Could the Nuclear Fallout in Japan reach America?

Although the mainstream media and government officials continue to downplay potential dangers to our country, a number of experts are beginning to come out with warnings that say otherwise.

The situation in Japan seems to be getting worse by the minute. News is now coming across the wires that a second nuclear reactor may now be in jeopardy of melting down. The Japanese government has setup a so called “danger zone” of around 26 miles and began distributing Iodide pills to the public. While they continue to claim that the public is in no danger, this morning they seemed to contradict themselves by telling the public to put their clothing in plastic bags before entering their homes.

Closer to home, The California Department of Public Health is keeping a close eye on the situation. This morning they told the media that they have systems in place to monitor air, water, and the food supply for possible contamination. The state Department of Health in Washington also released a statement this morning that said, they are “conducting ongoing air monitoring for radiation to see if the nuclear plant incident in Japan has affected radiation levels in Washington.”

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission sent out two of its top experts to Japan to monitor the situation.

So should Americans worry about possible nuclear fallout reaching the west coast?

Opinions seem to be all over the board on this one. The government continues to say that the public is not in danger, but a growing number of experts are suggesting that a total reactor meltdown would definitely affect the west coast.

Jet Stream image showing potential nuclear fallout reaching the U.S.


jetstream patterns
Current Satellite Imagery of the Jet Stream as of 2:30 p.m. PST March 13th 2011

As you can see from the above graphics, the jet stream would clearly blow some of the radioactive cloud across the pacific towards the West Coast. What that means for us really depends on how much radioactive material is released into the environment.

With more reactors in danger of melting down, I think the public has a right to know what could happen during a worst case scenario. The government needs to get out of the P.R. game and stop worrying about the future of the nuclear industry.  This should be a huge wake-up call to the world.

UPDATE: 3:00p.m. 3-13-2011

The French government is warning its citizens in Tokyo to get out now…

Fukushima reactor number three is now in danger of meltdown which could make the Tsunami that hit Japan look like Childs play. The reason this is so concerning is that the reactor doesn’t run on uranium, it runs on a mixed uranium plutonium fuel. This MOX fuel is far more dangerous, and a release of plutonium into the environment is an extremely serious matter.

UPDATE: 7:35 p.m. 3-13-2011

There are reports of white smoke coming from the #3 Fukushima reactor. If this proves to be true this could be very bad news as mentioned right above.

UPDATE: 9:15p.m. PST 3-13-2011

Nuclear Expert Paul Carroll just told FOX  news that the West Coast definitely has something to worry about. He started to talk about why the MOX in reactor 3 is so concerning but was cut off by FOX.

Paul Carroll worked at U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. His principle area of knowledge is Nuclear Weapons

UPDATE: 9:21p.m. PST 3-13-2011 The New York Times is reporting that the Pentagon will soon announce that the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan passed through a radioactive cloud while in route to Japan. This confirms the news of radioactive materials blowing west towards the United States. Officials are saying that the crew was exposed to over a month’s worth of radiation in under an hour.

The report also says that American helicopters that were flying 60 miles north were returning fully coated with particulate radiation. The helicopters had to be decontaminated and washed.

UPDATE: 9:41p.m. PST 3-13-2011 – Video of Major Explosion #3 Fukushima reactor

UPDATE: 10:24p.m. PST 3-13-2011
US Navy confirms that 17 airman are being treated for radiation poisoning after flying through a radioactive plume. Cmdr. Jeff A. Davis, a spokesman for the American Seventh Fleet in Japan also confirmed the USS Regan’s on-board sensors indicated that the carrier had also been exposed to radiation.

The Commander said that the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan and other U.S. Seventh Fleet ships have moved downwind and are currently assessing the situation.

UPDATE: 11:48p.m. PST 3-13-2011
The Jiji news agency is reporting that the Fukushima plant No.2 is now having major problems keeping its reactor cool. Officials say that they may release hydrogen from the Fukushima Daiichi No. 2 reactor building.

UPDATE: 12:24a.m. PST 3-14-2011
TEPCO has confirmed that Fukushima plant No.2 has lost all of its coolant. An explosion is very likely.

UPDATE: 8:24a.m. PST 3-14-2011
Japanese Government finally admits that all three reactors are likely melting down. TEPCO admits that fuel rods in Reactor 2 may be fully exposed. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano confirms “Although we cannot directly check it, it’s highly likely happening.”

UPDATE: 8:35a.m. PST 3-14-2011
France, Germany and British government warns citizens and government workers to get out of Tokyo. Despite the danger the U.S. Government is still sending our military right into harm’s way.

UPDATE: 8:55a.m. PST 3-14-2011
Hundreds of thousands of Iodide Tablets being rushed to Japan to combat radiation exposure.

UPDATE: 11:41a.m. PST 3-14-2011
Aerial Images showing the damage at the reactors.
aerial images reactor

UPDATE: 9:45p.m. PST 3-14-2011

  • Third explosion at Japanese nuclear plant the Japanese government is warning of a massive radioactive leak.
  • Elevated radiation Levels being reported in Tokyo
  • Tokyo Stock Market Takes major hit, Main index down 14.4%
  • Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said radiation released….. told reporters “Now we are talking about levels that can damage human health.”

UPDATE: 10:41p.m. PST 3-14-2011
FOX, CNN & other news networks are pulling out of Sendai and heading north because of the radiation dangers.

UPDATE: 6:41 a.m. PST 3-15-2011
Another aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington has detected high levels of radiation. The carrier was docked in Yokosuka, about 175 miles from the nuclear plant in Okuma.

UPDATE: 8:41 a.m. PST 3-15-2011
Hundreds of thousands of Japanese residents ordered to seal themselves indoors after radiation levels soar through the roof.

UPDATE: 12:26 p.m. PST 3-15-2011
Mainstream Media CNN finally admits that it’s possible that the radiation in Japan could reach the United States.

UPDATE: 1:26 p.m. PST 3-15-2011
As fears of the fallout reaching America intensify; stores across the United States are selling out of Potassium Iodide tablets and supplements. Almost every brand on Amazon is sold out and manufacturers are having a hard time keeping up with the demand.

UPDATE: 1:56 p.m. PST 3-15-2011

UPDATE: 8:39 p.m. PST 3-15-2011

  • 70 percent of the fuel rods at one of the plants reactors have experienced extensive damage
  • Institute for Science and International Security says crisis is nearing a worst case scenario with extensive health and environmental consequences

UPDATE: 9:45 p.m. PST 3-15-2011
France asks Air France to provide airplanes to evacuate French Nationals as they urge French citizens to leave the country.

UPDATE: 11:35 p.m. PST 3-15-2011
EPA announces that they are sending more electronic radiation monitors to the west coast. They refused to say how many or where they would be deployed.

UPDATE: 10:42 a.m. PST 3-16-2011

  • IAEA confirms that the Fuel rods in reactors 4, 5, and 6 are exposed and say that at least four reactors have core damage.
  • FDA officials are in Japan testing food after fears of radioactive food imports rise.
  • U.S. military sending unmanned Global Hawk spy aircraft over Fukushima to find out what’s really happening at the plant.

UPDATE: 11:38 a.m. PST 3-16-2011

  • French minister says the Japanese Government has clearly lost control of the situation and is lying about the dangers.

UPDATE: 12:30 a.m. PST 3-16-2011

Dr. Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist told reporters this morning that “We’re very close now to the point of no return” he went on to say that we could be talking about “something beyond Chernobyl”

As crews continue to pull out of the area the U.S. government is considering sending in a team if nuclear and military experts who are trained to respond to nuclear emergencies.

UPDATE: 6:07 p.m. PST 3-16-2011
China, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong increasing observation for nuclear fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Projected path of Radiation Fallout Map (courtesy of The Australian)
UPDATE: 8:29 p.m. PST 3-16-2011
UN Forecast show the radioactive plume now being blown across the Pacific Ocean and could hit the west coast on Friday.
U.N. Radiation Forescast

UPDATE: 10:00 a.m. PST 3-17-2011
Swedish researcher Lars-Erik De Geer of the Swedish Defense Research Institute confirms that radioactive particles from Japan are blowing east towards North America and will reach the West Coast by Friday.

UPDATE: 11:00 a.m. PST 3-17-2011

UPDATE: 10:10 p.m. PST 3-17-2011

  • Defense Ministry spokesman Ippo Mayama says that the Japanese military has called of any further helicopter water drops. Would not say why they stopped the mission
  • CNN reporting that radiation levels at the Fukushima nuclear plant are at their highest levels yet.

UPDATE: 10:50 p.m. PST 3-17-2011
TEPCO says current radiation levels outside the Fukushima plant are 20 millisieverts per hour. To put these numbers in to perspective, the typical American is exposed to about 3 millisieverts a year.

UPDATE: 9:30 a.m. PST 3-18-2011

TEPCO Managing DirectorUPDATE: 10:30 a.m. PST 3-18-2011

Officials consider burying reactors under concrete as head of TEPCO breaks down in tears and admits that radiation coming from the over-heating reactors and fuel rods was enough to kill some citizens

UPDATE: 10:39 p.m. PST 3-22-2011

  • UCLA Berkley reporting that they have detected small amounts of radiation in the rainwater.
  • The Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency measured a slight uptick in radioactive Iodine-131 levels on Saturday and said the levels had got slightly higher on Monday.
  • EPA reporting that small amounts of radiation have been detected in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle.
  • Tokyo Water Bureau officials reporting that radioactive iodine levels in city tap water are double the recommended limit for infants.
  • EPA pulls 8 monitors say’s that they are “under Review” after “abnormal readings” show a spike in radiation levels for West Coast?

UPDATE: 4:49 p.m. PST 3-23-2011

3-26-2011 9:30 P.M.

Reuters reporting radiation at the  No. 2 nuclear plant is now 10 million times normal levels……. workers evacuated

3-28-2011 4:40 P.M.

4-12-2011 4:40 P.M.

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OFFGRID Survival book



  1. This is to the person above from OREGON on the 18th. You asked about mSv being 200 outside Japan.
    Here is the guidline for humans exposed to Iodine Radiation.

    The dose limits for practices are intended to ensure that no individual is committed to unacceptable risk due to radiation exposure. For the public the limit is 1 mSv in a year, or in special circumstances up to 5 mSv in a single year provided that the average does over five consecutive years does not exceed 1 mSv per year

    Radiation: the are several different kinds. We are dealing with the most deadly. IODINE RADIATION> I think at this point everyone should start doing their own research NOW.

  2. No place is safe in the northern hemisphere. Radiation has been found in Mass. and Penn. then over in Iceland and now in Portugal and Russia. Where do you run? If any of you are Believers in some form of religion, then this is the time to start praying…for you, your family, your friends and neighbors and for the world. Its our home and we are at a point of maybe losing it all in one single lifetime. What is wrong with us humans? OUr greed for more and more and more has caught up with us. Pray we get a second chance.

  3. News update…….the head dude of the Japanese Nuke proplem is in the hospital under stress and needs rest.BOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOO. He disappeared 2 weeks ago. Stress? what about those poor guys in the plants trying to save Japan and all those millions of people? they are living off crakers, no real food and sleep on the floor or stairwells. They don’t even know if their families are alive from the earthquake. These poor guys are locked in a coffin because they have been exposed beyond safe levels and are dyng, so the government no longer cares as long as they are honorable and do their job. My God, they are the living dead and are being treated like garbage. AMERICA, Europe, Asia, Russia, China, WHERE ARE YOU? Why are you not helping?

  4. Alaska just picked up readings.

    There goes the salmon and halibut, and moose. They are what feeds our family through the winter months. Not everyone here in Alaska can run to a grocerie store. We go once amonth and have to travel to do so.

  5. My concern is that anyone looking to prserve his life would recieve Christ as your ssvior, so you will live eternally, and that to not fear man or these situations that are coming upon the earth, yes they can only kill your soul. But your spirit will go on and you will be given a new body. I know this is a very frightening time for so many . This world will come to an end the way we new it to be formerly. But the bible told us that we do not need to fear when these things are happening if we are in Christ Jesus, we can have peace knowing that know matter what happens to us here that this is not the end.
    God Bless All Of You. And Jesus is coming back soon, the truth is we do not know the day or hour but, can tell by the signs of the time. Just make sure that your names are written down in the Lamb’s book of life.
    If you would like to pray and put your life in the creators hand.

    Lord, I come with a repentant heart, asking you to forgive me of all of my sins and the ways i have displeased you. I reconize that I am a sinner. Lord I invite you to come into my heart now, I turn to you and turn away from my sin, Lord I ask you to wash me and make me new.

    If you have just prayed this prayer I wish to congradulate you and let you know that the angels in heaven are rejoicing with you and your name is now written down in the Lamb’s book of life. We really have a short time. Now it is your turn to follow the great commision. Go ye, into all the earth and preach the gospel.Lets do all that we can do with the time remaining, to win more souls to Christ.
    Love You All

  6. So Sorry about all my grammical errors and spelling, I should have proof read , they were typing errors, typing too fast.
    Love To All

  7. For God Sake! When is the American Government going to be honest with us and just say what could happen if we do get a major meltdown in Japan? I live in Southern Oregon and sitting smackdab in the middle of the jetstream! I wouldn’t mind a little guidence on this issue from our Gov’t. We don’t expect a firm answer on what WILL happen, just some precautions to take if it DOES happen. I know America is helping with what we can in Japan and I feel very sorry for those people that are effected by all of this! I just think our government could also just have ONE news conference explaining what can be done to protect people in the USA! Don’t you all think we deserve the respect for being citizens and not be kept in the dark like the people of Japan have been. They found out after it was already too late. We have a chance here to be told of the possibilities and what is best to get to be prepared. Instead, James Acton and a small few “experts” are the only people that have said anything to the public in the US. Panic comes from not being informed, rather than from being informed. For Gawd sake Doomsday Bunkers are at a 400% increase in sales! Do you think that is reassuring? I would like to know what can happen and be prepared for a possibility too. I just don’t want to panic and waste what precious resources I have on what is unnecessary. The $1000.00 I spent on yard goods recently prove I am not panicking. We all deserve more than a few words on this!!! The cat is Totally out of the Bag folks. It’s TIME to say something so we aren’t scouring online for some tidbit of information….. Is our consumption of goods at question here? Is the American goverment making more Pot Iodine in case of an event? Are Gas masks selling out from panic or what? What questions ARE appropriate? Will our government just make us wait until everyone has to panic at the stores like hysterical idiots at the 11th hour of preparedness? Does anyone KNOW what to do? I have questions and no answers here. A few discussions on the subject might be warranted…………. We need change on nuclear policy. This is CLEAR! Is one to go to a worst case scenario the ONLY way to find out? If you let people know what could happen and let out information maybe we won’t be so frightened. I make a challange to our government to step up to the plate and stop thinking we are lemmings!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Maybe it’s so bad and that’s why they have to lie. cuz if u knew you’ll leave. and u are a tax payer, and if one tax payer goes they all start going. they don’t play that game.

  9. so here it is the end of September 2011 and there no current update . Last update was may 2011. Our government do not want to tell us that there slowly killing us. That’s a crock. Thanks for nothing. Thanks for letting me have my say. Be safe.

  10. The gulf oil spill, and the radioactive fallout, seem like more global vandalism. Ever notice how slow governments respond to catastrophe? Tectonic weapons? Weather manipulation? HAARP? The peoples of the world must unite! NOW! We all want the same thing! This New World Order (shadow government) has no loyalty to any nation. Once you realize this, everything starts to make sense. They want your freedom so they can have complete control. This is a hostile takeover of free societies worldwide. We cannot afford to look the other way anymore. We need to stand UNITED, against this “military industrial complex”(gone global)! A few hundred billionaires, industry titans, heads of state, royal families, etc., are pooling their immense power and wealth to defy the will of billions. By acting in concert, behind the scenes they serve their own collective interests, while ignoring ours. These preemptive wars are unjustified and illegal. There is also silent war against the masses of industrialized nations. Your very lifespan is under constant attack. Our food, water and air, have been weaponized! Even our weather is a weapon now. Our unnatural medicines and toxic household and cosmetic products, are deliberate. We’re bathing in EMF’s. Some populations are extremely ignorant because of their 3rd world status; their lack of education, etc, but at the other end of the spectrum, we have technologically advanced populations with complex systems, which are far more vulnerable to corruption and DISINFORMATION. A people who have been misinformed and mislead are far more ignorant, and easy to oppress! As the unsustainable world population continues to grow, the future for humanity darkens, and quality of life declines for an ever greater number of people (and many other life forms). We as a race, need to stop reproducing (dramatically), and we need to start like yesterday. Otherwise, we’ll be dealing with even bigger crises and hardship. Moreso, we’ll have to bear their increasingly aggressive, state sponsored eugenics programs. Despite the great big craniums we lug about, it seems we humans have managed to infest our planet to the point of morbidity and crisis, and in the same mindless fashion as a simple one-celled organism might. Our industrialized world is poised for collapse anyway, and a major die off is inevitable! Perhaps only a controlled extinction event can save us from extinction… The longer we ignore our need to de-populate, the increasingly critical and desperate solutions will need to be. Are we on the doorstep of the NAU? Will the peoples of the world become one giant 3rd world nation ruled over by an elite class? Once we’re all disarmed and RFID chipped, then what? Will they value human life in a world of shortages, crisis, and overpopulation?

  11. the people need to change the future of our energy and stop listening to the addict of big bisness they ll say anything to get another fix.

  12. American pple had a previlege of having so many great ministries, prophets and real man of God delivering God’s message of deliverance but you rejected them and chose Michael Jeckson, Hollywood, Los Angeles, women and worldly pleasury. Now you have contaminated the whole world with nakedness. You have spurned the mercy of God and what is remaining is judgement and nothing else thats pure Revelation prophercy. The bible will not lie

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