Is Living Off the Grid now a Crime?

Off Grid Home with Solar Panels

Depending on where you live, and exactly what you decide to live in, the answer could be yes. In fact, a growing number of city and county zoning agencies around the world are implementing ordinances to crack down on off-grid living, in many cases making it a crime.

Over the years we’ve covered numerous examples of how government officials from around the world have been systematically targeting those who choose to live an off the grid lifestyle.

From targeting self-reliant homeowners with antiquated zoning laws and regulations to forming special zoning boards that are designed to force people back onto the grid, there seems to be a war against self-reliance, and sadly it seems like the government in many cases is winning.

Living off the grid Illegal in many areas of the United States

Throughout the United States, government agencies are forming so-called “nuisance abatement teams” designed to intimidate and force Off Grid homeowners into giving up their land or abandoning their lifestyle. Believe it or not, people are actually being fined and jailed for choosing to live an off-grid existence.

From Costilla County, Colorado trying to ban people from building off-grid homes or camping on their own land to the federal government actually trying to make it illegal to live in a tiny house or off-the-grid RV, there are a growing number of government agencies attempting to regulate this lifestyle out of existence.

While the mainstream media continues to ignore the problem, a couple of independent media organizations and a few reporters have taken notice, and over the years we’ve tried to shine a spotlight on the problem. One of the first cases we covered was the story of how Off Grid enthusiasts in California were being harassed and targeted by their local government officials.null

Off grid Homeowners intimidated into to hooking back into the grid.

There are literally thousands of examples of people who have been harassed, threatened and even fined and jailed for going off the grid. Here are some examples:

The Deserts of Los Angeles County, California

The deserts of Los Angeles County, California used to be a sort of mecca for those looking to live a more self-reliant lifestyle. But just like so many areas of the country, these Off-Grid residents are being targeted, arrested, and intimidated into to hooking back into the grid.

A couple of years back, Reason Magazine took a film crew out to one of these secluded desert towns in California and filmed some of the off-grid residents. From being threatened with jail time if they didn’t hook back into the grid, to actually being thrown in jail because the county didn’t like the look of their homes or land, the people in the deserts of Los Angeles County are being terrorized by their local government.

Instituted in 2006 by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors’ Nuisance Abatement Teams have been targeting and jailing residents for victimless misdemeanors and code violations.

Code enforcement teams have been hitting unincorporated areas of L.A. County hard, leaving local off-gridders unsure of what the future holds. Residents are scared that they may lose not only their homes but their freedom as well.

The case of Robin Speronis in Cape Coral City, Florida

Robin Speronis tried to go off the grid in Cape Coral City, Florida. She was cited by the city for using rainwater, using solar power, not being connected to an approved water supply, and being in violation of in violation of the International Property Maintenance code. She was eventually thrown in jail and evicted from her home.

Vet who fought for our country, Thrown in Jail for Living ‘Off The Grid’

In November 2016, Tyler Truitt, a veteran, was thrown in jail for violating a city zoning ordinance.

“We live out here off the grid, 100 percent self-sustaining,” Truitt said. “So I basically made all my utilities: I have my solar panels, I have my rainwater collection and stuff. ” took an oath that I would support and defend the constitution and the freedoms that entails, and I really feel like those are being trampled upon.”

Is it really your land? According to most zoning officials, you need to follow their rules!

On top of using size restrictions to limit what off-grid home owners can live in, towns throughout the U.S. are also targeting mobile homes. In many areas, houses are required to built on a foundation and hooked up to public utilities.

Unfortunately, that piece of freedom that you bought might not be so free. If your land is not zoned for recreational vehicle living, off grid living, or camping you may be in for some serious trouble.

It’s a sad day when living off your own land becomes a crime. Please spread the word because cases like this are increasing at an alarming rate.

Shirts of Liberty

OFFGRID Survival book



  1. I live in a very small and very economically challenged town in the eastern part of the US…where two years ago I got a fine for $75 for having a MOP on my front porch. Yes, a mop. An armed code enforcement officer (“this is dangerous work, ma’am”) knocked on my door and told me that no sanitation equipment was allowed to be displayed. When I asked to see the law he told me I was welcome to go to city hall and ask to see it.

    Although I fought this — and won — it didn’t stop them from trying to enforce all SORTS of weird laws they passed, including one that forbids the presence on your property of any plant that causes an odor or attracts any insects. In other words….mint plants, roses (dangerous for people in the yard, they attract lady bugs and have thorns), etc.

    This last year they’ve laid off a bit, I suspect I wasn’t the only one who went nuts.

  2. In the second Video it showed a letter of the LA County Department of Public works, Notice of Order. If Mr. Antonaviches Press Secretary says that they have had code violation complaints from Neighbors in the area it looks to me that all neibous where at attendance of the meeting they had, is this right? If so WHO WHERE THESE NEIGHBORS THAT WHERE COMPLAINING ABOUT THE VIOLATIONS??? Did any one ask for posted or written letters of these neighbors, from the LA County Department of Public works or office of Mr. Antonovich or other agencies that made these allegations of neighborly complaints to please produce them!!! Also, Is there anyone living in the area that is not being harassed by the local County. Why is it that an elected County official does not have to answer to his own zoning laws that the County is contesting of these people?

    • Why do you not succeed and make it separate County and a Separate City that uses different private firms, consultants, organizations to go through the permit process.

      • That was tried numerous times during the eleven year span I lived In Quartz Hill Calfornia from 1980-1991 and was beaten down each time by the big money interests who were only interested in developing walled communities in the high desert after they had already built us a prison populated by LA city scum and then built government housing to bring up the rest of their familes, importing crime where there was none before. Antonivich was supervisor along with Baxter Ward. When Ward left office mad mike started his rampage.

  3. I find it interesting that the most liberal states are the most oppressive. CA should not be used as an example for the rest of us except to quickly realize we don’t want their liberal ideas in the rest of the country. Here in Texas – we’re proud of our independence and will fight to keep it. I know conservative people in liberal states, so my question is “Why can’t they turn things around?” If the liberal stranglehold is that strong (and it appears it is) it should send a very strong message to the rest of us to never, never vote liberal (and that can include both parties.)

    • Because, in my opinion, liberals are actually totalitarians. A traditional conservative is a true liberal, just like Ron Paul. I know these are only titles but that is the way I feel about it.

  4. This is bullshit. People need to know there rights and stand up to them. The gov’t doesn’t have that much pull over us. It’s WE THE PEOPLE not the GOV”T we need to stand up for what is ours.

  5. I’d tear it down the day before they came for it. If they’re going to pull that crap, they’re not going to take it and then flip it after some common fix-ups.

  6. I feel the same as all of you. i want to live off the grid. i do not see how voting is doing us any good here. they elect who they want an our votes no longer count. i was thinking why couldn’t we all live like the Amish do . i am not Amish but there way of life seems pretty laid back an off the grid to me … just some of my thoughts about this , how if anyone was interested could we go about doing this ??

  7. This is more bullying from the FEDS. Think WACO and Ruby Ridge. I think they are testing the waters to see how far they can push us. They sure don’t want anybody independent of the government. They are usurping their authority everywhere. They have arrested people in Utah for having artifacts, even though it is not illegal if they are taken off of private land. But they don’t seem to care about legal or “Constitutional” anymore. I sure hope Ron Paul gets in, he is the only candidate who upholds the Constitution unswervingly. We must stand together or be torn apart!

  8. What’s somewhat astonishing in our area of Hawaii is that those who years ago chose to live off the grid are now demanding that we, the “grid community”, build, clean and maintain bathroom facilities for those off the grid!!

  9. What the companies will do for their God Money.They should be ashamed of themselves for being so greedy.If there are petitions out there let me know I will post links so people can sign them.We have to put the Big Shot Government officials in their proper places.Jean-Paul Lefaivre

  10. The ULTIMATE solution: TAKE BACK YOUR STATUS as FREE men and women! STOP being a voluntary SERVANT U.S. citizen! That is where all their control comes from! If we all check out of SERVITUDE, and LEARN how to live as REaL men and women, then their control would be ABOLISHED! It’s all about being a NATIONAL at the very least. Get Johnny Liberty’s e-book and read about CHANGING your STATUS! Also, read up on the EXECUTOR status; it is the highest office in commerce that takes away their power as illegitimate ‘agent’ controlling YOUR EStATE because you are LOsT at SEA, and presumed DEaD! This is why they run over us like they do! We do not know who we are! KNOW THYSELF MAN!!!!

  11. There was a comment from a guy looking to do container homes in i think it was india or somewhere abroad and was looking for information but his comment is no longer in the comments. can anyone tell me why his comment is no longer in here. his id name was abs1968@yahoo or Ashish Bhasin. I am just wondering if there is a reason he is no longer in here if he might be what you would consider bad company. Thanks

  12. Well we all know what this is all leading to don’t we. One world goverment, enforced by UN soldiers. As was once said “I know what course others may take but for me “give me liberty or give me death””. If you don’t want to fight for your freedom or liberty then have a nice life at your local “Family Relocation Center”. As for me and mine we have enough stored food for 2 years. Lots of firearms and the where with all to use them. about 2 million rounds of ammo and the ability to reload a bunch more. Land waaaaaay of the grid. With water and decent soil. If they come for me it had better be a high altitude airstrike.

    • Amen brother, I have 3 separate totally off grid locations in 3 states.No, I don’t even need gasoline, I have a truck that runs off of wood gas and I heat and cook with methane from my black water tanks, my fridge even runs on methane. The government does not need their nose that far up our rear ends.

    • Why, these people already own their land. A land patent is for staking claim of ownership of public land which has had a moratorium on it since 1984.

  13. This is really not surprising. Most issues facing off grid dwellers are usually newer residents who regard the independent folks as backward suspicious and fringe. Therefore also have greater sway in voting in local governmental clerks, health,building and other. Various agents of power tend to use all manner of code violations in order to force out the off gridders in the name of greater community benifits.
    Far easier to concoct scheme of code violator and threaten individual with jail or unreasonal fine and forfeiture than respecting their rights. Unfortunately this seem to be played out all across the country and there is very little the courts are willing to do about it since the courts are not about constitutional garantees anymore.

  14. this is the scariest video i have ever seen. they’ve gone on done it now. they said the forbidden 9 words. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’by Ronald Reagan.
    if what this guy says is true than at least 50 million Americans are going to die. god help us all

  15. This is Obama’s socialist participation in the un-Constitutional Agenda 21 program. The only reason he hasn’t been assassinated already is because Biden is even worse than he is.

  16. hey I was wondering I am currently in school now to be a nurse. my goal is to graduate and move off the grid with the skills I have aquired to help take care of people. I am a novice seeker of off the grid info and most websites funny enough are just trying to get me to buy more shit under the veil of “off the grid information”. I really want to pursue this but as I have no land and little money how can I realize this goal. Any help here would be greatly appreciated i.e. legit websites info etc. thanks P.S. I really want to find some sort of co-op as I enjoy the company of others and would not want to be an isolationist.

    • Justin (the nursing student),

      Couple of things come to mind. You may want to check into the Peace Corps as they do have opportunities like what you are seeking though you may have to request off the grid conditions should you attempt to apply. It’s also competitive, but it’s one option for you to look into. Other than that if you’re in school you have time to look around. The only trouble I foresee is how much of your time do you want to spend nursing. In some places that may be all you do, but it requires going where need is constant. However, if you don’t mind only nursing when it’s needed then your options maybe a little more open. i.e. a off the grid community or those looking to build a off the grid community that may need your nursing services only occasionally.

      • Couple other things came to mind. You might be able to offer your services to expeditions though expeditions are more like camping than off the grid. Also, similar to the Peace Corps you may be able to arrange a deal with various remote/off the grid locations to visit and live long enough to do whatever nursing is needed then move on to the next location. So, guess you should also consider rather you want a permanent or temporary location. Wish you luck, and I think you’ll probably be able to find what you’re looking for so long as it’s something you truly want. Just keep pursuing it.

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