When disaster strikes, there’s a pretty good chance your local grocery stores will be stripped bare in a matter of hours. From panicked people trying to stock up on last-minute supplies to those who failed to prepare for even short-term disasters and now find themselves facing the prospect of starving, your local grocery store will look like a battleground in a post-apocalyptic movie.
Most grocery stores have a maximum three-day supply of goods on hand before they run dry. That means even short-term disasters like hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes can cause supply chain problems that will quickly wipe out their inventory. Now throw in a long-term disaster that cuts off supplies for months, and you have a real recipe for disaster.
To be prepared to face an emergency situation where supply chains fail and food deliveries are blocked, you need to invest in a long-term food supply. This supply should be made up of at least six months’ worth of emergency food with a long shelf-life – preferably something that you already eat.
From Supermarket Shelves to Survival Pantry: Building Your Emergency Food Stockpile with Long-Lasting Food From The Grocery Store

In the face of so many uncertainties, it’s important to ensure you and your loved ones’ survival by stocking an emergency pantry with long-lasting food supplies. While many so-called survival experts try selling commercial ‘survival food’ as the answer, we advocate for building your stockpile with familiar foods you probably already eat – all from your local grocery store or farmer’s markets.
During an emergency situation, the last thing you want to do is eat a bunch of weird survival foods that you’ve never eaten before – from possible allergy concerns to the stuff just downright tasting like crap, now is not the time to start experimenting. On top of that, we don’t like wasting money, so buying foods you already eat and running them on a rotation system that ensures you don’t find yourself years from now with a pantry full of expired food!
With the help of suggestions that have come in from our readers, we have compiled a list of the top food items and emergency supplies that you can buy at the grocery store. The list contains foods with a long shelf-life, items that have multiple uses, and supplies that are great for bartering.
Survival Foods that add flavor & comfort:
Comfort foods can be a huge morale booster during a stressful survival situation, something that needs to be kept in mind when starting to stockpile food. These four things can be stored for over 10 years, and are a great way to add a little bit of flavor to your cooking. If stored properly they will probably last indefinitely.
- Salt: From food preservation to maintaining proper electrolyte balance in the body to enhancing the flavor of your food, salt is an an essential part of your food storage stockpile!
- Sugar: – Brown or White sugars can be stored for quite some time and during emergencies or high-stress situations can help boost energy levels and provide a quick source of fuel. It can also be a huge morale booster when things start getting tough.
- Raw Honey: Honey has an incredibly long shelf life contains numerous vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Honey has also been used for centuries as a natural remedy for wound healing due to its antimicrobial properties.
- Alcohol – Whiskey, Vodka, etc.: From bartering to health and medicinal uses, alcohol is one of those items that should be part of any good preparedness stockpile. Check out our article on which liquors are best to stockpile for preparedness.
Base cooking ingredients with a long shelf life

Many people today lack the ability to cook anything from scratch, relying heavily on prepackaged and processed foods. This trend is unhealthy, but it could prove deadly during a long-term survival situation. Learning how to cook from basic ingredients is crucial for successfully preparing for emergencies and ensuring self-sufficiency in food storage.
The following categories of food make up the foundation of most recipes and are all things that store well.
Hard Grains: Stored properly hard grains have a shelf life of around 10 – 12 years.
- Buckwheat
- Dry Corn
- Kamut
- Hard Red Wheat
- Soft White Wheat
- Millet
- Durum wheat
- Spelt
Soft grains: These soft grains will last around 8 years at 70 degrees, sealed without oxygen.
- Barley,
- Oat Groats,
- Quinoa
- Rye
Beans: Sealed and kept away from oxygen the following beans can last for around 8 – 10 years.
- Pinto Beans
- Kidney Beans
- Lentils
- Lima Beans
- Adzuki Beans
- Garbanzo Beans
- Mung Beans
- Black Turtle Beans
- Blackeye Beans
Flours and Mixes and Pastas: 5 – 8 years
- All Purpose Flour
- White Flour
- Whole Wheat Flour
- Cornmeal
- Pasta
- White Rice ( up to 10 years)
Oils: It’s important to include fats in your stockpile. Fats are a concentrated source of energy and are crucial for overall health and well-being.
- Coconut oil – Unrefined, virgin coconut oil has one of the longest shelf lives of any kind of oil. It can last for over 2 years, has numerous health benefits, and is a great item to add to your survival food supply list.
- Clarified butter (Ghee): Clarified butter, also known as ghee, is butter that has been heated to remove moisture and milk solids. The process increases the fats stability and extends its shelf life. Ghee can last for several months to a year when stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
- Olive oil: Extra virgin olive oil has a decent shelf life and can be stored for up to a year or more if kept in a cool, dark location.
For more information on cooking from scratch, check out these articles and books:
- Important Homesteading Preparedness Skills: Learn how to cook from scratch
- Best War Time Recipes: A Look at Preparedness Cooking Skills from the Past
- Fanny Farmer Cookbook
- Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook
- The Pioneer Woman’s Cookbooks
What About Buying Canned Goods for your Survival Pantry?
Proper Storage and Shelf Life of Canned Goods
We get a lot of questions on canned goods and how long they can safely be stored. To ensure the quality and safety of canned goods, it’s important to store them correctly and be aware of how long the manufacturer recommends they be stored. And remember, most best-by dates are placed there to protect the manufacturer from lawsuits, The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that most shelf-stable foods are safe indefinitely. In fact, they say canned goods will last for years and that dating is for quality, not safety.
Here are some guidelines to follow when dealing with store-bought canned goods and most shelf-stable foods:
1. Storage: Keep commercially canned foods and other shelf-stable products in a cool, dry location. Avoid placing them above the stove, under the sink, or in areas prone to high humidity or temperature fluctuations, such as a damp garage or basement.
2. Shelf life: The shelf life of canned goods varies depending on the type of food. High-acid foods like tomatoes and fruits maintain their best quality for up to 18 months, while low-acid foods such as meat and vegetables can maintain their original quality for 2 to 5 years. But again, if cans are undamaged (no dents, swelling, or rust) and have been stored properly in a cool, clean, dry environment, they can remain safe indefinitely.
3. Safety precautions: While extremely rare, the production of toxins by Clostridium botulinum bacteria poses the most significant risk when dealing with canned goods. To minimize the risk, make sure your cans are in good condition and show no signs of damage or contamination. If any cans appear compromised (bulges or leaks), it’s best to get rid of them to avoid any potential health hazards.
For more information on canning your own foods at home, check out our article on Canning your own food!
Survival Foods that are great during short-term disasters

The following items are great for short-term emergencies, and will stay fresh for a long period of time. During most disasters, you’re going to want to have food that requires very little cooking, or can be eaten without any preparation at all. Make sure some of your stockpile includes these types of food.
Other good survival foods: 2 – 5 years of shelf life
- Canned Fish: Tuna, Salmon, Sardines
- Canned Meats: Chicken, Beef, Pork, Spam & Sausages
- Canned Vegetables & Fruits
- Peanut Butter
- Coffee
- Tea
- Ramen Noodles – not the greatest food in the world but they are very cheap so they made the survival food list.
- Hard Candy
- Powdered milk
- Dried herbs and spices
- Canned soups (a variety of flavors)
- Canned pasta sauces
- Canned broth or stock (chicken, beef, or vegetable)
- Crackers or rice cakes
- Dried fruits (raisins, apricots, cranberries)
- Nuts (almonds, walnuts, peanuts)
- Granola bars or energy bars
- Cereal or granola
Items that can be used for more than cooking:
- Apple Cider Vinegar – Cleaning, cooking and has antibiotic properties
- Baking Soda – Cleaning, cooking, etc…
- Honey – Mentioned again for its antibiotic properties and wound healing.
Nonfood items to stock up on at the grocery store:
- Bic Lighters
- Toilet Paper
- Soaps
- Bottled Water
- Multi-vitamins or supplements
- Medicines
- Bandages
- Peroxide
- Lighter fluid
- Canning Supplies
- Charcoal
More Emergency Food Resources
While we always advise the DIY approach to stockpiling food, this way you have the things that you would normally cook and eat and can then rotate them in and out of your normal life, there are some circumstances where commercially made survival food supplies might make sense. Here are some of the top emergency survival foods that can help you quickly bulk up your emergency supplies.
I’m looking for a easy printable ‘Survival’ list. I’m 73 yr.old grandma. can you send one?thank you. Larie
you should change it to say raw honey because cooked honey does not work as well as raw honey in healing and such
No Frank is going to the government for help that’s how dumb he is.
pay attenyion to whats going on around you !!!!!
The public has been warned on so many levels, that there is a very big possibility of an earthquake. Even the local churches are preparing there congregations.
We buy raw honey at the local farm here and just store the mason jars in a cool place. I would steer away from processed sugar, it lowers immunity for up to 8 hours after ingestion.
A few other ideas, organic popcorn is a good addition and several bottles of an organic Non- GMO ( no dyes, no hydrogenated oil) powdered protein drink with all the essential vitamins and minerals.
A dozen walkie- talkies with extra batteries and solar powered battery recharger. This can help a neighbors communicate in case the grid goes down.
People, if you pay attention to the news, you’ll realize, “not all is well with the U.S.” We are living on borrowed time, and, at any moment, this propped up image of safety and prosperity, is going to collapse in to absolute chaos. Up until recently, prepping for a future, cataclysmic event never entered my mind, even though I have been through Hurricans Rita and Ike. I’ve had to depend on FEMA to provide food and water. I’ve stood in the long, slow, lines at Walmart, watching desparate people rushing around, grabbing whatever they could to fill their carts. Not a pleasant experience. Now, I’ve heard Obama talk about “the chaotic climate” and how it will affect our national security. How can climate affect national security? Think about that, folks. Something really bad is coming upon our country, people. Maybe not tomorrow, or next week, but soon. I don’t know about you, but, I’m preparing now. I don’t want to be one of those panicked people in a grocery store, fighting over the last loaf of bread… As the old cliche’ goes; “I’d, rather have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it” …
By the
Very true. Processed honey has been pasteurized and most of the good stuff is removed during the process. Buy raw honey which is crystalline, usually dull yellow in color and has a very mellow sweet taste. It’s a bit more expensive but well worth it. Also, raw honey has quite a bit of bee pollen in it which is a natural “vaccine” for people that are allergic to various pollens. Eat the raw honey from the area you live in to build up your immunity to the pollen in that area.
You can sometimes buy honey from a local producer in large quantities. I buy 5 gallon buckets of it (for resale, but I could use it too). The only problem is that in colder weather it solidifies (yes, eve in the house) and getting a 5 gallon bucket of honey to melt will have to wait until the weather is hot enough to place it outside.
When the honey is in a liquid state, try to put it into smaller containers (like maybe 1 gallon jars?). Then, when it crytalizes, place that container into a larger container with hotish water around it……….. NEVER boil. NEVER microwave! Hope that this beekeeper has been able to assist you.
Thanks Tami. I just now saw your post I usually jar it up as soon as I get it home, but last winter I didn’t need it jarred, so I left it in the bucket. This year I will make sure I put it all in jars at once! Much easier to bring back to liquid form that way.
Store ( raw * organic ) honey in opaque plastic bottles…above 50 degrees and it shouldn’t crystallize. I’ve stored and used honey up to 4 years with no issue. If ever your honey does crystallize- Luke warm water is best around container. Heating honey makes it taste sweeter – changes sugar structure. Honey is best pure – untampered.
Look into Honeyflow.
Not all raw honey is a dull yellow in color! I have extracted honey that is dark brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a beekeeper! Some raw honey can be the lightest of yellow……. some almost black! Depends upon what the bees are feeding on! Much of the store bought “pure” honey is actually “purified” and then heat treated and then diluted with corn syrup. KNOW YOUR BEEKEEPER!
Tami: You either need to chill or work on more prudent application of exclamation points. It sounds like you are flipping out over the small stuff.
She’s right, though – a staggeringly huge percentage of store-bought honey is adulterated with corn syrup. There have been official tests that show this. Because it’s adulterated with other sugars, it’s not going to store as well as real honey.
So, buying directly from a beekeeper is probably the only way to be truly sure that you’re getting pure, raw honey. (And color has nothing to do with telling whether or not it’s raw).
Tami, I appreciate any and all advise and help and suggestions
Thank you
How do you go about finding beekeepers in your area ? Some kids i know moved into a trailer this fall, but now that the weather is warming up a bit and they found out they have an attic full of bees. They dont know what to do, and i dont either. Help ! Thanx !
Tami, where are you located?? So I can “Know my Beekeeper”
the honey referenced to was “raw honey” said it specifically as the 3rd item on the list
I’m sure the author corrected this mistake years ago. The oldest comment dates back to Sept 2010.
why do you care about the honey so much how about you prepare.
I saw that too, Al. Some people can’t read. smh
you also might considered dehydrated honey only about 11 dollars for 3 pounds and much lighter can be rehydrated for most uses and lasts forever
I would like to know where you get dehydrated honey?
And any debate (serious only please) on freeze dried vs. Dehydrated. I am looking at a home freeze dry appliance from Harvest Right.
Auguson Farms is good. Walmart carries a large supply of Dehydrated Survival Foods now. You can order from your nearest store and if you spend $50, they ship to your door via UPS for free within a couple of days. I love the honey and dehydrated butter and eggs.
Good point. They pulled that stuff out of a pyramid, rehydrated it, and it was fine, lol.
‘Lasts forever’ isn’t figurative!
As for where to get it – I literally Googled ‘dehydrated honey’ and got a bunch of shopping results in 3 seconds.
You guys had GOOGLE back then?!
You should buy your honey from a local farmer’s market. Most of the so called honey in the grocery stores are not true honey. Check the labels closely. I had been buying Kroger Pure Honey and when I checked the label, all it should have said was honey, however, it had corn syrup as an ingredient.
you are pretty right. and honey can be stored for eternity.
73 – list includes:
Depends, Prune Juice, Apple sauce, and – oh yah… you are 73 – either get with some young bucks that don’t mind having you around for stories and good-ole day tales… or get ready to be a casualty.
Hope you make it to 73, Frank. I see some really bad KARMA in store for you, bud!
Frank, you’re an ignorant man whose life is a meaningless pit, wasting good air that Mrs. Hall could use.
I cannot believe that there are such idiotic people as Frank. Who the hell does he think he is to make such rude comments as he has. People like him disgusts me.
Give frank a hall pass, guys. He is being mean, but wtshtf, mrs, hall needs to know what she could need. For older people, it could get very hard, very fast. They will need the support of family and friends like never before. Someone give her a basic list that will not overwhelm her.
frank will make some pet owner very happy..i would gladly feed him to my dog and cats to save a lil food for them
Au contraire y’ll. Old people will be valued. They know how to make, repair, grow, and can things. They lived thru the depression and have knowledge to offer for survival and skills that are all but lost now.
What mr frank must know is she has one of the very best prepping item and its free life has given it to her and its called knowledge
teresa darlene
I’m not so sure I would feed frank to your pets. It
might leave a bad taste in their mouth like he does us.
john mate leave him alone he was just pretty much saying it would be good for an old person to be there
Frank sounds like a bit of a loser, and I too hope he makes it to 73 because he could use some life experience and a big heap of wisdom!
WOW!All this over honey??I’m 44 and if you want to say my mother is old then it’s it’s an opinion.Fact is my generation don’t know half of what your elders do. Gardening, canning food,etc..Respect,listen n learn.
Screw him
Stay strongSheila.
His mouth will makehim the ccasualty
To Frank: Frank, judging from your insensitive and age degrading comments, I suspect you are fairly young and trying hard (too hard) to be funny. Probably the wrong place for that. However I will say that my mother is 78 years of age just got her first AR last year and can put a good pattern of holes in a target at 200 yards. She don’t get around real fast but she gets around. AND on her last birthday she asked me for an military surplus MSS (Modular sleep system). She’s an RN and has a lot to offer young bucks WSHTF. Who knows how many lives her medical training could save? Or her AR15 for that matter. I’m 55 and much wiser than I was 10-20-30 years ago. I’d take 10 men and women my age against the same your age any day. With one exception I’m giving up a 55 year old for my 78 year old Mom.
I am 64 and I am starting to prep in case Yellowstone blows. I don’t mind dying, I would go to spirit to see my old dog…but I don’t want to die of starvation. That would be nasty.
How very kindly you choose your words Frank, we all appreciate that crap in this forum.
Apparently you have not found the wisdom, and tenaciousness of our older folks. If it were all to go zombie apocalypse today, I wish my 90 Grandfather was still around. He’s the man that taught me to survive without anything. Because he grew up in a generation that had nothing. Choose your words carefully. You just may find that all those years are worth more than you thought.
Here here!
I SO wish my grandmother were here. She with her brother ran farm with no power, throwing down a lunch for 25 farm hands on a wood/iron stove, washing laundry nice and white with a scrub board and homemade soap, preserving food — could can anything, dried fruits on what apparently looked like screen doors, etc., knew how to keep oil & wick lanterns in perfect repair & not smoking, just all kinds of things I wish I’d learned.
I so agree with you. The older greneration has such a wealth of knowledge they lived in tough times. All of my grandparents have passed, I’m so glad I paid attention to the things they had to teach me and wish they were here to teach me more. My mother is the last elder in our family and she is one tough women. I have a brother and in the past 2 yrs. we have really been trying to educate ourselves in being more selfrelient, raising our own food, learning to can and preserve those foods, improving our hunting skills,we involve our whole family, I find myself saying over and over I wish I had paid more attention to how grandma or grandpa did this or that. If you are lucky enough to have members of the older grenerations in your family pay attention to what they can teach you they are a wonderful sourse of knowledge.
Our grandparent have lived so some of the worst times in the last 100 years and they got it going on , they know how to do all these thing that we don’t because they didn’t have any of the technology that we are spoiled with. They did it the hard way, time consuming but it was the right way and having patience and they were healthier as far as what they ate and didn’t have all the toxins that are in everything today.
Cry baby cry you are not your grandma and she isnt here to hold your hand… do something for yourself for a chance . You all cant survive some have to die so the strong can survive. We will not teach you how to survive, but dont get in our way or else you will become bird food
Frank Frank Frank… Now that’s not nice.. Maybe you should open your eyes a little. Think about what you say before you open the di*k dumpster in your face. Show some respect or maybe someone might come along and give you a list of survival tips of your own.
FRANK- list includes:
Balls, Guns, Guts, and oh yeah ya dont have the brains to use any of the above! Get bent ya terrorist!!
You’re a daisy if you do
I couldn’t believe what I just read… She maybe a little on the older side but I bet she will be more prepared than you will be, as she grew up in a time when nothing was available. When you are getting the worst of what’s coming and you need help and you see a older person doing a lot better than you, don’t bother to ask them for help as your aren’t worth it to them. Survival guide for you; Nothing, burn in hell.
And as for everybody else, me and my hubby and baby girl are starting to get out bug out bags ready, this website has helped me out a lot and I appreciate all the suggestions on here! Have a wonderful life to everyone, including Frank. Best of luck!!
Meant to say getting OUR bug out bags ready!
Why would you bet she will be more prepared? She doesn’t know what items she needs so she asked someone to send her a list by making the request on the comments section of a random blog article. She clearly is lucky to have been able to read the keyboard well enough to type. She will die. Oh yeah and no doomsday is coming whatsoever and this is all ridiculous, unnecessary bullshit and you all are utter idiots.
Best of luck to you and your family. I really hope the day never comes where any of you need to use your BOB’s, but if the SHTF then best of luck to you three.
at least she’s Making a list, have you FRANK! My Granny’s 82 , and most every day she calls me and says, HUN don’t forget to do this or get that, ‘you youngins better be prepared, and if you need anything just call!; I’M 55…
oops, shes 92, 93 this month, LOL, see and she has to call and remind me what I need, !!
Yes that was a very unnecessary statement. I think one big part of survival is the capacity to stay friendly. having support of anyone is always good in emergency situations.
jefron, having support is alwasy good, yes, but when shit hits the fan and everyday survival things become very, very scarce, people will strangers will kill you without a second thought. Anyone that wants to last more than a few months at least. Go ahead and say you won’t, but you aren’t in that position yet. Bottom line, what Frank said was mean, but accurate. Sometimes, people can’t afford to be slowed down by an elder. Who knows how Mrs. Hall could end up?
Random Things Instead of a Name I hate to think there are people in the world as ignorant as you are trying to prove yourself. If I were you I wouldn’t mess with Oldtimers because you most likely will be taken home in a body bag. It’s stupid thinking like yours that will end your life at a very young age
Man, I am enjoying the lash out against Frank more than the article. Way to stand up for our elderly commenters! I think some people just like to get a rise out of other people like my brother-in-law (can’t reveal which one). Larie – have you looked into Freeze Dried Food? Even getting a small amount can make life easier for a survival situation – just add water and your eating! All the Best to you Lauri!
I can show/teach anyone how to prepare “Frank” for BBQ..
really??? Frank, that is rude. And just to add insult to your ignorance…. I have family that are over 90yrs old that are the only ones under 33yrs old that aren’t in some way reliant on thier elders. They are the only ones that are handling this poor economy without bating an eye….They have been there before!!!!! Weren’t you taught to respect your elders?
I meant reliant on thier family
Like baby bush calling his mama and brother to help him? Cry baby nobody is coming to save you, do something for yourself or die trying!!! Cry baby
thts pretty rude, i understand but not every old person is senile, some are very active and fit, my g-ma walks everyday and goes to the gym and stuff and actually goes hunting and she’s 82… i think she will make it in a survival situation for a while
LMAO… everyone got trolled so easily.
IMO, only retarded adolescent trolls find trolling funny. To the rest of us it’s an annoying display of stupidity and social non-function. Go pop your zits, catalyst.
Id keep an older person around and alive simply for the experience. They know some things id never think of!
Oh Frankie….. With an attitude like that I can almost guarentee that you will be one of the first ones…….. EATEN!!! I personally like my arrogant young men with B-B-Q sauce. MMMMMMMMMM! Tasty.
Your unbelievable. Older folks lived through so much, they could teach all of us a thing or two, especially manners !
While I don’t quite agree with franks delivery method, having a good group at any age is an important part of prepping. Power in numbers. Everyone has a use and an elder would have much life experience to pass down. There are plenty of new preppers who are just in this for the fun as a hobby and I am sure mrs. Hall would be a great asset to a group.
I guarantee I may b the most experienced in many of the aspects that are requied
I hope Frank comes to my door looking for food.
Frank, we know now that you’r older family members (mother) and who-ever are not important to you !!! You will pay for this…. I promise !!! These remarks will bite u in tht BUT..!!!!
Frank, what an azz you are!
Ya Frank you are pretty much humpin the pooch when it comes to Karma. see on the flip side, you’ll be the fly eating my poop
Its ok Frank will be one of the first to go Its always the cocky ones that “know everything” that go first in survival situations. its so likely that even Hollywood movies portray this time and time again. See ya Frank so long , hope deep throwing the hot dog was worth it!
“its so likely that even hollywood movies portray it”… ahhhahaha. thanks for that one. oh boy, I don’t know when, but I am totally going to use that on someone in a matter-of-fact tone at the next possible opportunity. I love internet logic.
Wow Frank! You are quite the rude a$$ aren’t you. Hope the Karma bus runs over you!
frank, that is totally mean, most young people are totally useless in any situation.
Frank, you’re an asshole! You must have not been taught to respect your elders. Shame on you. You better get ready to be a casualty if any of your neighbors know who you are on this post, You better not be one of mine.
That’s pretty funny. You probably work for 73 today, you should be careful you ignorant douche!
You are a real low life Frank. With your attitude you definitely will become a casualty.
Frank you will be “Godsmacked” for that one day.
Your an evil vile and nasty little man with no humanity! I hope someone takes pity on you because when this all comes down around you, you will need a friend.
Frank youre a douche bag.
73 or not they are human….right. if you were 73 wouldn’t you want a chance too.
Frank when zombies are chasing you, your that person that you shoot in the leg to give the Honorable old timers a good chance to make it
Frank frank f u kn frank…..I PROMISE! You will be sucking not only apple sauce thru your straw…..but your grits, steaks or whatever else you illuminati snakes eat with your almighty “dollar” If we ever meet up on the other side! :-$ BET! And to you larie… I never knew my grandmother. Neither one of them. Get in touch with me larie! I’ll take you in, I always wanted a grandmother. The “youngbucks” are ALWAYS the first to cry…..and trust me larie, I ain’t no “young buck”!
I am sure Frank is trying to be light hearted and funny. Unfortunately he has come across as pretty silly. Either that or he really is jerk. Trust me BOY Senior Citizens will manage while you are trying to figure out what is happening to you. I am going with Peanut Butter, Can Tuna, sardines, salmon and fruit. They all have long shelf live, if stored in someplace cool. Dried Beans if kept air tight. God Bless us all and protect us, And Frank go for the sensible and not the laugh next time.
Thank you Off Grid! The only positive about Frank’s comment is to see the kind outpouring of responses from other people. Maybe there’s hope for us yet.
Amen Patricia
Frank … you should make a huge reserve of intelligence because it seems you missed a lot.
Politeness is not your greatest strength. I hope you manage to get through any crisis .. because your subtlety rock (not smart) YOU … you risk not live very old.
That was NOT a very nice thing to say to someone. You are rude and uncouth.
Frank? Really? You’ve gotta be one of those douchebags who like to stir shit up and piss people off. Well it did. I hope you catch one in the knee and another in the gut . Fuckn pukestain!!
Most of the comments about the old guy are pretty lame and immature, to say the least. I am 64 and I could still just about whip any of you whipper snapper asses.
Answer me this. When your computer goes dead, then what are you going to use for a brain ?
In the old days we did not have computers and had to learn things out of books. YOU tell me how to gut a deer, or weave a saddle cinch, or lash a pack saddle, or make a barrel out of wood or make a wagon wheel, or weld iron pieces together using a forge, or how to machine metal parts by hand, or make gunpowder, or do ammunition reloadiing, or how to build mussel loading 3-1/2″ bore aritllery, or were trained how to kill by the military ?
You kids today that have been raised pacisifsts could hardly harm a fly. Us old cusses could slit your throat and not miss one spit of our chaw of tobacco.
I know all of that kind of thing and a thousand other things that you young arragont farts only wish you knew.
Went through the boy scouts when it was still worth something and was taught how to survive, the manual of arms, marching and the morris code. Drop me anywhere in the rocky mtns and you cold pick me up in 30 days, without a problem. Lets see any of you kids do that. I know what you can eat and what you can’t, and what water you can drink and which you can’t, and you don’t. You would be dead in a week.
NO. When it comes to surviving, you better grab onto ever old person you can get your hands on, because they have the knowledge base that is going to keep you alive, besides having the financial resources to put away arms and 50K+ stores of amminition and food stores.
So back off kiddo.
Well said Mr.Dewitt. My mom is 75 and she can still run circles around me . She go to Walmart and walk around for hours without tiring while I’m barely dragging along behind . I have no doubt that if the time ever comes where survival skills are needed the older folks will do just fine especially with a lot of family support .Thanks again for putting that guy in his place for the rude comment he made about Mrs. Hall .
Your amazing Jerry, and I would love to pat you on the back! You are right 100%! I am 43 and raised by my Father who taught many many survival techniques. My Grandmother canned and taught me how to grow and preserve food naturally…thank God for the good old days!
i can do all that at the age of 23 and i have enough guns and ammo and a bunker i built off in the woods by a water source to assume young people forgot how to do basic things based on that fact that we can use a computer i live in a city but i know how to live off the land and fish hunt bow and arrow and rifles what frank said was true to some point the elder people without the meds they take would die off faster ( i am not saying young people don’t need it to ) they will have to fight a group of people who want what they have are you ready to defend whats yours? older people heal slower tend to move slower due to the harder life they had to go through in there day and age young people will die off a lot of them will really with the lack of skills and knowledge older people have young will need older people for there wisdom and the older people will need the younger people to help them get around and help defend self’s so neither of you are wrong the fact is we as humans think we are civil but when it comes down to it we are animals and will do anything to survive
Hey Jerry,
Give the guy named Frank a pass. We need people around like him……. When the game are all gone, our stores of supplies are gone, and we are all in a position that we are starving, he can serve a purpose. The pygmies call us long pork for a reason. and aside from eating politicians and homeless, people like him can serve one of the most important services. He can supply us with that much needed sustenance that we are all going to need to continue the fight. So you see, even an ignorant f*** like Frank has value and a good reason to keep him around. And by the way, I am a vet and wan USAF Specops embedded in Honduras and Panama and am almost a senior citizen. We seniors have a lot more to fight for because we see a lot more that has been taken away from us. I also grew up with a Grandfather that was Seneca-Iroquois and learned at a very young age what plant life you could eat and not as well as what makes the best medicines, but don’t think for a minute, that , if that was all gone, and I was starving, that I would eat Frank. I have the commitment to fight for freedom liken to the Islamic Extremist suicide bomber. And because of my age NOT NEAR AS MUCH TO LOSE AS Frank. Paul III
Its Morse code. Named after the creator of it Samuel Morse. Being you couldn’t spell it I doubt you know it.
AMEN! Well said, Mr. DeWitt!
You said it perfectly Mr. Dewitt!!! I agree 100% that the elderly have much more useful knowledge than the young ones today. This generation has grown up with all of this technology that does everything for them. Keep this in mind you new generation ‘know-it-alls’…some of the elderly have lived through the Great Depression and had to live off the land, make meals stretch to feed their large families, hunt and prepare their own food. Having someone with experience and knowledge about how to survive in case of a world crisis – I would definitely want on my side to teach me the ways.
Sorry to Mrs. Hall who was rudely disrespected just because she asked a simple, yet, substantial question. We all know how this economy has changed and I forsee it to only get worse. I’m 30 and I’m seriously planning on making a survival kit myself. I want to be prepared for anything. I think it’s great Mrs. Hall, that you are thinking the same way. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be prepared. Good for you! I just wish I could help you with some ideas….I’m still figuring out my list for me and 2 little ones – 2 and 6 years of age. Good luck to you!
He threatens to slit peoples throats and you all pat him on the back for being a old guy? You people disgust me
Thank you ,Jerry,I am up in age also but I can still walk 25 miles a day and hunt and bag enough food in one day to feed a few survivors. Guys like us are the 1%
Turn your power off for a week, -and older fellows like us will watch you go beserk!!
Jerry, I’d rather have one of you with me if the tird hit the fan than 10 Franks. I can sleep on the snow in the rain, eat spotted owl, I can pick and shovel too, I can do most anything you want me to…
RY – Actually, it’s Samuel F.B. Morse. Since you don’t know anything about punctuation or usage, I doubt that you would know that.
Yes! I was about to the point that I might have been able to do a double diamond hitch by myself a while back.
Many older folks know skills. They may not be able to physically do them, but they can TEACH! You would be more than welcome here, Jerry. I surprise folks due to the skills that I have learned by reading! Many from hard cover books. Some by computer. Use what we can as we can!
Say’s the generation that raised us…..
Jerry, I am 68 and I can do very few of what you named, however I can grow a garden, survive off the land, and mostly, make a survival kit and have the ammo to keep it in my possession, along with a bit of gold and silver.
You remind me of “The Postman” when the old guy says, “I know things”! I agree the older community will be nessessary to survive! My mom grows a garden and I realized how ignorant I was when I saw her canning it all (tastes 100% better than anything bought BTW). Im only a generation away from that knowledge and was still thrust into techno-world. Now Im crash coursing myself in a feeble attempt at surviving. Hey old people, Im on board, your knowledge and my sweat can make it happen!
Which kiddos are you referring to? Hell what generation are you referring to? Raised pacifist? I’m a 26 year old veteran, and currently a rough neck. Since reaching adult hood I have worked 72-96 hours a week, and sir I wasn’t sitting in a damn office. What am I going to do when my computer goes dead? I’m going to use the skills taught to me by my grandfather and father, which I will in turn teach my own son.
Slitting throats? Haha Sir I’m as tough as you are or ever were. Every generation thinks the next is weaker or inferior to their own. I’m sure your grand parents generation were saying how weak and lazy your was. Hell I’ll probably be saying the same thing about my grand children’s. So don’t make the mistake of thinking everyone in my generation would be dead in a week. Just as we’ll need you, your gonna need the god fearing, hard working young bucks just as much.
I completely dont agree with this guy. young people pacifists? I dare this guy to walk from LA to longbeach and say that again. also, although im probably a rarity, but I know how to shoot, load ammunition, gut, skin, and butcher a deer, or any other animal for that. he knows what to eat, and all us youngsters dont? why is everyone applauding this guy? I think hes full of it
Hell yeah I wish I could learn all of the above from you. You hit the nail on the head I know I’m ignorant to bush survival but I think it’s in me and my family’s best interest to learn and soon I figure if I can stock up and protect what I got and outlast the majority then I have a chance obviously I’ll need to make some connections with older folks that know the older ways at some point
Amen, these young folks don’t know nothing, I am not at 60 yet , but getting close, I want to think that all my parents and grandparents taught me will help me to survive
I’m 66 and could feed my family with the knowledge of wild foods in my area. The benefit of studying a geographical area for decades, testing recipes and remembering things I learned at my grandma’s knee. We have planted concord grapes, blueberries, bush going to help keep us healthy. cranberries, asparagus, apple and pear trees, blackberries and raspberries. Also collected fishing gear. ND if bullets aren’t available, we have professional sling shots. And goods to barter for milk and eggs.
Wow, What happened to the importance of the meaning of this site? Sure is easy to get everybody’s hair in a bunch. And as far as anyone knows, Frank could just be an elder person himself. I suppose you just have to take what helps and leave the rest. Stephen
I’m not going to be coming back to follow up, but all you elders are just as bad as frank. What the hell did my young ass do to get lumped in with him? Ok, I was never in the military, but I know what I know. And hunting, I know. Canning I know. Farming, I know. Please tell me what I’ll do when the grid goes down? Easy. Keep on living. I know how to cure meat. I’m not 73 let alone 55. Fuck, not even 30 yet. People all talking about my mom’s old but she can’t move, but she can shoot. Yeah, but what’s your mom going to do when a 14 year old bumps her door open with a bump key while she’s sleeping when shit hit the fan, (remember, you guys are the ones saying young people are selfish, here’s your scenario) and that 14 year old prick slots your mums throat and steals her ar? Don’t go throwing out blanket claims that old people are really the most valuable because they have skills that young people dont. Frank, you’re are really using asshole, but so are the rest of you. Some young bucks here value and cherish the old ways, just the same as a lot of old people cherish and value the new ways. Life alert, for one. And yes, before yall get uppity with me, my gouse runs a wood stove, not pellet, must be chopped. I enjoy that it warms me twice. My weed Wacker is so old, you swing it like a golf club. Lawn mower, manual push power, no gasoline. My dad gave me his old snowblower, I prefer my shovel. Not all young people are trash, so stop acting all high and mighty guys. Have a day.
Apparently the part of human DNA that creates compassion ran down your mothers leg
You are one sick puppy!!!!!!!!
Frank. I saw my grandfather yesterday who faught in ww2 and he is frail and dependant. Its wierd to read your comment cause I was just worrying about what I would do if I was elderly, badly hurt, or a woman during the end times. I would strongly consider suicide or even mercy killing if I could no longer protect myself or in the latter case my( wife and children.) It may be cowardly but it keeps them out of the hands of evil men. I don’t necessarily disagree with your statement when times get bad enough. Pray that the lord does not tarry in these times
Yo Fuck Frank
hey frank this is about brotherhood and sisterhood, being a prepper family! im almost 50 and im sure im better prepared than you will ever be, and trust me with your attitude there is no help for you at my door!larie on the other hand is welcome any time. laire some of the important thing you may need is extra medications vitamins and plenty of water,sun screen and manuals on fire starting,canning and food storage.
My parents are in there 80’s and have taught me a few very good tricks that they used in the depression, you’d be wise to listen. Probably unlike most people we have a plan that includes my parents and they in turn have been prepping themselves and boxing up food items, Do not underestimate the elderly they have plenty to offer.
I know a lot of old timers that are a lot better equipped to survive than most younger folks. I have a 93 year old neighbor that still gets out and farms, hunts, and does yardwork and I am sure he is healthier than 50% of people half his age. A mans age is not a measure of the man your way of thinking is pretty stupid dude.
Frank, she possibly knows things about cooking, knitting, canning, gardening, quilting, planting, etc that you do not. There are those who are physically active and make good grunts, and then there are those who are reservoirs of knowledge who are aged or infirm but still important for skills the current generations have lost, which we need to rebuild life as human beings. There’s an Alaska Native folk tale called “Two Old Women” that addresses this fact. We need our elders.
I would LOVE to have Mrs Hall with me! She has the experience of having lived back in the days of the depression. Making do. Doing it by hand. Working together as a family. Rigging up your own contraption when you can’t afford to buy something :) She may not be strong, but she may indeed be fit and strong. 73 isn’t that old if you have taken care of yourself. But her head knowledge is priceless. And attitude. I prefer the older generation 100x over the younger generation who feel they are ‘entitled’ whether they work for it or not! Blessings y’all~
SHTF Is a time logic and rational choices. Yes Frank was rude,however youthful partners would be a must.Sad to say but the emotions im hearing is a weakness.fact is itll be survivle of the fittest AND smartest! P.S. she didn’t exp. the depression
All those who believe people in their 70s lived through the “depression” need to read history books or at least google it. At 71, I can tell you I wasn’t born until in the 40s, meaning I didn’t live through the depression. OMG, get real! But I can tell you as an RN (Ret.) I have skills useful for any group.
Elizabeth, just to do the math, 73 would have placed her birth, at the earliest in 1943, so having lived through the depression…??…a bit questionable, but could have had parents who had it hard growing up through it, and then meeting and starting her family. I, myself, can see many personality traits of my father and mother, who were born 1933, and 1939, approaching life with values they learned from their parents. You know, all the “when I was your age…” stories. In fact, I myself can say I inherited some of my mom’s fear of financial insecurity, especially with the instability in politics. And so the web is wove, down the line will pass many traits, even the crassness of some people, could be seen as a form of preparedness control, b/c surely we would come across such brutal truths in apocalyptic times, and also, as it has caused many ppl here to take stock of their elders. I agree, even Frank could be seen as having a purpose, not to eat, but to learn something from. Even Satan, it was written, sat on the council of God, and when challenging God to let him have his way with Lot, and Humanity, brought about a need for change and what direction that change could take, thus, Placing Satan, himself, as a “counselor” of quality control. How would we know where we really stood if the ground wasn’t shaken up once in a while.
My 79 year old father in law would put you to shame, both in stature & in wits. I’ll take him ANY day over the likes of you.
Wow Frank, is your head up your ass for the warmth? Everybody realize, Frank is a cull, and needs to be cut from the herd. Do the world a favor Frank, take a dirt nap! You are wasting good air. Mrs. Hall, at the top of the website is a contact link. Use that link to request additional info.
i know a 76yr old man that can run circles around all of 30 yr olds..im 36 raised by granparents that were born in 1917-20…us young people cant even b water boys for the old generation…i hunt,fish,raise garden,can an freeze food,heat with would,shoot bows n guns……until us younger generation go thru what the older generation did we can b asa
cocky as we want to b ..but ill bet ull soon find out the older people will survive better than u………..i have nothing but respect for that generation….they knew nothing but work n surviving….good people for our generation to take lessons from…..its people like u that give r generation a bad rep!
well frank, think before you speak, the 73 yr old grandma’s got an ak47, just for people like you…
I guarantee I may b the most experienced in many of the aspects that are requied
I think old people are a valuable resource even if they were not physically able they have been around awile and would be less likely to make rash decisions
You are a tasteless butt hole..
Whether he is being mean or not what he posted has merit. Most of us at 73 or thereabouts will not be in the best of physical shape and will need younger, healthier people around to survive. It’s a fact folks and we can hem and haw about how Frank said it but it’s true. I’m 56 and consider myself fairly healthy but I’m not in the best health either. My mother just turned 80 and she has been in a nursing home for about a year now. She has not been able to take care of herself for many years and when the SHTF I know she will perish. So will hundreds of thousands of others across the nation. Many people are on drugs to stay alive and rely on electricity as well. Once that goes away the old and sick will perish first. I hope we can all support our elders and take care of them as best as possible in the hard times coming.
Frank, people like you will be among the first to die when SHTF. You lack the skills to get along in society today, so what will happen when you need the skills? YOU WILL DIE. Will anyone feel bad about your demise? Not likely. Us older folk will surprise you young punks by the wealth of knowledge we possess. I learned my skills when I was a young child from my great grandmother,who survived the War Between the States, and both my grandmothers who survived the Great Depression. I have utilized these skills all my life and will continue to do so as long as I can. I doubt if punks like you can say or do the same.
Hey Frank, She may be the only person in her family smart enough to put something aside. That way she can care for her family. She may be the only one that knows how to grow a garden and preserve the food. She’d be a real asset whereas you’re just an _ _ _
Us older generations survived before there even was a “grid”. So, we got this…
If a person plans out, even at 73…….. They don’t need a lot of young bucks! Now…… it would help if they could team up with some that are younger……… But they have knowledge that could help.
Ignore Frank and give us more food ideas. Larie and I would appreciate it.
I thought that by now, the “I am younger than you, and therefore more important” people were weeded out and settling for dying while trying to get a signal on their cell phone after an “event”. Then I saw “frank’s” comment and once again know that the amount of bodies left to rot will be enormous!
Frank brings up a good point. could you callously pull a frank and turn away an orphaned child or elderly person to die in the elements? I couldn’t but I would have never prepared to care for an infant since my children are older. The elderly are much easier to prep for. Putting aside 1 five gallon bucket for this couldn’t hurt. Baby formula is expensive BUT it can be vital for a child, its usable nutritionally for everyone and before the shelf life expires a person could choose to donate it to rotate the stock. A few bottles, a few cans of formula.
I could easily make someone like frank fend for himself but I honestly could never in a million years watch a child or elderly person suffer due to no fault of thier own. So thank you frank for being the prick that you are, I’ve learned something about myself when all I was looking for was the shelf life of tuna.
Don’t worry everybody. With an attitude toward others like that, he will have a target on his back from Day One of SHTF. All the people who put up with his idiocy now will write him off immediately. I’m sure he thinks he is ready, but he isn’t.
Frank idiots like you should be sterilized to keep you from reproducing. You won’t have to worry about being 73. Someone will kill your nasty ass long before then.
Frank, what you said was kind of a jerk move. You did not have to say that because it is demoralizing to an old woman. Shame on you for that. However, I do agree that a 73 year old woman would have a hard time surviving without help from ‘young bucks’ so you had the right idea but really not a cool way to talk to an old lady bro.
Ted you can’t possibly be that ignorant. We old people. as you young punks like to say, lived with the homesteading ways you have no idea about. I’m betting most “Old People” Have more natural survival skills then 10 of you know-it-all young people. Try getting over yourself and please don’t make the mistake of getting in our way you may get the surprise of your life.
Get your head out of your butt Frank-A, or maybe it has escaped your notice that most of the skills for survival and food storage are not new tech. There are many many ways to contribute at ANY age. Does your narrow minded agism mean you also eat your young rather than feed them? After all what possible contribution could a child have? Just so you know, if ever we meet in a survival situation, it will be you lying dying, not this old woman.
You are a heartless, cruel person. Just remember karma will come for you. You might want to be more respectful.
I hope those old people have a stockpile of their meds. If Frank or those like him run out of their blood pressure pills…whoopsie!
I have at least a one yr supply of every medication I am currently taking. there were many times I went “without” to create this emergency supply. I wouldn’t count on ANYONE to find me and help give me medication. I even sounds ridiculous, so I don’t see how anyone could think that would be the case.;
Dude… That’s not nice.
Yep, we will keeping on keeping on while the try to figure out a way to get online with no electricity. I still have most of my old book and the encyclopedias bought for my long grown girls. Hell I can boil eggs, coffee most anything in a roaring fire (or small) in a PAPER BAG. Use milk/bleach etc.. jugs to fish while I am otherwise busy tending to other things.
Old people will be needed because they and their parents had to live without most of the luxuries we have come to enjoy today. They know what it means to farm, can, build with hand tools, etc.
My mom is pushing 70, and she is the hardest worker I know, most men 1/2 her age can’t even keep up with her. She owns a small horse farm and is constantly moving heavy rock to build walls, working farm equipment, digging post holes, cutting down trees and splitting logs. I can only hope to be 1/2 that spry when I’m her age.
You have to over look Frank he doesn’t know any better He won’t learn until he messes with the wrong older person and they blow his head off. Hey Frank I’m 64 and I double care you to come fuck with me and see how long you live to tell about it.
Frank is obviously STARVING for attention. Giving it to him will only enable him. 0:)
Talk to my family like that in front of me and you may end up a casualty yourself. Remember, your not the biggest baddest meanest out there princess.
If people want to piss and moan, go back to Facebook. People are here to see what is needed and to make sure they haven’t forgotten something that could keep one alive when it hits the fan. Get with the program people. God Bless you ALL,in Jesus Name.
No need to be rude. Even at 73 she can be useful even if it is knowledge. You also imply that a woman needs a man. As women my daughter and I can tell you that we do not need a man. In fact we know a few men that without a woman they will not survive. Don’t forget your Blankie and Binkie Frank
You will all die, there isnt enough food, water and resources for everyone to survive off the land so stop preparing so the rest of us can survive. Die baby die !!! :)
Franks just saying it like it is. Already, people over 50, even 40, are considered ‘in the way’. I’m 64, I didn’t heeded my parents warnings; now–somewhat too late–I get their drift. History’s filled with examples of what starvation & anarchy does to people. Abandoned children dying of hungry, isn’t new. Cannibalism, it isn’t new. Roving gangs, raping, & murdering the innocent for their belongings, isn’t new. It’s happening now in other countries. We need to prepare for anything. And one last comment: Never, ever, put all your eggs in one basket. Bury & hide!
I’m 75 and certainly don’t need a “Frank” in my life. Our family is as prepared as possible and I’m very busy helping others get prepped too. Dehydrated prunes are yummy as are dates and figs. However, we use them for flavor at this point. Sounds like you’re the one with the potty problem.
Omg How ugly & crude
I’m sure this person is dead by now, but at 69 I’m betting that I’m way, way better prepared after doing it since I was 16. What a clown! lol
then you are not to bright as arrogant as it may seem it is fact when i was 20 like all people my head was up my ass now that i am over 40 lol trust me its not arrogance it is FACT…
I think we should hold Frank down and lower his testerone level by castration; You all hold him down and I’ll do the cutting! If not cured, we can reconvene and do more cutting so he squats to pee. signed klu klux kanevel
Hey all. I was enjoying reading the reply until Frank commented, then just about everyone started getting on Frank’s case. Ignore people like him and stay on the subject of this forum. People like him doesn’t do anything but stir up problem. I would rather be reading what people’s thought are on the issues rather that seeing people trying to educate, rebuke, or any other form of correction. Waste of good information space. Not trying to sound rude. Thanks all
we would love to have you with us we dont have kids but our family’s do older folks are the teacher of the young and are needed more than you will ever know i have a lot of grand old folks but more is good thay do garden work and tend the flocks of sheep and goats as well as get the eggs and watch kids win we plow or have to go out ware its to dangerous to take them as well as just plane know stuff
Ms. Larie,
Some good things to have are matches, a crank radio (it cranks so it runs without batteries for a while), medical supplies like bandaids, wrap bandages, gauze, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol (for disinfecting woulds/cuts, etc.), medical bandage tape, antibiotic ointment like neosporin, Lugol’s iodine AND tincture of Iodine-you can get Lugols and tincture on Amazon.com. Of course batteries like AA, etc. are good but they eventually go bad. A swiss army knife, flash lights (several), clothes line with clothes pins, baking soda (lots) scissors, several different kinds of non- electric can openers and lots of canned food with good exp dates-look at every date before you buy to be it is at least 3 years out or so. Try to find others in your area that live close that you can trust like church. Most of all have your Bible. God never fails. Not everyone is as rude as Frank. I wish my precious grandmother was still alive. I have the utmost respect for those who are older. I hope you come back and post again.
That was very nice of you to inform Ms.Larie of the things she is also going to need.
Ms. Larie more than likely going to be he alot longer than Mr Frank. He’ll probably mess himself when the SHTF. I’ll bet she could skin a buck or run a trout line anyday and out cook the best of us. Ms.Larie do pay no mind to him, just get yourself ready. Oh and if some jurk comes knocking on your door, well you know what to do. Best of luke to all.
Frank the Joke is on you.
Personally as an atheist a bible is just excess weight to carry but if it gives you hope then more power to ya. I would sugget adding a machete or large hunting knife because being older people will probably try to take advantage of you.. A grandma with a machete ? No one in their right mind is going to fuck with that!
I’ll use the extra tiny grunt to keep my Bible, plus have a machete swinging grandma.
Since you most likely know less than .01% about everything in the universe, how do you know God doesn’t live in the 99.99% you know nothing about?
I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.
very well said!! I am memorizing that one…love it
yea… boom…boom…for the atheist,
and save the christian.
I am a 60 year old woman who has been prepping for a while now. my hubby isnt too into it but puts up with my doing so.
I do a log of dehydrating. I go to the frozen food sections of stores, the veggies are ready to dehydrate. If you dont have a dehydrator just put on cookie sheets in oven at 200 deg. There are a lot of online sites about dehydrating. I have a garden so also dehydrate out of tht.
Have plenty of water. Every time I go to store pack some more. Buy bleach, if you have to you can purify your rain or stream water with tht. Matches, candles. Solar is definately good. There are solar radio/flashlights out there. Buy a good book or two on wild foods with pictures. Have a tarp, blanket. Get a tote and buy one of those vacuum bags. But extra clothes, blankets and seal it. you can get a lot in a small space. Any medicines you need, try to get extra prescriptions. I also have some home canned veggies, can use the juices to help rehydrate the veggies. Get some seeds, dont get hybrid, get heirloom. Now is a good time to stock up.
This isnt a complete list, but hope it will help.
One more thing – mostly for the newer folks here. Try to find yourselves an old (say, ’50’s edition) Boy Scout Handbook. It has basics for nearly every skill you’ll need for camping/primitive living skills, as well as for packing, supplies, making fire, tracking, building shelters, finding your way, etc. There are very good illustrations and simple but fairly complete instructions. You can’t beat it as a primer for primitive skills.
Don’t get a new one. They have reduced that kind of material in them – or so it looks to me – which means you’d now get ‘camping light’ instructions.
Boy Scouts feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. I already have my older manual (and still have my own from 50 years ago too) so I won’t care and it will help others to know.
No Dave, you are correct. As a 45year scouter I can tell you and everyone else the newer politically correct handbooks don’t cut it.
I’m called a maverick but still teach out of 50-60’s books.also look for the old fieldbooks..they are what you really want..all obout fieldcraft
I love the boy scout handbook idea, I am a 29 year old mom of 3 kids pregnant for #4 and am trying to get together a nice organized stash of important items. The books are so expensive and I have never thought of the boy scout book. Thank you.
I would like a printable list also.
Larie, keep strong, and ignore idiots like frank
Larie hall I am a young prepper and currently writhing a book on survival but here is a simple list of foods that will last a long time!
Beans,pinto kidney. Lentils. Lima. Adzuki. Garbanzo mung. Black turtle. Black eye
Store bought, canned tuna Canned meats. Canned veggies coffe packets tea bags ramen noodles powdered milk (good for the bones!) dried herbs and spices for taste
Also electrolyte enhanced water will be good for general health
1/2 tbsp baking soda
2 tblspns agave nectar
1/2 tblspn of sea salt
And add to around 20oz of water!
Just like to correct you on your quote “powdered milk (good for the bones)”. Milk is actually BAD for the bones. Our bodies cannot actually digest the milk without actually taking calcium OUT of our bones to do so. Countries who consume the most milk have the most cases of osteoporosis. It is through clever marketing that we mindlessly believe without question that milk is good for us. You can fact check that online.
To Madam Larie Hall,
There are a number of websites who offer such things as:
– A waterproof bucket that contains long-term (25 years) storage food and water filters.
– Basic survival tools such as fire-starters, weapons (knives) etc, fishing line etc.
– Other basic materials such as fold-away rain coats, sleeping bags etc.
– First-Aid Kits
A few best foods to have are rice (number 1 choice), dried beans and canned foods (without the easy pop-top lids since they burst when stored for long periods). Salt is also handy to have as it is allows for preserving other foods such as fresh meat.
A backpack that is ready to grab is extremely handy to have.
It is a good idea to get to know a friendly, athletic neighbour and let him know that when a disaster strikes, you’d appreciate it if he remembers to come help you out and not to leave you behind.
Hope this is a good start for you. Good luck
Larie, if you can copy and paste the list of things you like into a blank word doc or to note pad then you can save it to a folder on your computer or print it off. I am also a “grandmother” and great grandmother, I am teaching the kids and grandkids all I know but I can assure you I am not going out without a fight !! Come on over to my neck of the woods and join me…
if you take any medication be sure you have plenty on hand, it will be hard to come by if not impossible at some point. Put aside some canned food and dry goods and water (plenty of water) toilet paper, body soap, toothpaste, first aid kit and such. There are so many things to put away that it boggles the mind when you think about it. but that’s a place to atart.
Dear Ms. Hall,
I do not have all the knowledge I need, but I would be glad to send you a list of what might be use to you. How can I do this for you? Do you want me to publish it on this site. Do you have a printer? Or should I send it to this site and they can send it to you?
there are several websites that have different list. Basically just have basic first aid equipment, food to last at least 72 hours and water, weapons are good to have in case you need them. if you need to leave your house make sure you have protection from the elements, hat,sunscreen, clean pair of socks and undies. if possible a small tent you can set up and a blanket.
i noticed you do not have white rice up there is there any reason for that?
Ms Hall, I am 70. I am storing rice, pasta, tomatoes, broth,canned vegetables, canned potatoes, tuna and chicken in the can. anything I could make soup with. canned baked beans, pinto beans any kind of beans for protein. dry beans lentils, barley, instant potatoes needing only water to make., lipton rice and noodles, spices you like and use often, mac and cheese, spaghetti O’s, ravioli,canned beef stew..you can add vegetables like carrots to stretch it. I store dry goods in clean jars like spaghetti sauce jars, clean empty soda pop bottles. canned soups can be used as a base that you can add to stretch a can into multiple meals. spaghetti sauce, canned and powdered milk, coffee mate, tea bags, instant coffee, white and brown sugar, canned gravies, canned fruit, pudding, jello, applesauce, peanut butter, jelly, flour, yeast to make bread etc. many items can be bought at the dollar store. only buy on sale. you would also be surprised how fast you could build a pantry just by getting a couple extra things each time you go to the store. only buy on sale. get some seeds at the dollar store to plant a garden. if the s h the fan hide everything…not all in the same place tho. eg some in the closet, some under the bed or sofa, behind and under dressers etc you would be surprised at the many different places you could hide some food. tape some pkgs behind bureaus. buy the basics first, then keep adding to them. before you know it, you will have a weeks supply, then 2 weeks, then a month etc. good luck honey, you can do it.
Thank you Dottier.Your suggestion is one of the most sensible for those that cannot ‘Bug Out’. Sadly I see more sense here from the more experienced in years and family oriented than the younger eager beaver out to prove their manhood types. In the end we will depend on our neighbors for survival. Knowledge is life.
Im 69 & I realize if a bugout is necessary I would not b able to keep up w/my family so I plan to b a rear guard. I have a Springfield m1a & an xd45, food & water. I dont feel worthless. I may save the rest of my family but I probably will not make it a long time. I know how to use my weapons. Spent 20 yrs in Army & I have physical probs.
Hi Larie. Im 69 & have been thinking about survival. I think for people our age the best & most convienent food to store is the prepared food from places like
Mt house. Its not complete meals w/vegs & fruits but our main theme is survival. Also a small caliber weapon like a .22 or .22 mag would come in handy. I realize as all of us older folks should that if a bugout becomes necessary we may hinder our families so a decision wovuld have to b made on that. I plan to stay behind as a rear guard. I have a Springfield m1a w/several mags & a Springfield xd45. These weapons may b 2 big 4 most older folks butU will need something for protection. I also ha e bottled water. Enough 4 a couple of months.
larie, what you need in a survival list is very dependent upon the local resources,and the area you live in. example, if you live in a desert, water is more important than if you have a creek in your back yard. urban survival and rural survival are not the same. becoming as self sufficient as possible is usually a good rule of thumb.. finding ways to become less dependent on anyone is also a good move. the facebook page listed in this post are mostly links to articles, tips, lists like you want… please have a look.. use what makes sense to you in your circumstances.
Larie Hall, need an email address, but better yet, If you don’t know how to highlight and print the list, ask a friend or neighbor to do it for you.
if off grid survival allows you just highlight it and print it
looking over this list. You need to pick up toothpaste, alcohol and matches.
Also google Solar Generators. Wagan has a good one. I bought a little refrig, stove top, and a fan.
I do not understand how all this is happening. Why as Americans have we let this get so far? Maybe it is time all the states need to leave the Union and each state govern themselves. This would be the end of the federal government. The Government is supposed to protect us. They have not done so. The bad people are getting protected and the good people are suffering. .
Just cut & paste the information onto a BLANK MS Word document and then you can print that MS Word document, or put it even on your smartphone if you have one.
Larie, it is very simple, Store what you use and use what you store. Think about the what if’s with a pen and paper handy. If you could not go to the store for a month what would you need. If you didn’t have electricity and running water, what would you need? Any like minded folks close to you? Church members? There are lots of printable “lists” around online. Just keep it simple, and remember to breath. Sometimes it just gets overwhelming.
This is a practical shopping list. I Realize it is intended for long term however freeze dried and dried fruits and vegetables will keep for a time and are required for nutrition. I might put this list in a card along with some money for newlywed couple, or a young person just getting started.
There are too many lists to list, but make sure your list includes Iodized salt and vitamins.
I want foods that are in a mouse proof packaging. Also I would like to see plans that are on a low monthly payment plan. Also I am looking for a list of non food items that should be collected. I am already a prepper but I am still trying to add to my knowledge to make sure I have the best collection I can get together.
This would also be helpful for me. 68 yr old grandma, living alone.
Blah Blah Blah. I’m 11 I don’t care about this
Larie, if you are reading this, I would say just get a couple of extra cans of food you like…every time you go to the store.
Extra bag of rice or beans or pasta, too. Also dry goods like powdered milk and potato flakes.
Stock extra meds and bandages for the medicine cabinet.
Oh, and if you have a gun, some extra ammo could be good.
Best of luck to you,
You just made my shopping list creation very easy. I will have to tell the wife I spent a couple hours on it!!
Really good. Couple things on there I had not thought about.
This idea may be a bit off topic here.
Besides these long shelf life foods, I’ll also store (short shelf life) nutritional supplements. Some of them:
• Buffered vitamin C (do keep coo; away from heat & light)
• Cod liver oil in bottle (yucky but a most potent power food!)
• Probiotic Acidophillus (travel versions are great)
• Whey protein (costly yet don’t store for long, sigh!)
• Wild American ginseng (don’t laugh, such nature’s gift beat our synthetic, processed food in nutritional integrity) :-)
(Some correction – sorry)
This idea may be a bit off topic here.
Besides these long shelf life foods, I’ll also store (short shelf life) nutritional supplements. Some of them:
• Buffered vitamin C (do keep cool; away from heat & light)
• Cod liver oil in bottle (yucky but a most potent power food!)
• Probiotic Acidophillus (travel versions are great)
• Whey protein (costly yet don’t store for long, sigh!)
• Wild American ginseng (don’t laugh, such nature’s gift beat our synthetic, processed food in nutritional integrity) :-)
Amaranth grain (seed) would be a great prep item too. One seed will produce millions more. Don’t forget yeast until you get skilled in finding yeast in the wild. :)
About salt: A very important item. However, salt from the grocery store is most often only sodium chloride with all the other minerals removed. You might find “Real Salt” in some grocery stores. I buy my salt from http://www.saltworks.us. They are home based somewhere near Kirkland, WA. You can get unprocessed (full compliment of minerals) salt from them, chunks in various sizes, or ground. I buy my favorite Himalayan Pink Salt there in 5lb bags and shipping is free until Dec 31,2010.
Another item that I consider essential is the book Cancer-Free by Bill Henderson. Every household should have a copy of this book, and read it now.
As for honey used for medical purposes, must not be heated or processed or it won’t work well if at all. Google that item, or see what drmercola.com has to say about it.
When it comes to emergency preparedness, most people I talk to think that nothing will ever happen to them- so “why should I bother. It drives me NUTS- but I know I am not nuts.
As a father of 3 small children, I have always tried to protect and provide for all their immediate and future necessities.
We have grown up in the age of consumerism and take for granted that there will always be food on the shelves. But in this economy, it will only take a small natural disaster, declaration of hyper-inflation, a truckers strike or possibly a shortage of water or gas to empty the stores shelves within hours. Just look what happened in Boston!
Now, I can sleep in peace! I love having the peace of mind, the feeling of being empowered– that my family and I are covered with the necessary emergency food, and survival supplies for the next 20 years at TODAYS prices for what ever comes our way.
You are nuts…..
You are protein.
one thing we keep in small airplanes in alaska ; is dried dog food,sealed with o2 bags (dog cookies taste better).. yes i have had to eat dog food when stuck in the bush…In our boats & planes we keep traps & clear plastic which can be used as shelter or water catchment system.
I would also add pepper spray. Also have a water filtering system & tablets.. Have bleach & perioxide.. Also waxed dental floss which can be used to mend tenting or clothing. I have had to use dental floss to sew wounds up & it worked fine.
I would add dried eggs,nuts & granola.Items that do not need cooking.
I buy much of our food & supplies from “Azure Standard” out of Durfer ,Or. They service Alaska & the west coast.
And one very important thing is exersice NOW, get into shape. Because if you have to hit the road out of shape you will not make it far.. Also get your friends & family in good physical shape.. Start walking everwhere.
Other good things to stock is paper plates and throw away plastic spoons and forks, so you don’t have to wash dishes and waste water. You then can use them to start a fire.plenty of matches, flash lights. candles also.
Another way to save on water is to create a greywater system in your household. Most of the time grey water is used for irrigaton, but it is also good for toilets, pre-rinsing, and some outdoor cleaning.
I can think of better choices of survival foods with good long term storage in varying climates. If cost vs quantity is driving your decision, there are things to consider if your going to rely on dog food for survival. Primarily, make sure its fit for human consumption. Most big namebrand dog foods (Iams, Beneful, Purina, Eukanuba, etc.) are not only bad for humans (I guess you could survive on it for a while), but they’re bad for your dog, too. However, there are some human grade dog foods available that might be a better choice. Check around the web and see what works for you. There’s even dehydrated natural, organic dog foods. Sorry to get off on a tangent. So I guess, to put it into a prepping perspective, when we’re prepping for our own survival, don’t forget about our best friends!
Does anyone happen to know the life of olive oil? Don Lau, I know Dufur, OR! Small town and Azure Standard has an office in town and a farm out Dufur Valley Road. Small world. :)
Many oils bought from stores are already in the process of spoiling.
Coconut oil is the best long-term storage oil
If you live in a more rural area, keep small livestock as well. Milk, eggs, meat.
And don’t forget about your pets
How about matches and candles? I see Bic lighters and lighter fluid mentioned but don’t forget matches or flints/steel for fire starting.
Also chocolate bars. They give a quick boost of energy and a little pickmeup.
If you want a big bang for a little cost and les space, 90% dark chocolate (99% if you can handle it) is bitter as can be, but it takes 1/5 as much to give you the same amount of energy. I once went a day and a half of eating just one dark chocolate bar before I even got hungry.
Snicker Bars!!! Protein, carbs, sugars, sodium and packed with calories. I now right now it seems like junk food buts its and excellent little pack of power. I always keep a half dozen or so in my GHB.
Thinking about the LONG term. I would suggest everyone pickup “Open Pollinated, Heirloom seed” packed in Mylar. Amazon has a great one with 34,000 seed all in one bag.
These are all amazing ideas and that is a great list, I would just add Aspirin to it. I’ve been playing with my blood pressure and that keeps it in line along with my medications. Time to print out this page.
A couple of items I would like to mention that I think should be added to this. First, a deck of playing cards to pass the time and to keep spirits up. Plus there is thousands of games you can play with cards. Second, there is a book called “herbal remedies” that I just love that if very informative. Thirdly, hygiene products for cleanliness, protection from some illnesses and for morale. I’ve been putting together go bags and survival kits for years and most people tend to forget these items.
tilla makes a jar lid sealer for canning jars.
a refrigeration type vacuum pump will pull a vacuum so low that it will cause water to boil at room temperature. all of my dehydrated foods are under extreme vacuum. the vacuum even causes bubbles to appear in honey. it takes some figuring to mate up the vacuum pump with the size tubing for the jar sealer. I figure no air then no oxygen….
The list should say: salt, salt, salt, salt, and more salt. Salt, in addition to making food taste good, is very useful in preserving food. With salt you can preserve meat and make pickles. An additional item to include, if you consider storing and growing flint corn is lime. Processing corn with lime or another alkaline is essential for releasing nutrients, otherwise, get acquainted with the word “pellagra.”
yup SALT SALT SALT but dont get the minerals salt it will reck canning and drying foods trust me i would know i have been doing this for over 20 years and found out the hard way and for trade good i have tabco and everclear we dont drink or smoke but others do and you dont want to have friends freaking out win it hits the fan it also can get you stuff you need as for food corn is your friend so are beans but remember to use the ashes from your fire to soke the corn in before you cook it i would keep a couple of animals if i were you as well it dont matter what kind as long as there’s meat on them win you need it
Grain alcohol is not only a trade item, but you can use it in your med kit as well in place of rubbing alcohol. That way, you can sterilize a wound, numb it for stitching, and get your self a little bit steadier all out of the same bottle – and trade off the left-overs later if you need to.
And just BTW, alcohol is the only pain killer I’ve ever used for damaged joints and broken bones that I don’t develop a tolerance to. I seldom get ‘drunk’, but after a couple of drinks most any pain is gone or significantly relieved.
Bullets!!!even for guns you may not have. Salt, Bleach, spam, can foods, MULTIVITAMINS!, tampons, listerine, LOTS OF Cheap Vodka. propane, aspirin, toothpaste, rubbing alcohol, peroxide, did I say BULLETS!!!?, INDUSTRIAL WORK BOOTS! (ALSO SAVE OLD SHOES), salted whole hams, PEANUT BUTTER!!! A S–T LOAD OF IT!, vaccum sealed coffee, lysol, Ensure, pedialyte, gatoraid, cheap used bullet proof vest, Railroad 10 min flares, sewing kit, IODINE,rain barrel, washtub, laying hens, DOGFOOD, parachute cord (trust me on this), duct tape, several good knives all kinds, more bullets, vodka, and bleach!!! and an untrusting open mind! people go crazy when when the grid is off.
Awesome list!! Added all of it! Thanks so much!!!
pedialyte and gatoraid are about the same thing. you’d be better off saving peialyte and adding sugar to it when you want.