OFFGRID Survival News

SHTF London

August 9, 2011 Off The Grid 5

All hell is breaking out in London as riots spread throughout the city with no end in sight….. […]

OFFGRID Survival News

Summer Trip turns into tragedy when hikers ignore signs.

July 20, 2011 Off The Grid 4

Ignoring warning signs while hiking is never a smart thing to do, the dangers were further illustrated as three hikers were swept over Yosemite Falls this week after ignoring the posted warnings. I hope people start to realize that despite how easy some T.V. shows make it seem the wilderness is not a place to mess around in. […]

Economic News: Financial Preparedness Alerts

Can the Average American Family Financially Survive?

As the country falls deeper into economic turmoil the Average American Family is struggling to stay afloat. According to the most recent figures, the average American family has over $15,000 of credit card debt and a staggering total debt of over $75,000. Check out our inforgraphic to see how big the problem really is…… […]

OFFGRID Survival News

Nuclear Leak in North Carolina

Add North Carolina to the list of American Nuclear Reactors that are experiencing problems. Over the weekend the nuclear reactor at North Carolina State University in the Burlington Nuclear Engineering Laboratory started leaking small amounts of radioactive water.