfect food to stock up on. The point I’m really trying to make, is you need to tweak your plans to fit your unique situation. If rice and beans are what you normally eat, then by all means, go ahead and stock up on rice and beans.

Just remember that buying a truckload of emergency food that you’ve never tried, or would never normally eat, is not only expensive, but it could get you killed.

An emergency situation is never the time to find out how your body will react to certain foods. The last thing you need during a survival situation is to find you don’t like the food you stocked up on; even worse would be finding out you have a life threatening food allergy. And even if something that drastic doesn’t happen, do you really want to be stuck eating foods you hate?

Becoming too dependent on your Guns & Ammo

Oh no, I said it. Bring on the hate emails and the angry comments. But before you get too upset, give me a minute to explain.

Guy Holding a Rifle I love guns! In fact, I think they’re one of the most important items that you can have. That being said, there are a number of people who I’ve encountered over the years that think having a gun means they’re somehow prepared to survive anything. I’ve actually heard some people say, “I don’t need to stock up on supplies. I’ve got all the guns and ammo I need to survive.”

In my opinion, that type of thinking is not only juvenile, but it also shows a complete misunderstanding of what it really takes to survive. Stocking up on guns and ammo is definitely important, without them you’re putting yourself and your family at risk, but it’s also not the be-all-and-end-all of survival.

Not Understanding that People will become a Threat During a SHTF Crisis

Large Group of PeopleDuring a crisis situation, people will likely become one of the top threats to your safety and security.

While the world may be filled with millions of good and decent people, in a crisis situation these people can and will quickly become unpredictable. In my opinion, during a disaster of any size, the most dangerous locations will be large cities or areas that have a high density of people. This is a threat that must be considered.

Shirts of Liberty

OFFGRID Survival book



  1. I could not agree more. I completely agree about the gear. I am very new to prepping but I have been concerned for a long time. Although it is important to have gear, what happens if I lose my gear? I better be ready to survive & thrive with my family with whatever we have on us or can easily scavenge.

  2. In a SHTF event, where would be the safest place to bug out? I live outside of the city but live in a subdivision. I do live near a National Forest. Would this be a safe place to bug out?

    • Depends on how it hits…most people will run the first few days so i plan on staying home 1 to 2 weeks if its not that bad….my back up is a some land in the backwoods about 300 miles away…

      Id honestly advice getting to know the people you live around…with enough support home might be your best bet…

      • Look up “resilience circle”. Also look up “platoon”. Learn why the military puts people in units instead of on their own. Build a circle of trusted friends, people who you can rely on and who can rely on you. There’s safety in numbers. Strays from the herd get picked off.

      • Your back up location is 300 miles away? How are you planning to get there? What is SHTF is an EMP, or something that puts us under martial law, or invasion. That is a long way to walk.

        • Please, is any one think straight in this group (preppers)? Just think of what the traffic would be, trying to get out of dodge. As for these stocked homes take a bow and arrow light the arrow and burn it, just like the Indians did over a hundred years ago. I like the fortress they build, castles were breached long ago and that idea did not return. Finally, no matter what you do, death will come one way or another.

          • That’s why I know how to put out fires and have a fire extinguisher. I refuse to just twiddle my thumbs because Im doomed anyway.

    • I would think so, unless people are being rounded up and placed in temporary housing. And it might be a felony to carry a firearm on the property. But if it is your last resort from fleeing an urban environment I think it’s a logical decision.

    • For most people (maybe 99%) bugging ‘in’ is the only genuine option. I live on a dead end street in a smaller town 75 miles from NYC. Three of the the five homeowners talk about this subject regularly. We’ve been ‘lucky’ enough to have lost power three separate times for 5-7 days each time. For my money, there is no substitute to being on the same page with your immediate neighbors re: guns, gasoline, food, water, etc.Between us three, we could probably keep the whole street alive for 45-60 days. We are NOT totally prepared for SHTF but we are a unit – something I think is far more valuable than being aware of some state property in some other county.

      • I live in a smaller but similar area. There are only 20,000 where I live and the closest city is 50 miles away. I a worst case scenario EMP you have 14 million people fleeing from the city to your town but on the plus side it will take them 18 days to walk there. It will never happen. My area it will take them 3 days to walk here and carry 25 lbs of water or follow water here. :)

    • Unless you really have any “OUTDOORS” survival skills and know the in’s and out of living off the land….better to bug in. At least this way you have shelter, stored food and water. Be smart, keep you family safe and survive…

      • To those who advocate bugging in, just remember that most of your unprepared neighbors will be bugging in also, out of a lack of planning, not by choice.
        Then, if the Street Gangs and released felons, Arsonists and Serial Killers don’t get you, the ensuing plagues probably will.
        Most of your unprepared neighbors will not be practicing safe hygiene. Once the sewers stop working, most people will continue to try to use their toilets. As this all starts to back up into homes (your and theirs) and into the streets, Disease will run rampant. By that time many people will be doing their business anywhere they can find a clean, dry spot.
        So Cholera,Typhoid and infectious hepatitis are a good bet, but there are many other serious infectious disease possibilities also.
        So I suggest you plan to dig a grave for yourself and your loved ones, so you can be prepared.
        Because once you are all sick, you will not have the energy to do so.

        This is one of the best reasons to bug out, especially if you live in a town or a city or near one.
        If you are alone or in a survival group you can control the sanitation issues and prevent diseases, but with random groups of people you will probably not be so successful in enforcing hygiene and sanitation rules.

        It is the small things (pun intended), the ones you will tend to overlook, that will kill you in a SHTF scenario.

    • can i just purchased seeds at a store and store ? but how do i store to keep fresh? i was thinking of buying a bag sealer to take air out thks

      • 1)You may want to consider non genetically modified seeds aka non hybrid seedes
        2) There are more than 100 seed catalogs out there. I have a blog post linking to many of them.
        3) I really like Baker Creek Heirloom seeds
        4) I also have a blog demonstrating how I saved seeds this summer. My goal was to save 1/3 of the tota I bought last year. So this year I saved kale, beans, peas, potatoes, okra, cantelope, speghetti squash.
        5) I boughthave small bagshose of grainthe seeds andthis froze themthe to preservethe them.
        6) I canned& froze all summer thealmost food Ifor grew &the built my ownfreezerniece canning shelves.
        7) I then wentdad&mom to anthe auto parts store & the bought a 1500 power inverter/650 amp car battery to run my freezer short term, I replaced the old 40 worn out gallon water pressure tank with a 119 g water pressure tank & bought a small hose to hook to either the 30 g water heater
        or water pressure tank.

        8) I bought a small antique wood stove put it in the basement and repaired the fireflace by installingthe a newyou liner. &the just bought a good Stihl 290 chain saw & have started cutting wood to store.
        9) I have built a chicken coop & have some chickens.
        10) I bought liquor for negotiating if there ends up being no cash. I figured it may ne a more peaceful approach…rather than a gun in someones face
        There are lots men here posting. I thought as a 54 hr old female veteran I would post a femal perspective on some of the steps I have personally taken as noted below. Guys, I might suggest carrying tampons as light weight tinderfire starter as theya are wrappeda in plasticvery and can serve deep wound gauze/cover for absorbancy. Lip balm can be rubbed on leaves as a helpful fire starter as well. Cellphone bateries can be used to start a fire as well. Also I suggesthave scaning copies of all of your accounts, important documents, ID’s, credit cards, insurances, deeds ect onto an IRONKEY USB drive.
        I have also backed up my entire computer on a 1 terabite Seagate portable hard drive & have a small backup battery charger- all of which I can plug into a cell phone, tablet as
        alternatives devices that I can easily take on the go.
        If anyone is interested my list of seed catalogs or seed saving post i am more than happy to share.

        • would love to have information regarding non-hybrid, non GMO seeds and catalogs.Looking for some of the heirloom seeds and information regarding seed saving. Have spouse who is not interested in the least so budget is limited…thank you

  3. I’m an organic farmer. I’ve been saving seeds for years. You’re not nuts, you’re just doing what your great grandparents did, back before Monsanto convinced everybody they had to buy new seed every year (and then has been trying to make it a law that you have to, and suing people who save their seeds to take away their prep supplies). Make sure you also know how to plant, care for, harvest, and preserve what you’ve got. Learn about composting, there’s not going to be any store-bought fertilizer. Learn to home can your food. Build a solar dehydrator, it works without electricity.

    • So let’s say you have a beautiful, weed-free, organic garden. What is to stop anyone from coming and taking your ripe produce when you are not adequately guarding it??

      • I had a lot of my produce stolen this year. I moved my vegetable garden to the front yard and folks were coming in during the night and carry stuff away. THat was just because it looked tasty. Imagine what it would be like if there was a food shortage?

        • It’s certainly not foolproof or anything, but cacti or other thorny greenery surrounding the rest of your garden will at least make trespassers’ lives more exciting. :)

          • We always keep lots of daylilies in the garden–they are completely edible from roots to flower (for humans, that is; all parts of the daylily are poisonous to cats), but people lacking knowledge of this will pass them up as a food source. I would never want to depend on them for survival, but as a last resort (I’m thinking, Scarlett O’Hara and the carrot). . .

  4. We have been preparing for awhile now. Our bug out plan has two options for us, and both are well stocked already, We have things ready to grab and go if the need arises, we have seeds, food, surivial gear, medical, tatical, and a large family to band together. Each one has it’s own survival readiness to go, Rather be ready than one of those sitting at home “Going oh my god what do we do”..

  5. So, I was thinking about getting a HAM licence, now you make me wonder is that a dead give away. I don’t want to be in a situation that I have no idea what is going on around the country? What else can we do to have some contact?

    • I really don’t think it’s a dead giveaway. There are millions of Hams, and while some of them may fall into the category of Prepper or Survivalist, most of them do not. If you use the internet, I wouldn’t really worry about becoming a ham, because you make a far larger paper trail online than you ever will by becoming a ham.

    • Get a regular portable radio with SW bands on it. There are plenty available. You can listen to stations around the world and no visible antenna required. No license required. Just batteries.

    • I have been taking classes for my HAM radio technical and general license. [I take my tect on Tuesday!] You have to register with the FCC and yes…it puts you on the grid…but are you really going to let that kind of fear keep you from things like that…and even a firearm because that has to be registered too? Having a social security number has already put you in the system. Don’t let fear eliminate things that can’t be regulated by the government after the SHTF anyway. They may think they can executive order” your rights away…and make you a target, but the reason why we prep in the first place is because we already know we’re being targeted. ;)

  6. No offense but that’s taking the paranoia level to the next level. There are millions of Hams and I doubt people will start targeting them during a disaster. Most Hams are not preppers, so going after them would be pretty stupid. Even stupider would be going after the ones that might just be ready for you when you come!

    You place a target on yourself every time you buy bulk food, buy a gun from the gun store and about a million other things that would suggest someone is a prepper. All of these things are bigger and better tip offs from the Ham thing, so have you stopped doing all of those? And as for targets, Preppers are about the stupidest target to go after. Chances are they’re better armed than the nonpreppers who will likely become the targets. Criminals want easy targets, not someone who’s gonna shoot back!

    • Not referring to criminals or being targeted as a prepper, although it’s possible I suppose. Hams and emergencies have a long history after all, “emergency” is listed in 97.1a (that’s right at the top of the amateur regs). I’m talking about martial law, foreign troops, or just an organized group after the collapse with a laptop and the ham license database on CD. If a military action is going down, fixed transmitter sites are going to be high priority targets. They won’t care if you’re a prepper, a 3-percenter, or a QSO card collecter. They will care about getting you and your equipment under their control. Loose lips and all that. Paranoid? Maybe, I love that song ;)

      • If your a ham radio operator don’t forget that you can displace your antenna as far as the wire can go. This helps to hide your actual location.

  7. I am so lucky to live where I do,Home will be last line of defense after that I will be on the river, My dog and I hit the river every couple months, I have 7 campsites back away from the river some no one can see me from the river, There is only 260 people in our town and we are 30 min to closest town, I am 10 miles from Gunterville state park and completlly surrounded by wilderness when I hit the woods no one could find me if I did not want to be found, my 17′ canoe will carry up to 1150lbs all my gear for bug out is 86lbs,I have enough filters for 60,000 gals of water enough ammo for years of hunting and I know the river like the back of my hand and so much hidden in the woods, so far it’s me and my best friend buddy ( my dog )to take care of

    • Sounds a bit lonely. You might want to find a couple good friends that think like you and enjoy the woods and river as well. Help keep you all sane.

      • never lonley in the woods it’s hard to find people close to me that I could put up with if anything ever happens…the good and the bad come out in people I will make my choice then but….you maybe right…could also use them as food if I had to….lol

  8. Great point about the gear. The basis for survival is not having 6 tons of gear but, knowing how to survive with what you have. I’ll take skills over stuff anytime.

  9. At the best of times, I feel vary alone and get funny looks and also told that I am becoming somewhat strange when I disscuss how I am changing my life style by planning to sell my comfortable estate, and setting myself up to live of off the grid and becoming mortgage free, preparing to be 100% self sufficant. No matter where you live even it may be on the Canadian west coast we are all varnerable to any form of disaster.

  10. Great article. I’m sure the recent events regarding hurricane Sandy have made a lot of people realize they need some type of an emergency plan and survival gear. I recommend starting out with a simple first aid kit and a 72 hour kit for each member of your family. After this is accomplished then store a supply of water for one week followed by a 3 month food supply. Only buy foods you know your are going to eat and gear you know how to use. Make goals each month to accomplish this task and within a few months you should be prepared for the next unexpected disaster.

  11. I am just wondering!? What happens when martial law it’e decreted and, they come, house to house, knoking the door,- ” give us your GUNS! “. What’s then? Next thing, when you think theres nothing else they can do:” give us your FOOD! “. What will happen then?!
    After all that, when all the homes are clean of all the supplies, and things gets bitter, they appear at your home in the middle of the night, drees like goons, in black, face painted, all rounded up, moking at you, destroing everything in your house, destroing the wall’s looking for something hidding. What will you do? you tied up against the wall, your love ones taked from you, screaming, yelling, maybe rapped or shot dead in front of you. what whould you do? Look at the past, the story shows us that in a disaster, or a war, or any kind of problem, the worst case scenario don’t came from your neighbors. It came from the forces of order(or Caos). You may get the knowledge you need to get out of dodge. You know that with the technologie in existence today you can not disapear for real, right? You know that you can be track by: corporal mass, prints, fisionomy, animals, color, internet, heat signal,and others that aren’t public knowledge?

  12. I just finished the book series “A Distant Eden” and the author points out that you need to stock three years of non-perishable food. The first year you can’t plant your survival garden because it will be raided by the starving masses. The second year unless you are an experienced gardener, your garden will not produce enough to survive on. So you need three years of stored food to make it into the third year. You don’t need to buy all of your survival food at once. Each trip grocery shopping just buy one or two extra items. Maybe once a month or every other month buy one case of Mountain House #10 cans of food or as many cans as you can afford, even one can will help in the long run.

  13. i have taken a lot of crap from people since i started getting my family and i prepared. i have formed a group of people that like me have an interest in ensuring their families livlihood in the event of disaster. but what i can not comprehend is a comment made to me recently after i asked the question “what would you do in a major disaster?” to which the person responded, “stay put and wait for the government to respond, they surely would not let us sit here and die… they are paid to help us” have people forgotten about what happened during katrina or more recently sandy? sure help will be on its way at some point but before you run out of food? water? people have become too reliant on government and have become more and more complacent about “the american way”

    • I was a FEMA contractor after Katrina. It seems that a lot of people think of New Orleans as the total experience that people had during that disaster. I was in Mississippi and it was bad there also. But people didn’t wait for the government to rescue them. They took care of themselves. The aftermath was just as bad, but a lot less people got killed. If you depend on government, you are going to suffer. That was the message of New Orleans.

      • @the Greg I too was a contractor. Your points are valid. Also no phones, cell towers, atms or gas atm run stations worked. Has ato few gallons of gas stored. Refer to for tips. And, if you have no internet or cell connectivity after a disaster it is hard to apply for state or federal assistance.Therfore, the public can seek out emergency pop up shelters and emergency centers. Walmart & Home depot parking lots often become initial small emergency command centers -especially in less urban areas

      • Just wanted to say that I agreee with you about New Orleans and Katrina. The people in that city learned several generations ago to just sit and the government sooner or later will take care of you. I, like you, saw the Miss. people start take care of themselves right away. And don’t forget the tornado victiums in the midwest. They all just got up and started rebuilding. There is a lesson there about the kind of people who live in a “welfare world” compared to folks like preppers who will at least try and take care of themselves. And don’t forget, more and more people are becoming citizens of that welfare world.

  14. We’re over the road regional(usually within 500 miles from home) truck drivers living in our truck. We carry bug out bags and camping gear to get us to our first defense line storage units, then to second line defense to family property. Any other suggestions for our situation?

    • As an OTR trucker, I feel your pain. My travels carry me WELL beyond the 500 mile range from home and my wife. I know I am woefully unprepared should a serious SHTF scenario occur, however, my primary concern for prepping is to insure that my wife and our dogs are as well prepared as possible. Whether I survive is not the most important thing on my agenda …for now. That said, we continue to grow are supplies and skills with the knowledge that we will eventually get to the point when I will be prepared while on the road.
      Stay the course my brother trucker, Make a plan for your situation and prepare accordingly.

    • A couple of bicycles strapped to the back of the cab will be very nice to have. Get off the big road quickly and away from crowds/cities. Use the first few days of confusion to get as far as you can and as close to your next BOL as possible before the violence starts for real. Your BOB’s will mark you as a target, so incase of theft/robbery you should make plans to finish the last few miles/days/weeks with just what you can scavenge along the way. Use your skills in map reading/planning to plot any resources along your normal routes (lakes/streams/rivers, forest/wilderness, railways, even churches, etc. Start mapping those resources now as you travel around. Take pictures if necessary (for research later)and start a notebook.

      • I have lived on my sailboat for the last 18 years, and have traveled between Detroit and the Bahamas 17 times. She’s well armed, carries 400 gal of fresh water, and that’s before I have to make my own. I’m not a prepped but do think a lot about it. I can survive any SHTF crisis for a very long time with very little change in life style to me or my family. I believe the best plan to survive a SHTF issue is to be able to survive in the first place with what you have around you at the time. Like waking up at the start of a SHTF issue, in the woods with nothing but the cloths on your back, and knowing how to survive, good gear is nothing if you don’t know how to best use it, without drawing attention to yourself or your family. And I read someone talking about storing seeds, I would think you need to survive first then worry about that. A safe room or basement stuffed with food and water just says “hay look at me” come take my stuff, and kill me in the process. Although a safe room might be a little affective under a dooms day event?? KISS theory… Sorry just saying.

    • 1)You may want to consider non genetically modified seeds aka non hybrid seedes
      2) There are more than 100 seed catalogs out there. I have a blog post linking to many of them.
      3) I really like Baker Creek Heirloom seeds
      4) I also have a blog demonstrating how I saved seeds this summer. My goal was to save 1/3 of the tota I bought last year. So this year I saved kale, beans, peas, potatoes, okra, cantelope, speghetti squash.
      5) I boughthave small bagshose of grainthe seeds andthis froze themthe to preservethe them.
      6) I canned& froze all summer thealmost food Ifor grew &the built my ownfreezerniece canning shelves.
      7) I then wentdad&mom to anthe auto parts store & the bought a 1500 power inverter/650 amp car battery to run my freezer short term, I replaced the old 40 worn out gallon water pressure tank with a 119 g water pressure tank & bought a small hose to hook to either the 30 g water heater
      or water pressure tank.

      8) I bought a small antique wood stove put it in the basement and repaired the fireflace by installingthe a newyou liner. &the just bought a good Stihl 290 chain saw & have started cutting wood to store.
      9) I have built a chicken coop & have some chickens.
      10) I bought liquor for negotiating if there ends up being no cash. I figured it may ne a more peaceful approach…rather than a gun in someones face
      There are lots men here posting. I thought as a 54 hr old female veteran I would post a femal perspective on some of the steps I have personally taken as noted below. Guys, I might suggest carrying tampons as light weight tinderfire starter as theya are wrappeda in plasticvery and can serve deep wound gauze/cover for absorbancy. Lip balm can be rubbed on leaves as a helpful fire starter as well. Cellphone bateries can be used to start a fire as well. Also I suggesthave scaning copies of all of your accounts, important documents, ID’s, credit cards, insurances, deeds ect onto an IRONKEY USB drive.
      I have also backed up my entire computer on a 1 terabite Seagate portable hard drive & have a small backup battery charger- all of which I can plug into a cell phone, tablet as alternatives devices that I can easily take on the go.
      If anyone is interested my list of seed catalogs or seed saving post i am more than happy to share.

    • 1) Roads may become impassable, Blocked, Have check points. Down load a copy of all the railroad routes in theUS by state and save to a usb, potable hard drive, tablet or print out and put in your bag. Walk theabout rails. There is a web page to check rail car number destinations also.
      strap a small mopedor bike to your rig somewhere as a back up… if major highways &the streets are blocked.
      down loax a scanner app and flashlight app on your needs cell phone.

  15. These might be dumb questions and I realize no one knows for sure but:
    If a person is well prepared but lives in a city how severe will the dangers be? Can just staying holed up in an apartment with plenty enough provisions be that dangerous? How long before things get back to normal that we return to work? If one does not feel safe how dangerous will it be to drive to a country getaway of a friend?

    • It can be. As we saw in something as minor as katrina people were busting down their neighbors doors and looting. Then the gov took the guns away from the people defending their homes so they could no longer defend their supplies. They said it wasnt fair for the wealthy to horde such things and be able to defend them.

  16. Stop thieft with signs that read Caution! Fertilized with human manure, wash well! Cheaper than a vicious dog and absolutely no liability! Not with the warning sign, true or not!

  17. I owned a train derailment company at one time. Three of the rail cars we had to up right and cut open was a FEMA rail car.when we pulled the doors open there was a sub floor down the middle to make 2 levels. All around the walls and floors were hand cuffs and leg irons top and bottom. The outside of the car looked like an auto hauler small windows cut down the side with bars. These cars were panted enamel white with a blue FEMA sticker in the middle of the wall.
    I asked about the cars and was told not to worry about it just cut them up. So I looked them up on the net. Wow there they were and much more! I also found 6 FEMA camps with in 2 hours from where I live. By now you are wondering why tell you this? About 6 months ago I was at barnes and nobel book store and met an Army Major. I told him I was a Marine could I ask him a few questions. I asked if he heard of Rex 84. He said yes! I asked when he thought hiper inflation would hit the U.S. He said 2012 or 13. I asked him how long before marshall Law would move in. He looked at his watch said it’s 7:00 now when you wake up there will be tanks in the streets. I told him I was putting food back. He said to put water back too enough for a year! Stay in your house load your guns and protect your home.He also said if your not ready when this happens it’s to late. If you are found outside you will be put into a FEMA camp I’m asking everyone to get ready now. Hiper inflation is when the dollar colaspes you can’t buy anything. I’ve seen the rail cars, been to a FEMA camp.Touched the FEMA Coffins.last count I got was 933 FEMA camps. Get your family ready put food and water back for a year. Load your guns and wait.

    • Robert, THAT is some scary stuff, and is a good description of what I have learned over the past 3 years. The car haulers too, since I just heard that same thing from a different source. My friend captured a picture of one on the train tracks VERY near where I live. What the man said about being outside your home or you will be picked up, WOW.

      Also, I can’t help but wonder if everyone posting here was involved in their local politics how DIFFERENT the landscape might look! We are the movers and shakers, and I sure would like to see folks like this running for office or campaigning for locals where ever they may be. We have to get the scum out before they make it to Washington.

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