Depending on where you live, and exactly what you decide to live in, the answer could be yes. In fact, a growing number of city and county zoning agencies around the world are implementing ordinances to crack down on off-grid living, in many cases making it a crime.
Over the years we’ve covered numerous examples of how government officials from around the world have been systematically targeting those who choose to live an off the grid lifestyle.
From targeting self-reliant homeowners with antiquated zoning laws and regulations to forming special zoning boards that are designed to force people back onto the grid, there seems to be a war against self-reliance, and sadly it seems like the government in many cases is winning.
Living off the grid Illegal in many areas of the United States
Throughout the United States, government agencies are forming so-called “nuisance abatement teams” designed to intimidate and force Off Grid homeowners into giving up their land or abandoning their lifestyle. Believe it or not, people are actually being fined and jailed for choosing to live an off-grid existence.
From Costilla County, Colorado trying to ban people from building off-grid homes or camping on their own land to the federal government actually trying to make it illegal to live in a tiny house or off-the-grid RV, there are a growing number of government agencies attempting to regulate this lifestyle out of existence.
While the mainstream media continues to ignore the problem, a couple of independent media organizations and a few reporters have taken notice, and over the years we’ve tried to shine a spotlight on the problem. One of the first cases we covered was the story of how Off Grid enthusiasts in California were being harassed and targeted by their local government officials.null
Off grid Homeowners intimidated into to hooking back into the grid.
There are literally thousands of examples of people who have been harassed, threatened and even fined and jailed for going off the grid. Here are some examples:
The Deserts of Los Angeles County, California
The deserts of Los Angeles County, California used to be a sort of mecca for those looking to live a more self-reliant lifestyle. But just like so many areas of the country, these Off-Grid residents are being targeted, arrested, and intimidated into to hooking back into the grid.
A couple of years back, Reason Magazine took a film crew out to one of these secluded desert towns in California and filmed some of the off-grid residents. From being threatened with jail time if they didn’t hook back into the grid, to actually being thrown in jail because the county didn’t like the look of their homes or land, the people in the deserts of Los Angeles County are being terrorized by their local government.
Instituted in 2006 by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors’ Nuisance Abatement Teams have been targeting and jailing residents for victimless misdemeanors and code violations.
Code enforcement teams have been hitting unincorporated areas of L.A. County hard, leaving local off-gridders unsure of what the future holds. Residents are scared that they may lose not only their homes but their freedom as well.
The case of Robin Speronis in Cape Coral City, Florida
Robin Speronis tried to go off the grid in Cape Coral City, Florida. She was cited by the city for using rainwater, using solar power, not being connected to an approved water supply, and being in violation of in violation of the International Property Maintenance code. She was eventually thrown in jail and evicted from her home.
Vet who fought for our country, Thrown in Jail for Living ‘Off The Grid’
In November 2016, Tyler Truitt, a veteran, was thrown in jail for violating a city zoning ordinance.
“We live out here off the grid, 100 percent self-sustaining,” Truitt said. “So I basically made all my utilities: I have my solar panels, I have my rainwater collection and stuff. ” took an oath that I would support and defend the constitution and the freedoms that entails, and I really feel like those are being trampled upon.”
Is it really your land? According to most zoning officials, you need to follow their rules!
On top of using size restrictions to limit what off-grid home owners can live in, towns throughout the U.S. are also targeting mobile homes. In many areas, houses are required to built on a foundation and hooked up to public utilities.
Unfortunately, that piece of freedom that you bought might not be so free. If your land is not zoned for recreational vehicle living, off grid living, or camping you may be in for some serious trouble.
It’s a sad day when living off your own land becomes a crime. Please spread the word because cases like this are increasing at an alarming rate.
I have been saying for a long time now.(YEARS) That before long people live off the grid would be targeted by the government. And they know were you are because of permits and paperwork you all told them were you are and for the most part what you got. People laughed and said they can’t do that. Will now they are starting it and it’s growing. The Government is working with electric companies water companies and other places because the idea is growing and they are loosing money. All so it makes it harder for the Government to keep track of you. (JUST WANT IT GOING TO GET EVEN WORSE ) Mark my words!
So who the dum ass now! for tell them every thing. if you do thing you got to hide it. sure it may be illegal but it was going be anyway and now going to be illegal anyway. LOL there is only one way to live off the grid with out them knowing it and I know what it is. BUT you can forget about all the fancy homes and electrical and all that and they can not track you or trace you this way BUT IM NOT TELLING AND ONE ON HER
everyone needs to ban together to stop this dictatorship. the problem is you are all US Citizens and have no rights. change your citizenship and start learning the truth. you became a US Citizen at birth by deception. start reading some of maine republic emails and get documentation from family guardian. stop paying taxes, this is what is keeping the dictatorship in power. start getting the dictators off the boards and ridding the bad apples out of gov. the federal gov. does not own your land, use the art. of confederation to rid gov. of the authority they claim they have. go buy a gun and defend your selfs. fighting for freedom is an illusion perpetrated by gov. you are all free, you just need to learn how to enforce it. the noose is the ssn number, learn how to get rid of it.
to the lester holt nbc and his famely. cbs anchor otis livingston told me he had sex with holt’s wife livingston also told he will kill lester holt and his wife if she will open her mouth. lester holt and his famely is in danger otis livingston is crime.
to the karina vanden heuvel and the nation magazine. cbs anchor woman cindy hsu recently got involved in dirty coraption business with crazy cbs anchor otis livingston to steal money from the nation magazine employees bank accounts. never trust cindy hsu and otis livingston they dangerous crooks.
For those of you who think Texas can’t become its own state think again clueless people. The Texas Constitution gives Texas the right and the ability to succeed. Texas has its own power grid separate from the national power grid. Texas has a state militia consisting of an army, navy and Air Force. Texas also has its own gold depository with gold owned by the state; which means if they became their own country they could print their own currency and back it with their gold, which the US dollar is basically worthless. Texas has plenty of industry, oil refineries, oil wells, coastal ports. They have every thing they need.
No doubt government creates many challenges for those who wish to live a self-sustaining off the grid lifestyle. However I’d like to touch on one point of the article where you mention local governments threatening off the griders with jail for code violations. It’s important to recognize the local governments, and even the federal government, are just comprised of normal people like you and I. They aren’t some evil entity out to get you. You have to see it from the perspective of the local officials; if these off the grid homeowners are letting their property dilapidate and become an eyesore, then it lowers the property value of the surrounding community. Further more, lower value property means less income tax which is less in the government coffers so of course they aren’t happy. Now, my point is that the way to solve these issues isn’t to reject government, but to participate in it. Vote, or better yet run for office even. Organize, gain community support, and change the ordiances that you disagree with. That’s how things are done in society.
How can the NSA spy on you when you are off the grid…..
I am older alone have been a law abiding tax payer. I purchased a fema shed for sale, only to find I was first oked a permit then I was denied. Well there goes that money. The nursing home here drugges it patients into compliant zombie state then takes all their belongings. So guess I’m in their scope. Doesn’t matter I’m not mentally ill at all. Fact is they are tired of me telling the truth.
They don’t care about me they just want me to shut up and never tell the truth. I wont be permitted to sell my own property and leave either. Marshall law is in existence and they need money so they will destroy those they can’t control. Welcome to your new reality folks.
To me it’s fear of those who are different. Inventors, introverts, People are afraid of those that are different. One false complaint from a greedy abusive family member, that’s it. Easy targets we are. To live in fear of those who are supposed to protect us, is no life at all. To lose the freedom to live the way you want too , is no life at all. So they might as well do you in cause they crush the very life right out of you, with their ignorance. But then they have the power, the control, the money.
What you think only people south of the Mason Dixon Line know how to hunt, skin, cook and raise a garden? Wow you are intelligent. Yep Geography has everything to do with intelligence and skill. LOL
Well about this off the grid topic. Seen it a while back and to me the need for it is still unclear. Unless u r a sick individual who is fleeing law enforcement due to creating a crime that is supposed to be public safety knowledge so like many topics on here maybe off the grid started off good or having a decent purpose but looks like they find a way to try to destroy everything that was once good.
This is crazy. I can’t believe people think this is ok.
it is definitely NOT ok.
This is what happens when the government has so much control as if property tax was not enough, they want off-grid land too.
Some counties allow what s called a grid-tied solar power system. This is a solar system that allows you to sell surplus power that you generate and do not use back to the city. The problem is you re still paying for electricity if you do not generate enough to run your home.
Can’t we all just declare our homes as independent countries and be done with all this bullshit? ;)
power and control is all this is about.
no wonder why they want no one to own guns. So we are defenseless against them.
It’s sad all of these people waste time batching and complaining about their freedom this and that being taken away. Move to another country and you will most likely be miserable. Stop being aTrump crybaby and live your life with intent. Maybe you’ll achieve something and start to enjoy the fruits of life. Stop being loosers!