Best War Time Recipes: A Look at Preparedness Cooking Skills from the Past
The recipes in this book can help you get an idea at what is possible, it’s a great addition to your preparedness cooking and food storage stockpile […]
The recipes in this book can help you get an idea at what is possible, it’s a great addition to your preparedness cooking and food storage stockpile […]
Preparedness Tips – How to save fuel and cook meals with a thermos during an emergency where power and fuel may be hard to come by…. […]
It doesn’t take much to make your local water supply undrinkable; in fact, boil orders and even do-not-drink orders are pretty common occurrences during a natural disaster. That’s why you need to take emergency water storage seriously. […]
One question that we get quite a bit – especially after a large storm takes down the power lines – is about food safety. People just don’t know what to do with all that food once the power goes out. Is it safe to eat? Is there a way to save it once the power goes out? […]
Some of the most common mistakes that people make when preparing for disasters, and how to fix them before it’s to late. […]
Why food storage is essential to any good emeregency plan. An interview with Food Insurance CEO, Mark Hyland. […]
Anyone who buys food knows the cost of everything has been going up pretty quickly. This has made it hard for those who want to start prepping, but preparedness doesn’t have to break the bank; if done in the right way, it may actually save you and your family a significant amount of money. […]
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