Is Living Off the Grid now a Crime?

Off Grid Home with Solar Panels

Depending on where you live, and exactly what you decide to live in, the answer could be yes. In fact, a growing number of city and county zoning agencies around the world are implementing ordinances to crack down on off-grid living, in many cases making it a crime.

Over the years we’ve covered numerous examples of how government officials from around the world have been systematically targeting those who choose to live an off the grid lifestyle.

From targeting self-reliant homeowners with antiquated zoning laws and regulations to forming special zoning boards that are designed to force people back onto the grid, there seems to be a war against self-reliance, and sadly it seems like the government in many cases is winning.

Living off the grid Illegal in many areas of the United States

Throughout the United States, government agencies are forming so-called “nuisance abatement teams” designed to intimidate and force Off Grid homeowners into giving up their land or abandoning their lifestyle. Believe it or not, people are actually being fined and jailed for choosing to live an off-grid existence.

From Costilla County, Colorado trying to ban people from building off-grid homes or camping on their own land to the federal government actually trying to make it illegal to live in a tiny house or off-the-grid RV, there are a growing number of government agencies attempting to regulate this lifestyle out of existence.

While the mainstream media continues to ignore the problem, a couple of independent media organizations and a few reporters have taken notice, and over the years we’ve tried to shine a spotlight on the problem. One of the first cases we covered was the story of how Off Grid enthusiasts in California were being harassed and targeted by their local government officials.null

Off grid Homeowners intimidated into to hooking back into the grid.

There are literally thousands of examples of people who have been harassed, threatened and even fined and jailed for going off the grid. Here are some examples:

The Deserts of Los Angeles County, California

The deserts of Los Angeles County, California used to be a sort of mecca for those looking to live a more self-reliant lifestyle. But just like so many areas of the country, these Off-Grid residents are being targeted, arrested, and intimidated into to hooking back into the grid.

A couple of years back, Reason Magazine took a film crew out to one of these secluded desert towns in California and filmed some of the off-grid residents. From being threatened with jail time if they didn’t hook back into the grid, to actually being thrown in jail because the county didn’t like the look of their homes or land, the people in the deserts of Los Angeles County are being terrorized by their local government.

Instituted in 2006 by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors’ Nuisance Abatement Teams have been targeting and jailing residents for victimless misdemeanors and code violations.

Code enforcement teams have been hitting unincorporated areas of L.A. County hard, leaving local off-gridders unsure of what the future holds. Residents are scared that they may lose not only their homes but their freedom as well.

The case of Robin Speronis in Cape Coral City, Florida

Robin Speronis tried to go off the grid in Cape Coral City, Florida. She was cited by the city for using rainwater, using solar power, not being connected to an approved water supply, and being in violation of in violation of the International Property Maintenance code. She was eventually thrown in jail and evicted from her home.

Vet who fought for our country, Thrown in Jail for Living ‘Off The Grid’

In November 2016, Tyler Truitt, a veteran, was thrown in jail for violating a city zoning ordinance.

“We live out here off the grid, 100 percent self-sustaining,” Truitt said. “So I basically made all my utilities: I have my solar panels, I have my rainwater collection and stuff. ” took an oath that I would support and defend the constitution and the freedoms that entails, and I really feel like those are being trampled upon.”

Is it really your land? According to most zoning officials, you need to follow their rules!

On top of using size restrictions to limit what off-grid home owners can live in, towns throughout the U.S. are also targeting mobile homes. In many areas, houses are required to built on a foundation and hooked up to public utilities.

Unfortunately, that piece of freedom that you bought might not be so free. If your land is not zoned for recreational vehicle living, off grid living, or camping you may be in for some serious trouble.

It’s a sad day when living off your own land becomes a crime. Please spread the word because cases like this are increasing at an alarming rate.

Shirts of Liberty

OFFGRID Survival book



  1. After watching the movie Garbage Warrior, the doc on the earthships, it makes you wonder how government gets anything done.

      • Most likely they want them moved off the land so corporations can build mega shopping centers. The best way to avoid this from happening is to let the utilities put in the electric pole. The land owner can still live without electric. Just unplug and don’t use it. That’s the way to skin the cat to keep it off your back…!!!

        • NOT so fast spanky! They will charge you a base fee for hooking up and a base monthly fee even if you “unplug”. they got ya

        • They will also charge you for bringing the electricity from wherever it is to your property and to your house. This can be very expensive.

        • You are so spot on. I couldn’t say it better myself. It’s refreshing to know there are real human beings left.
          Thank you.

        • You are so spot on. I couldn’t say it better myself. It’s refreshing to know there are real human beings left.
          Thank you.

        • Obviously, the “reply” option does not do what it’s supposed to do. My reply was for “Enter your name” My point is, forget about laws and what
          local/ state government says. Its about being human. What happened to understanding and helping our fellow man?
          Just “live and let live” Something government doesn’t understand.They put us 16 trillion in debt. Now put that against this topic.

        • Illinois allows rain barrels , the water dept was selling them.
          You are given a tax credit for solar power and wind energy and any extra the electric company must pay you what they would charge you .
          If your home is outside the city limits they came come with a well & septic system.
          So I just don’t get these states charging for rain water , telling you that must use their power system , sounds like China or Russia back in the day

      • There’s more than one way to skin the cat. The land owners can let the utilities install the electric pole. Then they can pull the plug when the utility trucks leave. A simple way to get the cat off their back and still live the way they want…!!!

        • this would not work here. our electric company charges $39 a month to have a meter, even if you don’t use any power. If you have them pull the meter (to stop the $39 charge) they would report you to the zoning admin, as living without utilities.

      • Im in support of people that want to live off their land. Im also a Republican business owner. I like to find balance and see things from both sides. The problem is, a lot of people think/say they “just want to be left alone and live how they want”. Im all for it. But that should mean REALLY living off the grid. That means fighting your own fires and policing your own property. You cant say you dont want to be bound by building codes, yet expect emergency responders to risk their lives to save your “off grid” property. Most of these set-up lack sufficient Fire surpression, water pressure, etc needed to fight fires and other disasters. Id like to see situations where certain áreas are designated for off grid áreas with volunteer emergency responders and such.

        • Those services are paid for by property taxes. The choice to live off-grid doesn’t eliminate the county’s responsibility to provide those services to land-owners. If it did, then, those land-owners shouldn’t have to pay property taxes.

        • No offense but I have not heard of ONE case where people living off the grid wanted nor needed police and business type hospitals. Theyre very happy policing their lands lol and if there’s a broken bone they HAVE to go to a hospital then they drive themselves. Most hospitals take cash for broken bones so it’s not like a “grid” thing. Is more of a public duty and service they provide.

        • A lot of off the grid people work… And pay taxes that way too. They are still a citizen. So all welfare people shouldn’t be able to use any other government services either?
          If anything, the government should be thanking them for going green and helping to reach the environmental goals America has proclaimed for itself with the Kyoto Protocol.
          Australia sends off the grid people checks in gratitude for helping the environment.

          This is just America doing what it always does, saying one thing, while doing absolutely anything to nickle and dime us.

          • Oh dammit I didn’t mean Kyoto Protocol
            That’s Japans
            America’s is called Climate Acton plan.
            Either way lol they still need to quit being so contradicting.

    • daniel 2:44 in any bible teaches that all gov’s of this world will be destroyed by our creators new gov. that will last forever.
      the ancient hebrews lived off their land with no pesticides or chemicals for thousands of years and were healthy and the enviroment stayed clean.
      now the greedy gov’s and corporations take and destroy lives and the land for money,which was never part of our creators(yawaw)plan. MONEY WAS NEVER TO BE PART OF LIFE!
      let yawaw be the judge and as his word teaches,he will destroy anyone that is part of the world.

    • with stupid people out there blaming government for everything it is a wonder that we have a government at all and our country isn’t run by a corporation.just remember corporations care about profits not people . there just sucking the government in to there way of thinking.

      • +mark
        Our Government is ran by corperations.

        “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozled has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” – Carl Sagan

  2. I think one of the biggest problems all people face is people believing so strongly on any particular issue that believing and/or living any other way but their way is unacceptable to them, and people who think that way believing they have to do something about it rather than just living their lives the way they want. Live and let live and individualism seem to be ideas many people cannot accept. However, it is my belief until individualism and live and let live become dominant ideologies, perhaps even the foundation of law, then nobody will ever be truly free because someone else will always be trying persuade, force and/or otherwise make their beliefs and ideologies dominant and superior to those of another.

      • really? to say its relative is nihilistic. perception is the only thing that is relative. freedom in a societal context is being able to exist without the imposition of anothers will. Imposition of anything upon anyone instantly nullifies freedom.

        try reading a book sometime

  3. This really strange, the video. I live in Lincoln NE and here we have a city/Fed Gov project called Antelope Creek project. The city uses eminant domain to get business’s and home owners to move. Expensive project, and on this newly aquired land, city park, multi-story insurance building and parking garage. Privately owned buildings torn down and replaced with city parking garages, hotel/apts. No votes, no city counsel approval, just said and done by a few individuals. Something is rotten here and may out in the desert too!

  4. I feel bad for these guys because they have been there for so long and are now getting harassed. But for all you new off the grid people, keep this in mind when buying your property keep out of Blue Democrat states they like to regulate and control you and your property. Republican states are a lot friendlier to off the grid living.

    • The democratic and republican parties are the same evil. They use these divisions to divide and conquer the people. Only when we unite against tyranny can we be free.

      • Americans will never unite in any meaningful fashion. As long as they can get their morning cup of coffee and watch their favorite TV shows, they couldn’t care less what happens to their neighbors. If it ain’t in their back yard, they don’t care. Besides, most people are too lazy to live off-grid. Many just cannot envision the long-term benefits because they are too short-sighted. I’m glad that the government is bullying people off their land and into submission. That’s the way it should be. Only the strong should survive. Obviously, most Americans are satisfied with (or, just don’t care about) such behavior from their government. If they weren’t satisfied (or, they did care), it would stop. But, let’s get real: it won’t stop until the problem has reached critical mass. Only then will you see change.

      • You, I like you. I agree whole heartedly, however, most people don’t care about any of this as long as there is food on the table and some sort of meager paycheck every couple of weeks, they wont rock the boat. I think the majority of people are to lazy to live off the grid and don’t care about the the government or corporations intimidating people. I would FUCKING LOVE to see people take to the streets, but that XBOX aint gonna play itself!

    • Have you ever been to MAINE? NH? VT? Methinks your statement is a little too broad to be accurate.

      • We are all sheep. No one likes to hear it but we are, we need to be led by something (religion, media, money ect) shit I’m a sheep to this dispute, if there wasn’t a conflict happening I could get myself involved in, I’d just be looking for the next thing to be led by.

  5. Republicans? as in the people who.are for war?, guns?, not being able to have rights for your own body and unsupportive towards same sex marriage because they believe in so strongly in something that isn’t there? Its funny how I read on comments of “supporting” off grid yet half of you people commend the Republicans? That’s even more funny then how I.sit and think that the only real people who should be complaining are the Indians who owned this land and respected this land long before the real immigrants (greedy English settlers) came here! Its insane to think that all this mess was in fact created by the blood lines of english settlers! And I commend the Indians who didn’t mouch off their land. They actually traveled and in doing so replenished the earth.

    • well from the perspective of a Mi’kmaq who is more likely to vote republican than democrat in the presidential election I have to say we are really choosing between the lesser of two evils. I hate war and don’t think it’s any of our governments business who pairs up with who, or what we do with out bodies. However, if you try to see through all the smoke and mirrors you’ll see the real issue all of america needs to combat is the size and scope of our government agencies. We lock up more of our people than any other nation on earth.Our poor, meaning those who can’t afford to pay thousands to lawyers, have NO rights in our judicial system. We the people keep paying more and more out of our paychecks, in addition to our groceries,and to keep our homes and vehicles, while our politicians are busy making more laws.
      Speaking as a native american that yearns to live in a world that respects Mother Earth and allows men to live free of the soul crippling fences we have established at every turn and every decision OUR government is too big. Whatever smoke and mirrors they want to wave around us please do not be deceived. We can love whom ever we want to and the republicans are not going to stop it.

    • Yea, it was George H. W. Bush that signed the code into law that allows this in the US and Bill Clinton ratified the update. Between greed and Hubris we’re all in deep poo.

  6. Zoning regulations are powerful means of controlling how structures in an area look. And neighbors do not mean adjacent neighbors. Anyone can complain about anything when it comes to Zoning ordinances. Clearly, there is an interest in clearing private property of undesired structures which is using the law against poor people. Clearly the land owners cannot afford to change and that is the weapon. The land owners should find a clause (loophole) that allows them to remain as they are. Maybe they can be called caretakers of their land instead of residents because they structures are not recognized as homes.

  7. Everything is going up. Oil increases rapidly which accounts for increased inflation. Off the grid is the way to go. It is getting cheaper and cheaper to remove yourself from the grid. No one wants everyone to know its possible so they are making sure people are not off the grid. I live in Africa, and we are being forced to be on the GRID. Even if you move off they will charge you for serives you don’t need and can take your property away if you dont pay. There are standard services we all have to pay for. If you dont use them you still have to pay.

  8. Let’s see, “team” starts with a “T”, and so does “terrorist” and “target”. I shoot targets, I will shoot terrorists, and I will shoot “teams”, no matter what costume they are wearing if they trespass on my property and I feel threatened.

    • I respect the fact that you say you will shoot any “T” member, in any costume.
      But, in all reality, when the come knocking, and your standing behind your door with your AR……you then realize that they are all around you and you cannot risk your family’s life, in the other parts of the house

      • You may not win, but they will know you were there. Also, I like that you said “costumes”. It drives home the point that everyone is just a human. So, they have no more right to be on your property than you do theirs.

  9. California is not the only place this sort of police state activity is being reported. In Chicago IL our political system has just squelched a committee designed to investigate police brutality along with multiple reports of torture to get US citizens to confess to crimes. Everyday I read another article, usually buried on the last page, about somewhere else that some aspect of the US government is trampling the rights of the people. I’m not one to buy into conspiracy theories, nor one to jump on the band wagon of every sob story that comes along. That said, evidence is everywhere that our free country has been turned into a police state. In my personal acquaintances I encounter a man that is now serving time in prison for hunting raccoon. This poor man was injured, taking a bullet to save someones life, and lost his ability to work. He turned to the only thing he had left to care for his family which was hunting, now he’s in prison and four kids don’t have a dad. It is absolutely insane that we the people, at least the majority, are doing nothing. Is this really all just craziness? My own daughter, a very conservative young lady, has told me she wants to move out of the US when she graduates from college…Is there really anything we can do?

    • First off write your friend in prison and give him my sincerest apologie he is locked up for killing a raccoon, but having hunted raccoon before I know them to have one of the foulest meats on the planet so I’m forced to assume he didn’t intend to feed his family with his kill.

      Second off tell him, if he didn’t break the law, he would not be incarcerated. Plain and simple.

      Third, where were you when this man was so destitute? It appears you are right YOU the people are doing nothing, except blame everyone else for not helping you or you friend with our tax dollars.

      Give me a break people, quit whining and become a productive self sufficient person. Quit blaming the government or the so called police state, quit breaking the law.

      I’ve been a cop going on 16 years and the only people I have ever met who complain about law enforcement are those who have been arrested, had family arrested or knew only the arrested persons side of events when they made their mind up. Grow up people

      Take responsibility for your own actions for once in your pathetic lives

      • i knew when you open your mouth that you are one of them that are or worked for the communist state , i bet that you brake the law all the time by speeding and i bet that you will lie , make up shit to make it harder for some one to get out of jail , and i bet if the communist do ban guns in this country you will be the first one to break the constitution that you sworn to up hold

      • I agree, that if you break the law, you should not complain about the consequences. But I also know that, not all laws are enforcemed e we equally. And being that the people breaking the law are human and therefore imperfect, so are the people making the laws, and the officers enforcing them. So to blanket every situation with the same reply, without knowing, is short sited, and closed minded. This world has and is changing. This change maybe good, but not without a lot of pain, death, and destitude first!

      • How is off the grid not self sufficient? Also, a day of tending garden, chopping wood and taking care of chores is pretty productive. better than sitting in an office for 8 hours. Or being a glorified hall monitor. (police)

      • How is taking care of yourself off grid not taking responsibility for our “pathetic” lives.
        Boy I sure hope your not really a cop…

        Also I believe we are making a difference now, by talking about it. Awareness.
        I feel a sens of relief when I read most comments.

      • Those people who are NOT complaining or whining about the “police state” haven’t dealt with the police to really know how crooked the “police state” is. You have been trained to protect and serve and this doesn’t mean protect and serve Yourself! I can’t tell you the last time I saw an officer in my community serving or protecting! I vote, I work full time, I’m a mother, wife, sister, and aunt. I pay my taxes. My family is poor and we don’t get any assistance from any government agencies. I can’t buy clothes, school supplies, and let’s not even talk about food! Which, by the way, we have to have to survive! I’m by no means complaining, I’m stating facts. I wish I didn’t have to drive to work everyday, I wish I could own a house, hell land even! I’m a college educated woman, never been arrested or in jail! This is the story of a lot of Americans. Some have served time some not. My point behind all this is: LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE BRAVE!!! Hah! What a bunch of bull! How can we be brave if they won’t let us have our land?

  10. This makes me so mad! anyone should be able to live off THEIR OWN PRIVATE land the way they want (as long as they are not doing harm to others, like real harm, not just being a ‘nuisance’ to ‘neighbors’ that are ten miles away. that’s bullshit right there)even if their own private property is in the middle of a fucking city! I have been dreaming of going off grid and i feel like more people should. we need to get the government out of our private lives. seriously, if people are not harming others than we should be able to do whatever we want on our property. this pisses me off…especially how the government is coming onto these peoples properties with force and showing their guns to frighten these people into submission

  11. The biggest terrorism and “terrorists”, that have ever been, have always been a large centralized government! America is taking these known characteristics!

  12. Reading these comments is hillarious, and equally frightening. Living off the grid should be legal.
    That means not connected to a power company grid.
    But, the paranoid and delusional ,comments from the fringe weirdos, that mention things like FEMA camps, agenda 21, EMP blasts, total choas and breakdown, government conspiracy, collapse, nukes,and others… is just nonsense, and ridiculous. Did these people forget to take their medication before they clicked on submit ? This crap reads better than “The Hunger Games”.
    Is everything a government plot?… Maybe if people were less delusional, with utopian views and psychotic anger, the concept of off-grid living would be better accepted by the masses. Reading the comments is an eye opening experience. It is utterly amazing that humans can reach these viewpoints, given the opportunities we have at our disposal: the internet, lessons of history, ethics, and law. Here, there is much to glean…and screen.
    There is no universal consensus here, only random rants. It is fascinating to imagine what the bloggers look like….what people they contact frequently, think about them, or what a live conversation with them would be like.
    The best part is that it is free….and entertaining. The worst part of it is accepting the fact that people think like they do. It is really scarry. The content here could be the basis for a great made for TV movie.

  13. This is another reason to vote for Romney. The Socialist agenda is openly practiced,selected and promulgated by Obama.

    I’m NOT advocating illegal tax avoidance or avoiding property taxes. There are so many ways to LEGALLY reduce taxes, it is insane to try to do it illegally.

    But we have a RIGHT to live unbothered by Government as long as we pay our bills. If we select a geographic area without CC and Rs. then we are governed by local ordinances.

    We must politically fight against intrusive ordinances. A way to do this is to NOT vote Democrat, picket local Governmental agencies and hire lawyers to assist us.


  14. Remember Masada. They believed in their freedom enough to die as free men. The government has no control over the dead and they pay no taxes to Caesar.

  15. So I guess it is wait till things finish cracking down where I am at then go off to government land in the forest and use camo and do your thing from there. I see and have seen for awhile things that have shown me the signs of whats coming. Government control and prisons or death for those who will not conform. I am sitting here learning survival skills including things that will have a value when things are at it’s worst.

    • Okay Lorena….so, you are going to squat on National Forest or Park Service property, “use camo” and hide ? You think the ‘Government’ is going to control you, with prison camps and death?
      Instead of survival skills, why not seek counseling; to sort of…you know…approach reality…it will be okay. There are really good medications now….unlike years ago. No,no,no….the maryjane is just going to make things worse….Have you seen the movie “What about Bob”?…Baby steps…you know, like Dr.Leo Marvin suggested.

  16. change the name from washingTON to washingNONE!!!

    estrogen soy milk for vegan punks…. that soy that turns to pesticide in your gut… in the school lunch line

    “no I dont have adhd.. i am just a fuzzy bunny”

  17. facadism bares the traumatic experience of an alter… what are you trying to prove.. that your the worlds mightiest enemy? what have you got to die for? what have you got to live on….. what are we doing here? watching our friends die

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