The march towards martial law is something that is often ignored by the general public, often labeled as Quackery or something belonging on conspiracy websites. But what’s happening in this country is exactly what our founders warned us about, and martial law is something they took very, very seriously.
What is martial law?
If you’re looking for a definition, then Martial Law basically means using state or national military force to enforce the will of the government on the people.
Under a declaration of martial law, Constitutional freedoms and liberties are suspended, and civilians are no longer entitled to their civil rights. It basically allows the government, or a tyrannical politician, to shred the Constitution and impose its will through military force.
History of Martial Law in the United States of America
“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”
Winston Churchill
In one way or another, there have always been tyrants who have used the power of government to suppress and control the public. But if we are looking for specific examples of Martial Law being used inside the United States, we don’t have to look very hard or far to find them.
Using the strictest definition of the term, we can see the roots of martial law in America take hold during the lead up to the Revolutionary war. Although there were many reasons for the war, including resistance to taxes imposed by the British parliament, the main catalyst was England’s decision to use military troops to enforce everyday law throughout the colonies.
The beginning of the end? The Civil War Ushers in a Strong Central Government through Martial Law Enforcement
Flash forward a hundred years, and many of the most egregious examples of martial law can be found throughout the civil war. While today’s history books largely ignore the real reasons for the war or the many atrocities committed by President Lincoln, the facts of what really happened cannot be disputed.
The reason we have lost so many of our liberties can be tied directly to the civil war.
On September 15, 1863, President Lincoln imposed Congressionally-authorized martial law. While history contends the war was fought to end slavery, the truth is, Lincoln by his own admission never really cared about freeing slaves. In fact, Lincoln never intended to abolish slavery, his main interest was centralizing government power and using the federal government to exert complete control over all citizens. The abolishment of slavery was only a byproduct of the war. It actually took the 13th amendment to end slavery, since Lincoln actually only freed Southern slaves, not slaves in states loyal to the Union.
During the Civil War, Lincoln continually violated the Constitution, in some cases suspending the entire Constitution that he swore to uphold.
- He suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus without the consent of congress.
- He shut down newspapers whose writers displayed any dissent to Union policy or spoke out against him.
- He raised troops without the consent of Congress.
- He closed courts by force.
- He even imprisoned citizens, newspaper owners,and elected officials without cause and without a trial.
Our founders were very wary of using the military to enforce public policy, and concerns about this type of abuse date back to, and largely influenced, the creation of the Constitution. The founders continually warned about using military force to uphold law and order; unfortunately, most Americans are rather ignorant of history and are even more ignorant to what our founders intended when they created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
What will happen under Martial law?
The actual words martial law will probably never be used.
The first thing you will likely see is a declaration of a “State of Emergency” — we witnessed this first hand during the so-called COVID pandemic. This may be done nationally, in cases of war or a large-scale terrorist attacks; or it may happen locally, as witnessed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
In August of 2005, New Orleans was declared a disaster area and a state of emergency was declared by the governor. This allowed state officials to order evacuations and forcefully remove residents from their homes, suspend certain laws, confiscate firearms, and suspend the sale of items like liquor, firearms, and ammunition.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans police, the U.S. Marshals office, and the Louisiana National Guard forcibly confiscated over 1,000 legal firearms from law-abiding citizens.
Depending on the reasons behind the declaration you may also see:
- The suspension of the Constitution, probably starting with the first and second amendment.
- Confiscation of firearms; it has happened and it will happen again.
- Suspension of Habeas corpus: Imprisonment without due process and without a trial.
- Travel Restrictions, including road closures and possibly, even quarantine zones.
- Mandatory Curfews and Mandatory Identification.
- Automatic search and seizures without a warrant.
When can Martial Law be enacted?
When Martial Law can be enacted is a pretty touchy subject, largely because our founders never intended the federal government or a standing army be permitted to take such actions. Unfortunately, most people accept these unconstitutional activities and are more than willing to give up their essential liberties in exchange for peace of mind and not having to think for themselves.
This is something Benjamin Franklin warned about when he famously wrote,
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
How likely is martial law in the United States?
Let’s face it, this country is a ticking time bomb. From widespread social unrest, crime, and violence to a growing national debt which includes an entire subset of our population that depends on government assistance to exist, the writing is on the wall: Trouble is Coming.
In my opinion, we are already under a form of martial law. The founders never intended standing armies policing the citizens of the United States; sadly that is exactly what we have.
Drones, armored vehicles with high power weapons, tanks, and battlefield helicopters are no longer something that you see on some foreign battlefield; it’s now standard operating procedure at police stations throughout the country. Our federal government has poured billions of dollars into militarizing and taking over our country’s local police forces, in what can only be described as a domestic military force or standing army meant to enforce federal law.
President Bush Expands Martial Law Authority
On September 29, 2006, President George W. Bush signed the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122). The law expanded the President’s authority to declare Martial Law under revisions to the Insurrection Act and actually allowed the President to take charge of National Guard troops without state governor authorization.
While certain aspects of the bill were rolled back in 2008, President Obama used the 2012 NDAA to further strengthen the Executive offices ability to declare Martial Law and added provisions that would allow military troops to detain U.S. citizens without a trial.
President Obama Forms National Police Task Force; Uses Social unrest as Justification.
In March of 2015, the Obama administration put together a task force that outlined rules for our nation’s police.
In his Task Force on 21st-century policing report, he outlined the formation of a National Policing Practices and Accountability Division within the federal government. The report went on to describe how the Department of Homeland Security could be used to “ensure that community policing tactics in state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies are incorporated into their role in homeland security.”
Increasing number of Joint Police/Military Drills are using American Citizens as Theoretical Threats.
From the Jade Helm Military drills that classified Texas and Utah as hostile zones, to National Guard troops in California using crisis actors to portray “right-wing” U.S. citizens in their training exercises, over the last couple of decades there has been a growing number of military-style drills that are portraying American citizens as the perceived threat.
Back in 2012, an army report about the future use of the military as a police force within the United States looked at theoretical situations where the U.S. Army could be used against Tea Party “insurrectionists” who take over U.S. cities. During that same time period, the Department of Homeland Security released a report titled, “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States,” where they outlined who the federal government sees as the largest terrorist threat in the country – that threat was U.S. citizens with extreme “right-wing” views.
The United Stated of America that our Founders created is gone; it’s been replaced by a system that has grown so powerful that most people don’t even realize they’ve become enslaved by that very system.
So how likely is Martial Law in the United States? Well, in some form it’s already here; unfortunately, most people choose to ignore the reality of the situation. That being said, to see it fully enacted we will likely first see a major crisis – either real or manufactured – something like a large-scale terror attack, war with a rogue nation, or a “major pandemic” disease outbreak.
Martial Law Preparedness Resources:
- Prepper 101: Your Survival Guide to Getting Started: General preparedness guidelines that will help during any crisis or long-term survival situation.
- Bugout Planning: During martial law, it’s likely that most routes of travel will be severely restricted making bugging out something you need to think about well ahead of time.
- Pandemics and How to Prepare for a Pandemic Outbreak: We list this here because it’s one disaster situation that has the potential to scare the entire populace into accepting some form of martial law, quarantine, and military checkpoints.
- Emergency Communication Preparedness Checklist: During times of crisis, especially a martial law situation, uncensored information will be hard to come by. In all likelihood, you will see a sort of digital quarantine on top of the physical barriers with information on the internet and digital airwaves controlled by the government. You need to have a plan to get unfiltered news and information from trusted sources.
- Best Emergency Food: The Top Survival Food Supplies: During any type of disaster you need to make sure you have adequate supplies on hand, including food, water, medical supplies, and self-defense supplies.
We are ALL the III%
God doesn’t look at the color of our skin.He looks into our heart’s.He doesn’t see our outside.But he knows we have faults and sin. He looks beyond that and see s our needs.Love doesn’t demand its own way But foolish people do. We are to love one another which is hard so many people hate.Only because of the that old serphant the devil causes man to fall.But God gave us Jesus His son our Lord God who intersedes for us asking mercy for his children.Jesus died on the cross for remission of our sins.So that we can live and have a home in heaven with him for eternity.
Two options:
1) “Repent and be baptized every one of you in Jesus name for the remission of sins, and you will recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit”-Acts 2:38
or die outside of Christ
2) “ flesh would be saved..”-Matthew 24:22
Death is certain, it is how and in the position you die that truly matters…
#ChurchOfChrist seek a sister congregation near you, where you can hear the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth
With Love, Bro Justin
Jesus is LORD forever praised forever and ever amen.
Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers….
Matthew 24:9
So, what can the average person do to prevent or postpone martial law?
I don’t think we’ll see it in the smaller cities. At least for a while. Terrorists have been known to hit the major cities and sites. I also believe it won’t be this year. But right now the only sure thing is pray and be ready.
I know that i will sound like a pussy or wimp or whatever anyone likes to call it,but the point is i’m plain scared.I have family and friends and my life to think about and i don’t want any of them to die.I don’t know what to do and feel like i can’t do anything to prevent this basically mass murder.Even when you go with the authorities you’ll die in internment camps.I just want my family and friends to live and i have a baby myself how are we suppost to survive or prevent this?i don’t want to be killed or be seperated from my family and watch them be killed.whoever sees this please do all you can to stop this
It’s amazing that all Obama is doing to this country and yet not impeached. Bill Clinton got his cock sucked and everyone wanted to impeach him. There’s so much focus on sex today that many are oblivious to what’s really going on. This country discriminates and harasses sex offenders like hey look at us protecting your kids. If a repeat drunk driver kills a soccer mom and her two beautiful young soccer girls, nobody cares. We are brainwashed into liking or hating certain things or people. Most people get this I’m holier than thou judging certain people and that God is ok with this. America needs to be brought back down to its knees and return to the faith they once held sacred. If a few can pray for Peter and God sends his angel to free him, what would we see here if everyone did the same for this country?
I just wish it would all be over and everything will be fine…its a scary thing to think about when ur a 14 year old boy growing up in a world like this. God Bless and be safe
Hello everyone first of all I would just like to remind everybody that they are the miracle every morning you wake up is a blessing within itself it’s living in his glory and you are his light the glory and the power love living in his grace comes from within we always look out but we never look in we never look in our hearts and our souls to find out who we are and we should stop waiting for a miracle and be the miracle for we are the America when we were born in his grace you have to separate his grace from religion then stop worrying about what God is against and what he’s for or as I like to say the Heavenly creator Helen’s Jesus said this is not his father’s world and we have to remember Our Father prayer Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name through kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive others who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil amen and you have to look deep within our own history and the truth shall be revealed in the world is the way it is today is because we close our eyes and turn our heads we don’t want to help we don’t want to reach out but we close our eyes and we close our hearts and we complain we all are Spiritual Beings having a human experience and what do you know of the Fallen Angels if you do not know I read The Book of Enoch and the world will make so much sense and Babylon exist in today’s world
My dick itches.
The people will go into the hills and do a total Maoism on the elite. If it happens I will only drive my $700.00 Ford truck; anything nicer I would be a target of militia.
Hello good people of America. I live in New Zealand. A little country on the other side of the globe. My message to you is. Stand together with your fellow man/woman/human. Let go of your descriminations against your brothers and sisters in your country for that is what they want. Civil unrest will breed chaos and therefore open the gate for MARTIAL LAW. The mighty dollar as we know it is about to become obsolete, hence the need for a catastrophic event to cloak the fact that the elites plan is all about the new monetary system they plan to introduce to replace our current fiat driven currency. I don’t know what it will be or in what form it will take but I can guarantee that they will spare no human lives to make it happen. Although I am across the globe the effects of this I fear will be felt instantaneously where I live. So I say to you American people. If there ever was a time for you to unite and for the rest of the world’s people to unite. Now is that time. God bless you brothers and sisters whoever your god may be. Time to fight to live for our future generations. My country is watching with hope in our hearts that you not be lead by false flags but be aware of what is really happening. Do not be their pawns. Remain free thinking human beings and fight only for our sovereignty. For that is something that we humans worldwide all have in common. We should be free.
We have an Underground Railroad in place to get those ready out of the USA and into Ecuador, protected from the reaches of the US government….contact me for more details
What about other countries and not just Ecuador? I’m interested
As of August 6th military units received orders to begin training to enact martial law. The orders state the training begins September 5th, two months later it’s the election… Bad bad bad
Martial Law on a wide scale in America would only lead to extreme violence.
When martial law comes, my soul is given to the Lord Jesus, my physical safety will be by my own hands. I’ll not give in to the bully tyrant Muslim agenda of Obama, I will not become a victim of the Christian holocaust.
Lock and load, pray to the Lord, fight to the end!
It will be all lives matter regardless of skin color, or any other differences.
Good evening my fellow american citizens. I have never found politics in america my interest, however, with the way the world is turning one can not help not to out of growing concern. All Christians know that Revelations is inevitable, it is not a matter of if it’s when. The day will come like a thief in the night.This all being said, all my christian brothers and sisters please join together to protect our loved ones and each other from evil the best that we possibly can. Just think if we all work together offering strength by numbers, we will have the manpower to stifle their plans. Please do not submit to their plan. The united states is preparing to strip us of our civil rights that this country has tried to preserve our entire lives. I am looking forward to your feedback. May God Bless You and your loved ones!!
There is no god, just Universal Energy, and like it or not, we are just a freak of nature in what scientists call “The Goldylocks Spot”, not too hot, not too cold. Folks, if we are to enter the intergalactic community, we MUST be a ONE race planet. White people created this world…everything you see. Other countries/races can only reverse engineer, yet we are letting them gain more and moer leverage in OUR world. Political correctness has turned white people into weasels, we cannot say anything anymore without being labelled a racist. Are you telling me the other races are not racist?? Wake up people and fight for our world! I live in Australia and it’s also happening here. Bring on Donald Trump, zieg hail!!
Who are you? A former Nazi?
By the way, the White House accidentally leaked a report claiming Obama will enforce martial law to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. If he does this it could possibly mean he will be president indefinitely! There will be riots, and I believe the next civil war will unfold. China will see this weakness and invade….WWIII will begin and nuclear war will be the catalyst for human kinds next phase in evolution. Grab the essentials and find a nice island somewhere far from a major city and live with the land. I have found my island, just waiting until it all hits the fan. Like it or not, White IS supreme!
Oh, and to the people who in the 21st century still believe in god and not the Universe…..why would the father of all his children create a place where one would burn for eternity if one didn’t believe? What a callous man!!!! We are a product of the Universe, Proof is all around you!! The Universe has ALWAYS been here, and will ALWAYS be here. Our energy will continue to exist, either in the form we know it now or some other form. Energy will ALWAYS transmute, it’s a known fact.