Mind, Body, SHTF

Search for survival topics online and you will probably come across hundreds of websites talking about everything from bug out bags and knives to hunting game and even killing zombies. But what always surprises me is the lack of articles on preparing your mind and body for survival.

SHTF peace image

While the survival topics that I mentioned are definitely important and shouldn’t be overlooked the overall health of your body, mind and spirit is what will ultimately determine your survival.


Survival isn’t glamorous and it’s nothing like what’s depicted on T.V.; it’s downright brutal and will beat the hell out of you not only physically, but emotionally as well.

If you’re prepping for the worst, don’t overlook the importance of prepping your mind. You need to prepare yourself for what life will be like in a post STHF world. Can you mentally handle the stress? Can you handle the emotional strain of not knowing where your next meal will come from, or when things will get better?


Hopefully your body doesn’t look like the guy in the picture; if it does, you’re pretty much screwed.

I don’t mean harsh or hurt anyone’s feelings here, but if you are serious about survival you need to start taking care of your most important piece of gear; your body.  If your body isn’t in peak physical condition when the SHTF, what do you think your chances of survival will be?

But what about the guy who hits the gym three times a week and thinks he’s in shape?

Being in shape is one thing, but surviving in a post SHTF world is going to be hard for even the most die muscle head. Yea you might be able to bench x number of pounds, but can you carry a 50 pound bug out bag 5 miles up a hill while the worlds going to hell around you?

Many of us talk about bugging out, but how many of the people reading these articles have the mental and physical strength to do it? If you really had to bug out, could you? Could you carry your gear 10-15 miles a day in harsh dangerous conditions? These are the questions that you need to start asking yourself.

To survive in a post SHTF world, you need to have the proper mindset, a body that’s in peak physical condition, and spirit that can survive anything that comes at you.

Shirts of Liberty

OFFGRID Survival book



  1. I agree 100%, this is often a very over looked aspect in a post SHTF world, unless your actually out there practicing your skills and purposely doing things like you mentioned will actually begin think from this perspective.

  2. In other words – “In a crisis, you will not rise to the occasion, but merely defualt to your level of training” — Anonymous

  3. unless you have let your body go to hell like the fat boy in the pic. you can and will do whatever is needed in a s.h.t.f. case.why? because survival is a pretty good motivator.

  4. Another challenge for this is those around you, especially if you have kids/family. Do you really “practice” or train your kids (little guys) for SHTF? Beyond what they learned in Scouts and around the house, not sure they would be prepared for SHTF. They may be more adaptable than others though, being kids.

  5. Great points.

    In addition to the physical aspect, there is the mental component of toughness as well. When you train physically, you sometimes push yourself to beyond your limits. You gain a mental toughness that you can get through this. You build confidence.

    Sitting on the couch and pushing buttons on an xbox while shoving potato chips in your mouth doesn’t build that same level of character and confidence.


  6. While ones physical fitness is certainly an important aspect in an emergency situation or survival situation it is attitude that sees one through to the end. Positive Mental Attitude PMA

  7. Twice every year my best friend, my son, and I go on our bug-out walk with our fully loaded packs to rehearse our route and make sure the topography hasn’t changed blocking our escape route out of the cities thru the river bottoms (it changes every year due to flooding but we have now come up with several alternative routes because of our practice so it has become a non issue because of our prep work.) I do not fear that we will have the physical or mental fortitude to do what it takes to survive but I do fear for his wife and a few other of my family members. There is no way they will survive the trek let alone to go months or years at a time surviving off of what is at hand. I just hope that survival becomes a serious motivator for the others.

  8. I agree completely. In fact, when my younger brother got orders to deploy to Iraq and was scared as hell, I stepped in and shared with him what I knew of his enemy and the battle ahead. By the time I finished with him, he was far better prepared than he was in the beginning.

    Also, I took the gladiator approach to survival fitness. I stay strong, but I keep a layer of extra weight over it to absorb injury from combat and not starve to death quickly in case food becomes scarce

  9. Given our culture of fast food and tv remotes, most of us are screwed post-SHTF. And for the rest of us who might actually be fit enought physically and metally the complete change in lifestyle would still crush many. I’d like to think I’m ready but I know I’m truly not.

  10. I know I am probably not either, But I will give it a hell of a try. I think I have most of the tools, just hoping I don’t FREAK!!!! Good Luck all!! : )

  11. I think the reason why there is a slew of zombie movies out, along with the war movies,,survival shows,etc, is to condition the populace..Once the walking brain dead are hit with a disruption, i can image a bunch of unprepared clueless refugees, in shock,injured,infected,tramatized,desperate,disoriented..showing up in droves..now what do you do? It wont be a beautiful day in the neighborhood..tubby makes for a big slow target..if hes blocking the emergency exit, im going over him..i did a little prison time when young and wild,i travelled in central america and i guarantee you most people have no idea how harsh life could be and how rapidly conditions can/ deteriorate. Any boy scout knows to be prepared..prepare dont despair/ the prepared are not scared.

  12. I know im not ready but if the SHTF were to happen i think i would do everything in my power to live

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